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© HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Colorado MESA Marketing Communications Overview March 18, 2008 (Updated 4.09)

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1 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Colorado MESA Marketing Communications Overview March 18, 2008 (Updated 4.09)

2 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. The Assignment The objective of the assignment is to: Develop recommendations to acquire increased funding, develop a brand identity, and identify long-term strategic goals. Destination: A fundamental shift in strategic focus will create opportunities for increased funding, thus providing the platform for greater student enrollment, the hiring of full-time staff, adding new MESA Centers, and greater visibility and awareness throughout Colorado. 1.Provide the foundation to seek funding 2.Develop a communications outline in order to develop MESA messaging 3.Facilitate the development of a long-term strategic plan

3 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Key Observations (and Updates 4.09) Key Observation #1: Sustainainable, predictable funding and resources is a challenge the organization struggles with on a continuous basis, especially during a challenging economy. Key Observation #2: Colorado MESA is the only MESA organization that does not receive state funding, and MESA has not requested funding from the current state administration Key Observation #3: MESA could pursue opportunities to align themselves with the bioscience, IT, aerospace, and renewable energy industries (Colorado Promise Initiatives) Key Observation #4: MESA has a good base number of students (over 3,500 kids) and active student involvement Key Observation #5: MESA fees per student average only $275 per student/per year ($200 in kind + $75 cash) which results in a high ROI for donors Key Observation #6: MESA has not yet actively engaged alumni, and does not have the internal resources successfully and effectively tracking students who graduate Key Observation #7: As MESA expands its Board (and community), opportunities exist with these people and their leadership – the organization must be supported by its Board and community.

4 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Target Audience Colorado MESA’s focus is on four primary audiences: 1.Colorado students 2.Teachers, counselors, and principals 3.Parents and student influencers 4.Donors: government, individuals, corporations, foundations, etc. Note: The organic priority will be towards students and members of the academic community, but as with all non-profits, the dilemma is how to focus on our core mission while also raising the necessary funds and resources.

5 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Objectives / Outcome 1.Colorado Students Continue to improve and increase student participation (and membership of the future alumni community) Create increased awareness among general student body of MESA program availability Emphasize higher graduation rates and college preparedness Continue pride and willingness to promote MESA and recruit new students Create increased interest in science and mathematics Create an alumni community to “capture” the mindshare of students and past students (future donors) 2.Teachers, Counselors, and Principals Increase the number of interested volunteers Increase the number of MESA centers and participating schools/districts Share events and success stories with peers and other students

6 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Objectives/Outcomes 3. Parents Increase number of parent volunteers Broaden parents’ willingness to enroll other children in their family Increased understanding of MESA Greater awareness of the higher education benefits MESA provides 4. Donors: government, individuals, corporations, foundations, etc Acknowledgement of the economic contributions MESA delivers to Colorado Greater awareness of MESA, its benefits, and successes Increased significance and desire to offer sustainable funding Elevate MESA’s funding and relevance to the level of other successful programs

7 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. MESA Messaging What is the single issue of customer value around which we can claim superiority? Colorado MESA Colorado MESA is a proven math and science program serving underserved students across Colorado by providing college and career opportunities ensuring their long-term success and a strong Colorado economy.

8 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. MESA Messaging What is the single issue of customer value around which we can claim superiority? Colorado MESA Colorado MESA is a proven math and science program serving underserved students across Colorado by providing college and career opportunities ensuring their long-term success and a strong Colorado economy. Colorado students Colorado MESA offers students a fun, exciting way to learn math and science with their friends while preparing them for college and an eventual career in technology. Teachers, counselors, and principals Colorado MESA is an extension of the classroom and helps kids become interested and involved in math and science by offering fun activities and a creative outlet that aims to help them in their school work. Donors MESA is a tax deductible and diverse math and science program that sustains Colorado's educated workforce and supports the state’s advanced technology industry through education, mentorships, and college and career opportunities. Parents Colorado MESA helps kids become interested and involved in math and science through fun after-school programs, team activities, and mentorships and assists them with college acceptance and financial assistance.

9 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. MESA Messaging Colorado students Colorado MESA offers students a fun and exciting way to learn math and science with their friends while preparing them for college and an eventual career in technology. Teachers, counselors, and principals Colorado MESA is an extension of the classroom and helps kids become interested and involved in math and science by offering fun activities and a creative outlet that aims to help them with their school work. Donors MESA is a tax deductible and diverse math and science program that sustains Colorado's educated workforce and supports the state’s advanced technology industry through education, mentorships, and college and career opportunities. Parents Colorado MESA helps kids become interested and involved in math and science through fun after-school programs, team activities, and mentorships and assists them with college acceptance and financial assistance. Colorado MESA Colorado MESA is a proven math and science program serving underserved students across Colorado by providing college and career opportunities ensuring their long-term success and a strong Colorado economy. Point of differentiation Emotional benefit Rational benefit MESA’s promise of value

10 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Marketing Communication Strategy CAPITALIZE ON MOMENTUM Develop business plan to identify organizational goals, operations, and metrics Execute short-term while planning long-term Measure and identify causes of success and failure Stair step approach 43 Convey success stories of students and donors Publicize program and donors through the media Develop library of successes PROMOTE SUCCESSES Articulate and build upon organization’s history and accomplishments CONCERTED FUNDRAISING Reposition the leadership’s role to focus heavily on fundraising activities 2 Identify donor audiences Match volunteers with potential donors Focused, coordinated efforts 1 MESA Communications Model CREATE THE MESA BRAND Position the organization as solely focused on math and science Define messages Identify spokespeople Increase message consistency and constancy

11 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Marketing Communication Tactics CAPITALIZE ON MOMENTUM Develop business plan to identify organizational goals, operations, and metrics Short-term tactical plan System to identify and measure success Board oversight Develop succession plan Long-term strategic plan 43 Create a media outreach plan Utilize testimonials and “case studies” Provide proof points on how donors benefit Identify process to track the success of alumni Develop data points around members Student letter writing campaign Invite media to events, competitions, etc. PROMOTE SUCCESSES Articulate and build upon organization’s history and accomplishments CONCERTED FUNDRAISING Reposition the leadership’s role to focus heavily on fundraising activities 2 Create a targeted prospect list Match prospects up with Board members Oversight committee to manage program Use students (or quotes) to help “sell” results Feature-based and emotional selling Create networking opportunities 1 MESA Communications Model CREATE THE MESA BRAND Position the organization as solely focused on math and science One-page sales sheet (FAB) Develop targeted talking points for volunteers Phone scripts Public Relations boiler plate and backgrounder Develop a tagline Elevator pitch

12 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Next Steps Implement a short-term tactical plan and project timeline 1.Identify funding prospects, rank and prioritize 2.Create a “Swat Team” to help Gloria and Victor with key messaging and materials – to be used for funding, sponsorship calls as well as overall MESA opportunities 1.Build targeted talking points, elevator pitch, phone scripts and a one-pager 2.Build a marketing campaign for the upcoming National Competition 3.Create a budget (resources and hard costs) necessary to execute the plan 3.Create larger marketing/communications committee 1.Identify exact skills and acumen needed; reach out to community 2.Media (traditional and non-traditional) outreach 3.Alumni campaign 4.MESA marketing materials 4.Identify the top networking opportunities 5.Identify and write success stories (target two per month) 6.Develop and implement a media outreach program

13 © HSR Business to Business. All Rights Reserved. Invite Your Involvement Time now to help us with key marketing professionals (your staff, clients, contacts or students) Finite timeframe of May to assemble group and identify resources for MESA Further timeframe of May/June and beyond for those who can offer longer involvement Emphasis on fundraising and materials; promotion for National Competition

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