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Design Flow – Computation Flow. 2 Computation Flow For both run-time and compile-time For some applications, must iterate.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Flow – Computation Flow. 2 Computation Flow For both run-time and compile-time For some applications, must iterate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Flow – Computation Flow

2 2 Computation Flow For both run-time and compile-time For some applications, must iterate

3 3  If many reconfigurations have to be done, then some of the steps should be reiterated according to the application's need.  A synchronization mechanism is usually used between the processor and the RD.  Blocking access should also be used for the memory access between the two devices. Computation flow

4 4  Devices like the Xilinx Virtex II/II- Pro up and the Altera Excalibur feature one or more soft or hard- macro processors. − The complete system can be integrated in only one device.  The reconfiguration process can be: − Full: The complete device have to be reconfigured. − Partial: Only part of the device is configured while the rest keeps running. Computation flow

5 5  Full reconfiguration devices − Function to be downloaded at run-time are developed and stored in a database. − No geometrical constraints restriction are required for the function.  Partial reconfiguration capabilities − Modules represented as rectangular boxes, are pre-computed and stored in a data base. − With relocation, the modules are assigned to a position on the device at run-time. Services task 1 task 2 task N Placer M2 M4 M3 M1 Module Database Scheduler Task Request O.S. T1T1 TNTN Reconfigurable Device T2T2 Computation flow

6 6 RTR Challenges Management of Reconf. Device: −Usually as a part of the OS running on a processor  Scheduler −Decides when a task must be executed −Tasks in a database −Characterized by (bbox, run time)  Placer −Temporal placement: management of tasks at run time −Allocates a set of resources for the task. −If cannot find a site, task is rejected Challenges:  Fragmentation  Communication between new/old tasks Services task 1 task 2 task N Placer M2 M4 M3 M1 Module Database Scheduler Task Request O.S. T1T1 TNTN Reconfigurable Device T2T2

7 Design Flow

8 8 Implementation of a reconfigurable system:  a Hardware/software co-design process: Software part: (code-segment to be executed on the processor)  Development in a software language with common tools Hardware part: (to be executed on the RD)  Development in HDL Interface:  HDL or system-level languages Software C, C++, Java etc... Hardware VHDL, Verilog HandelC, etc.. Interface Hardware/Software Partitioning

9 9 FPGA Architecture FPGA architecture from CAD tools’ point of view:  N BLE’s (Basic Logic Element)  K-LUT: k-input LUT  I inputs, N outputs  Inputs and outputs fully connected to the inputs of each LUT through MUXes

10 10 Design Flow for H/w Part  Almost the same for all digital circuit design Synthesis  Different particularly in Technology mapping − LUT-technology mapping − Specific to target technology (device)

11 11 Design Flow for H/w Part Design Entry  Schematic Netlist  HDL  Waveform  State Diagram

12 12 Textual or Schematic Most people today use textual languages rather than schematic  Poor use of screen space.  Not appropriate for large designs.  Hard tooling (parsing).

13 13 What is Synthesis? Transformation of an abstract description into a more detailed description  "+" operator is transformed into a gate netlist  "if (VEC_A = VEC_B) then"  a comparator which controls a multiplexer Transformation depends on several factors:  Algorithm, constraints, library عملگرهاي ساده ( مثل AND ، OR ، مقايسه ) به گيتهاي مشخصي تبديل مي شوند اما عملگرهاي پيچيده تر مثل ضرب ابتدا به ماکروسلهاي خاص آن tool تبديل مي شوند.

14 14 Synthesizability Only a subset of VHDL is synthesizable Different tools support different subsets  records?  arrays of integers?  clock edge detection?  sensitivity list? ...

15 15 Compilation and optimization:  All non-synthesizable data types and operations  synthesizable code  Translated into a set of Boolean equations  Then minimized (Technology-independent optimization) Technology mapping:  Assign functional modules to library elements.  On FPGAs: − Mapping control logic and datapath to LUTs and BLEs −Mapping optimized datapath to on-chip dedicated circuit structures (e.g. on-chip multipliers, adders with dedicated carry-chains, embedded memory blocks)  Technology-dependent optimization Synthesis

16 16 Result:  Netlist: a list of components and their interconnections. Netlist Formats:  EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format).  Vendor specific formats. − Example: XNF (Xilinx Netlist Format) Synthesis

17 17 Place:  Assign locations to the components  In hierarchical architectures: −May need a separate clustering step: to group BLEs into logic blocks −Clustering: prior to placement or during placement Route:  Provide communication paths to the interconnections. Optimization problems: some cost must be minimized Important factors:  Clock frequency  Power Consumption  Routing congestion ... Physical Design: Place and Route

18 18 FPGA Placement & Routing

19 19 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

20 20 Bitstream:  LUT contents,  Multiplexer control lines,  Interconnections,  …. Configuration Bitstream

21 21 Design Flow Debug طرح مانند سيکل برنامه نويسي : کامپايلاجرابرنامه نويسي ويرايش کامپايلشبيه سازيورود طرح ويرايش سنتزشبيه سازي ويرايش

22 22 Design:  Modulo 10-counter Target device:  FPGA with 2x2 Logic Blocks (LB)  LBs: − Two 2-inputs LUTs − Two edge-triggered T-Flipflops Objectives:  Area  Latency FPGA Design Flow – Example

23 23 Truth table:  State transitions  TFF inputs FPGA Design Flow – Example Synthesis and Optimization:  Karnaugh maps

24 24 FPGA Design Flow – Example

25 25 FPGA Design Flow – Example

26 26 References  [Bobda07] C. Bobda, “Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications,” Springer, 2007.

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