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Mixing, Branding and Communicating

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1 Mixing, Branding and Communicating
Chapter 8

2 4Ps of Marketing Adapted for Entertainment
Product (audience experience) Place (venue, destination, Internet) Price (ticket cost; audience investment) Promotion (information, persuasion, and incentives) Target Market (audience usage segments)

3 Experience as Product Content Packaging and design Service Branding
Image and position

4 Investment or Expenditures as Price
Ticket cost or travel fare Normal or usual Promotional

5 Venue and Destination as Place
Reservation system Third party retailers Web sites

6 Promotion Advertising media Merchandising Public relations Brochures
Databased marketing

7 People, the Missing P Audiences, travelers, shoppers
Employees and staff, third party suppliers Community surrounding venue or destination

8 Marketing Mix Extenders
Front line or contact employees Internal marketing Physical setting

9 Lieberman’s C Mix Content Conduit Consumption Convergence

10 Entertainment Branding
Venue brands People and organization brands Sports teams Bands Films Geographic location

11 Audience-based Brand Equity
A brand’s power rests with the audience Brand awareness - recognition and recall Brand image - brand attributes and benefits Points of parity, points of difference Brand loyalty - how important for entertainment?

12 Brand Positioning A brand’s position is its place in the audience member’s mind Means-end chain: brand attribute > benefit > end benefit what it has > what audience gets> what the audience values

13 Positioning Strategies
Feature - physical attribute Benefit - what audience gets emotionally from experience Usage occasion - when it happens User category - audience segment Competition - what makes it better than Number one - category leader Exclusivity - limited access, membership

14 Promotion Strategies PUSH - promotion directed at retailers or sellers of entertainment PULL - promotion directed at audience members

15 Brand and Line Extensions
Brand extension - brand enters another entertainment or experience category (Disney enters the hotel business) Line extension - new brand in same category (new Hilton hotel) Licensing - brand uses its image and logo to change genres; outside company markets branded merchandise

16 Licensed Critters

17 Brand Helpers Characters - personality identified with the brand - GEICO gecko Synergy - revenue streams from licensing, merchandising, sponsorship Slogans - campaign theme or phrase - “What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas”

18 Brand Character

19 Audience Aggregates Current users - rewarding message
New/non-users - educational or persuasive message Competitive users - promotional message

20 Communication Objectives
Category need - convince a new user to try the genre first before a specific brand Awareness - develop brand recognition and recall Attitude - develop, maintain, or change Purchase intention - stimulate intention to buy tickets

21 Writing Objectives Communication will ____ ____%
objective measure of ______ that ______ will do something usage segment brand name within ____ . time limit Communication will convince 40% of theme park visitors that Six Flags is the best park experience within two months .

22 Action Objectives Buy a ticket to a concert Subscribe to a season
Travel to a destination Book a reservation to a resort Visit a park or attraction Play a game at a casino

23 Message Development for User Aggregate
Informational or educational message (new users) Persuasive message (light users) Reminder message (heavy users)

24 Managing Communication Strategies and Tactics
Manage the audience Manage the creative Manage the brand Manage the media (ZAGAT, reviewers)

25 Brand Management?

26 Communicating Across Borders
Same product/same communication Same product/different communication Different product/same communication Different product/different communication

27 Different product/ same communication

28 Global Communication Strategies
Promotion Standard/central Decentralized/autocratic Central /locally produced Cultural considerations Language Collective or individual perspective Expression Social norms and cultural values Gender roles

29 Different product Different communication Global brand /local music

30 Questions When is point of parity a better strategy for positioning than point of difference? What is the difference between integrated and convergent communication strategies? How would you state a communication objective for promoting travel to Mumbai, India to active seniors who like to travel?

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