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26 th October, 2011 Microjustice Conference Final Meeting Wrap-Up/Future Planning Meeting
Agenda Future Plans for Toolkit Co-operation between Partners Oxfam Novib Presentation
Work Conference Experiences CORD: Developing Mediation Manual/Guide for CDRC Councillors – Integration of tools – Reciprocal retrun of CDRC Tools to the toolkit CEWLA Thoughts: – Organisation of intern-ship programmes between countries (e.g. Kenya, Egypt etc.) – Contextualisation of toolkit to the Egyptian context – Develop a team to continue to develop and spread the tools
CEWLA Thoughts: – Organisation of intern-ship programmes between countries (e.g. Kenya, Egypt etc.) – Contextualisation of toolkit to the Egyptian context (beyond mere translation) – Develop a team to continue to develop and spread the tools
ADHOC – Contribute to continued tool development and standardisation across borders. – Hope that others without prior experience of the toolkit will be able to pick them up, understand and use them. – They need to be simple, flexible, cheap and understandable – How can tools become semi-formal and be made sustainable
Integration of tools in existing systems IRC Thailand – Running camp-based trainings with para-legals – Will consider how the tools can be best integrated into training – Pilot with camp leaders first, then roll out to community leaders as well.
Tool development & Implementation: What help/ assistance do you need? CEWLA – There is a lot of content that relate to neutrality, self-reflection and communications, which can be useful in a holistic training package. – Training exchange, and reproduction
KBH Indonesia – Tools should be aided and translated into comics, pictures etc. to aid understanding & then disseminated widely – Development of tools for specific cases (e.g. land/inheritance etc.) – We have opportunities to share technologies between us In Indonesia paralegals are regulated by law, and are linked to the police force and courts, and work with corruption monitoring
9 OSI – Format of website needs to be improved. Confusing to navigate Perhaps overly focused on Tools as a structure Alternative lay-out perhaps based on problem types, rather than tools Greater piloting to establish how the site is used CORD – Perhaps a ‘how-to’ guide for different scenarios
10 IRC Thailand – PDF copies to enable download and printing for hard copies to be made Oxfam – Greater thought about what the site’s functions should be Perhaps different strategies in different countries – Clarify target audience, and work on language barrier
CORD – Using various technologies (SMS etc., see Kenya presentation) can be very useful, particularly in rural areas. – Possibly use central points in countries as ‘hubs’ from which information can be disseminated more widely within the region. KBH – Joint/ country moderators Ensure content can be used in the particular context (eg. Language and understanding) Development and improvement: Exchange of information and ideas between moderators Can develop both content, website and ownership of the
If money was no issue…. Invest in methods of communication/ finding the audience – Find what technologies people use, and develop them in each of the different forma Tailoring site to specialised needs (e.g. indexing for easy look-up) More specific (country specific, problem specific, etc) Joint Ownership & country development in context
Praxis – Time to expand and include more countries We have experiences already, greater experience in a wider range of locations/settings would be beneficial – Also work with more organisations within already- active countries – More partners means more experience, information, techniques.
LAF – Tools require skills to be utilised – Tools are useful in Rwanda, and compliment the work the LAF carry out, including the practice manual. – Matching can be done between skills learnt in training, and tools from the toolbox – Room for expansion in Rwanda in co-operation with the government and other officials – Some tools have been developed, and will be added to the workplace – More tools are planned to be developed & contributed to the toolbox
ADHOC – Opportunity now to introduce state institutions into the process (perhaps the Ministry of the Interior, as they already have CDRCs) – Collaboration between NGO and state institutions can be beneficial. Ministry of Justice might also be a good partner to engage. – Approach could be made by an individual NGO, or by a collaboration of different organisations who have used the tools
Mali – Things are quite orgnaised in Mali, and have been for some time – A lot of work is being done to improve Access to Justice. A framework has been implemented where the status of paralegals is defined, a manual has been generated, relations with ministry of interior, and the paralegals are out working in the field. – Organisation of these different aspects is challenging – Developing particular software to help
– Were happy to receive visit with TISCO/ON, and with the report that was generated, as well as the MDF report which was generated – Formal/Informal systems are linked back to French history – A lot of faith has been placed in the tools as a way of working – Still complex, even for more senior individuals – Ideas have arisen (trainers training, country coaching) and these need to be investigated to create real-world impact, not just for researchers. – Tools are for the organisations, for researchers and for the paralegals in the field
– Tools need to be incorporated into organisations and individuals – We have seen many different, interesting tools, which are very valid and pertinent. – We have to find a way to use these tools! A two day conference doesn’t uncover all of their secrets – Further work will uncover their uses for all of the different parties involved. – The field of justice is a place for innovative research and work now. The tools need to be made our own, to have an impact on the real-world situation.
OSI – If the focus is on trainers, or managers; then examples from the real world. Guides of how to evaluate performance, case- studies, exercises etc. can really increase the effect. DAS – E-learning moduleson the workplace - A good idea? IRC Thailand says yes! – Also training experience exchange, videos, examples can all help to understand them – Better ‘tagging’ and ‘search engine optimisation’ to improve visibility – Simpler English can aid non-native speakers. – FAQ section
IRC Thailand – Generation of translated version of tools will be first priority, – Selection of most appropriate tools for the context and situation – Training of Trainers can be very useful. LAF – TISCO have worked on developing the tools, the same should be true for the implementation – Organising ToT – Money! – Productive partnerships can also depend on fundraising, and the involvement of TISCO can help to raise funds.
Kitou, Kenya – This process is very beneficial for the people in our communities, and particularly for the para-legals. – Previous manuals are out-dated and do not even match the consitution! The tools are really needed to improve/create./update the manuals and trainings. – What we ask: Can we have ToT for the paralegal network from TISCO to widen the output and productivity of paralegals
OSI – Numati (sp?) – A2J organiation – will be developing training manuals, ToT guides, manuals etc. – TISCO/Microjustice can systematically review these documents to harvest the good practices to improve the tools and the tool-box as much as possible.
Fundraising, Training, e-learning, And… CEWLA – Tool contextualisation is the responsibility of each and every country – TISCO need to emphasise and clarify the ‘philosophy’ of the toolbox, within which you can see that each tool falls within this approach. ADHOC – Sustainability – both human and financial in the use of the tools. Introduction of the business model was introduced yesterday – perhaps a common business model that could be shared between all of the countries used.
Kitou, Kenya – TISCO can help in collecting tools and greater scholorship in terms of the impact of the tools in more formal systems (courts etc.) – Comparison between the ‘second best’ and ‘first best’ possiblities – Exchange programmes between para-legal organisations. Communication between para-legals is important. – Sustainability: We are looking at moving into a business- model. Lawyers who work for us, are gaining high reputations, can we start to sell some of these skills to others and use this funding-stream to pay for other activities.
Internships are a good idea: Well done Mohammad!
THANK YOU! You can expect from us in the near future: – Emails – Phonecalls – Requests for stories and information
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