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Production Planning Eric van Herwijnen Thursday, 20 june 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Production Planning Eric van Herwijnen Thursday, 20 june 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Production Planning Eric van Herwijnen Thursday, 20 june 2002

2 Contents  Current capacity & channel interest  Additional capacity (Grid)  Job organization  Data Quality Checking  Improvements to Production tools

3 Current MC capacity (estimate) Center Nr. Of CPU’s (GHz) Disk space Channel CERN 300 + MSS RAL 100 x 1.4 + ? (80 x 1 + 80 x 0.6 + 60 x 0.45) MSS B s  J/   Lyon 30 + MSS Bologna 20 x 0.866 + 30 x 1 + 100 x 1.4 2 Tb B d,s     ,K   ,K  K  B d  D*  (excl,incl)   Nikhef 20 x 0.866 120 Gb B s  J/  

4 Current MC capacity (estimate) Center Nr. Of CPU’s (GHz) Disk space Channel Bristol20 B d,s     , K    B d       0 B s  D s   , D s K  D  K , D  X Edinburgh128 Oxford 10 x 1 0.5 Tb B d,s      Cambridge 1 x 0.933 + 4 x 1 + 1 x 2 + 2 x 1.8 + 2 x 1.9 ? B d  D  D 

5 Additional capacity (GRID)  Several centers (Nikhef, Cambridge) are making CPUs exclusively available through DataGrid  Status DataGrid?

6 Organization  Most centers are operational now Sw installed Jobs submitted through web interface Output and logs sent back to cern Bookkeeping db updated  Install latest versions of Sicbmc and Brunel for test productions, tar files will be provided (next week)  Run prototype production (26/6 – 3/7)

7 Job organization (prototype production)  Prototype production mainly done at CERN but will also be used to consolidate outside centers  Channel (or generic b/c) job will consist of: Generation of 1 channel/generic b/c set of 1000 events Reconstruction of 1 channel set Channel DST sent back to CERN

8 Job organization (prototype production)  Channel (or background) job will consist of: Generation of 3 mbias sets of 500 events for spillover Generation of 1 channel set of 1000 events All RAWH sent back to CERN Channel DST sent back to CERN

9 Job organization (production)  Channel (or background or b/c inclusive) job will consist of: Generation of 3 mbias sets of 500 events for spillover Generation of 1 background/b/c incl set of 1000 events Channel/background/b/c incl. DST sent back to CERN Mbias DST (500 events) sent back to CERN

10 Data Quality Check  Existing program works with Zebra  Needs to be converted to OODST, merged with current histograms in Brunel  Centers will be responsible for checking: Size of output datasets Correct filetransfer to CERN Correct updating of bookkeeping db

11 Improvements to production tools  Suggestion for removing site dependencies from Java code to local scripts from Andrei  Prototype installed in Lyon, will be tested in production  Also installed at CERN, to be tested with new production/configuration/bookkeeping db and tools

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