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Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld How to Improve the Quality of Teaching & Learning Claus Brabrand (((

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Presentation on theme: "Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld How to Improve the Quality of Teaching & Learning Claus Brabrand ((("— Presentation transcript:

1 Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld How to Improve the Quality of Teaching & Learning Claus Brabrand ((( ))) ((( ))) Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen Denmark

2 Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld An Introduction to the Theory & Framework of Constructive Alignment Claus Brabrand ((( ))) ((( ))) Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen Denmark

3 [ 3 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld "What is good teaching?" Exercise: T

4 [ 4 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Outline (May 19, 2010) 1) Introduction Constructive Alignment The SOLO Taxonomy 2) From Content to Competence Advocate a shift in perspective Elaborate on The SOLO Taxonomy 3) In Practice Concrete recommendations Alignment implementation process

5 [ 5 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld “Teaching for Quality Learning at University - What the student does” “Teaching for Quality Learning at University - What the student does” Constructive Alignment & SOLO Taxonomy: Introduction to… “Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding” “Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding” 19 min award-winning short-film on Constructive Alignment (available on DVD in 7 languages, epilogue by John Biggs) John Biggs’ popular and heavily cited book: Note: 3 rd Edition now available [J.Biggs & C.Tang, 2007]

6 [ 6 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld "What are the film's main messages (in your opinion)"? Neighbour Discussion: T

7 [ 7 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Outline (May 19, 2010) 1) Introduction Constructive Alignment The SOLO Taxonomy 2) From Content to Competence Advocate a shift in perspective Elaborate on The SOLO Taxonomy 3) In Practice Concrete recommendations Alignment implementation process

8 [ 8 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld From Content to Competence My old course descriptions (Concurrency 2004): Given in terms of a 'content description'. Essentially: This is a bad idea for two reasons...! Goal is…: To understand: deadlock interference synchronization...

9 [ 9 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Goal is…: To understand: deadlock interference synchronization... Problem 1 ! Problem with 'content' as goals ! analyze... theorize... define deadlock describe solutions name solutions recite conditons Stud. C Stud. A Stud. B analyze systems explain causes Censor Teacher  agreement analyze systems explain causes tacit knowledge from a research-based tradition not known by student

10 [ 10 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Problem 2 ! Problem with 'understanding' as goals ! The answer is simple : 'concept of deadlock' ?!  Goal is…: To understand: deadlock interference synchronization... It cannot be measured !

11 [ 11 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Competence ! 'Competence' as goals ! Have the student do something; and then observe (evaluate) the product and/or process 'SOLO' = Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome Note': inherently operational (~ verbs) Objective ! To learn how to: analyze systems for... explain cause/effects... prove properties of... compare methods of...... Note: 'understanding' is of course pre-requisitional ! Competence := knowledge + capacity to act upon it

12 [ 12 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Neighbour Discussion "How does this content vs. competence relate to YOUR courses?" T

13 [ 13 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld SOLO (elaborated) Note: the list is non-exhaustive SOLO 2 ”uni-structural” SOLO 3 “multi-structural” SOLO 4 “relational” SOLO 5 “extended abstract” theorize generalize hypothesize predict judge reflect transfer theory (to new domain) … analyze compare contrast integrate relate explain causes apply theory (to its domain) … combine structure describe classify enumerate list do algorithm apply method … define identify count name recite paraphrase follow (simple) instructions … Graphic Legend problem / question / cue known related issue - given! hypothetical related issue - not given! student response Q R QUANTITATIVEQUALITATIVE R R' Q R Q R Q R Q

14 [ 14 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld SOLO verbs Mapped by:  B. Dahl & C. Brabrand (Natural science context!) With help from:  3 Educational research colleagues (medicine)  J. Biggs & C. Tang

15 [ 15 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld SOLO Advantages Advantages of The SOLO Taxonomy: Linear hierarchical structure (good for progression) Aimed at evaluating student learning Converges on research (at SOLO 5) Research: Production of new knowledge

16 [ 16 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Exercise "Key competences in YOUR course?" T Concurrency: analyze systems compare models Concurrency: analyze systems compare models

17 [ 17 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Outline (May 19, 2010) 1) Introduction Constructive Alignment The SOLO Taxonomy 2) From Content to Competence Advocate a shift in perspective Elaborate on The SOLO Taxonomy 3) In Practice Concrete recommendations Alignment implementation process

18 [ 18 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Implementation Process 1) Think carefully about: overall goal of course (what students learn to do?) 2) Operationalize these goals and formulate them as SOLO intended learning outcomes 3) Choose carefully the form(s) of assessment (~ intended learning outcomes ) 4) Choose carefully the form(s) of teaching (~ intended learning outcomes ) alignment learning incentivelearning support Think of teaching activities as ”training for exam”

19 [ 19 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Concrete Recommendations Intended Learning Outcomes [Genetics 101] After the course, the students are expected to be able to: locate genes on chromosomes do simple calculations : (e.g., recombination frequencies, in-breeding coefficients, Hardy-Weinberg, evolutionary equilibria). describe and perform connexion-analysis describe fundamental genetic concepts: (e.g., mutation variation, in-breeding, natural selection). describe and analyze simple inheritancies analyze inheritance of multiple genes simultaneously 2) List sub-goals as 'bullets': Clearer than text 1) Use 'standard formulation': a) puts learning focus on the student b) competence formulation: "to be able to" 3) Use 'Verb + Noun' formulation: What the student is expected to do with a given matter. V N V V VV V V V V N N N N 4) Avoid 'understanding-goals': "To understand X", "Be familiar with Y", "Have a notion of Z" ! N

20 [ 20 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Implementation Process 1) Think carefully about: overall goal of course (what students learn to do?) 2) Operationalize these goals and formulate them as SOLO intended learning outcomes 3) Choose carefully the form(s) of assessment (~ intended learning outcomes ) 4) Choose carefully the form(s) of teaching (~ intended learning outcomes ) alignment learning incentivelearning support

21 [ 21 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Teaching/Learning Activities functional knowledge (problem oriented) declarative knowledge (discipline oriented) teacher centric student centric Lecture Project work Exercise class Case teaching

22 [ 22 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Lecture (about Application) Teacher activity: Introduce Explain Elaborate Discuss application Give examples Show PPT slides Questions on slides Winding up Student activity: Listen Listen (maybe take notes) Understand? (correctly? deeply?) Listen (maybe take notes) Watch (maybe note points) Write answers to questions Possibly ask a question active teacher passive student vs. [ Biggs & Tang 2007, p.137 ] vs.

23 [ 23 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Learn about vs. Learn to do Learning (about): about application about cooking about programming about designing about analysis about construction about relating... Learning (to do): to apply to cook to program to design to analyse to construct to relate... student listening student doing !! vs. (to something about something)

24 [ 24 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Student Activation Average retention rate 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 80% Lecture Reading Audiovisual Demonstration Discussion group Practice by doing Teaching others [ NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, Bethel, Maine ] passive student active student activation "The (in-famous) Learning Pyramid": Doing: Learning to do Doing: Learning to do Listening: Learning about Listening: Learning about

25 [ 25 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld  Make explicit ILO's ( )   (…and tell this to students) = ILO's = Teaching Learning Activities Assessment Constructive Alignment vs. ROBERT: extrinsically motivated ROBERT: extrinsically motivated SUSAN: intrinsically motivated SUSAN: intrinsically motivated Intended Learning Outcomes

26 [ 26 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Questions... "What is good teaching?" The Film Cognitive processes Association new ~ old The Book John Biggs "understanding" content  competence Student activation Susan & Robert Teacher models levels 1 - 2 - 3 Course descriptions Constructive Alignment Top Competences 15% programming CS v. NAT v. MAT Students at University My research and teaching 'TLA' Teaching / Learning Activities Tips'n'Tricks ? recite generalize R R' Q The SOLO Taxonomy

27 [ 27 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Now, please: "2-minute recap" Please spend 2' on thinking about and writing down the most important points from the talk – now!: After 1 day After 1 week After 3 weeks After 2 weeks Immediately T

28 [ 28 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Key References ”Teaching for Quality Learning at University” John Biggs & Catherine Tang Society for Research into Higher Education, 2007. McGraw-Hill. ”Evaluating the Quality of Learning: The SOLO Taxonomy” John Biggs & Kevin F. Collis London: Academic Press, 1982 ”Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding” Claus Brabrand & Jacob Andersen 19 minute award-winning short-film (DVD) Aarhus University Press, Aarhus University, 2006 "Constructive Alignment & The SOLO Taxonomy: a Comparative Study of University Competencies in Computer Science vs. Mathematics" Claus Brabrand & Bettina Dahl CRPIT, Vol. 88, ACS 3-17, R. Lister & Simon, Eds., 2007

29 Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Thank You! ((( ))) Film's homepage:

30 [ 30 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Tips'n'Tricks (activation) Neighbour discussions: Frequent breaks: Post-It exercise:  focus: zoom in  anonymous (!)  swap'able  everyone will engage  empathetic control  shared knowledge pool pulse reader measurements:  more questions (students dare ask them)  better questions (students had a chance to discuss) 1-2 min timeout [Phil Race] Form variation: lecturing blended with in-class activation exercises

31 [ 31 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Tips'n'Tricks (cont'd) "Less-is-more": Use many examples: (build on student pre-knowledge) Explicit structure:  analyze  compare  relate common deadlock, uncommon deadlock, A-synchronization, B- synchronization, hand-shake, multi-party synchronization, multi-party hand-shake, binary semaphores, generalized semaphores, blocking semaphores, recursive locks,... vs. Emphasize depth over breadth (coverage) NEW OLD 1. xxxxxxxxxx 2. yyyyyyyyyy 3. zzzzzzzzzz 4. wwwwwww 1. xxxxxxxxxx 2. yyyyyyyyyy 3. zzzzzzzzzz 4. wwwwwww 1. xxxxxxxxxx 2. yyyyyyyyyy 3. zzzzzzzzzz 4. wwwwwww 1. xxxxxxxxxx 2. yyyyyyyyyy 3. zzzzzzzzzz 4. wwwwwww  self evident to you [ teacher ]  not to a learner [ student ] (esp. during learning process)  Student 'recap' at end: after 1 day after 1 week after 3 weeks after 2 weeks now

32 [ 32 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld E.g. course: ”Databases” (at RUC/Roskilde): Note: almost entirely non-operational(!) i.e. measure how?!  obtain knowledge about the structure of database systems;  be familiar with design of databases by use of special notations like E/R and analysis through normalization;  get an overview of the most important database models and a detailed knowledge about the most important model - the relational model as well as the language SQL;  get an overview of database indexing and query processing;  obtain knowledge about application programming for DB systems. Problematic Courses Familiar with ?!

33 [ 33 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Teacher’s intention Student’s activity Exam’s assessment  e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - memorize - describe U NALIGNED C OURSE e.g. - memorize - describe "Dealing with the test"

34 [ 34 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Teacher’s intention Student’s activity Exam’s assessment e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply A LIGNED C OURSE e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply

35 [ 35 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Student Motivation  Susan: (”intrinsic motivation”) - wants to…: learn !  Robert: (”extrinsic motivation”) - to…: pass exams !

36 [ 36 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Constructivism  ”Transmission is Dead…” : (lectures = )  Knowledge is… Actively Constructed ! active teacher & passive students ! risk

37 [ 37 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld SOLO Taxonomy  Hierarchy for Competences:  Deep learning (not surface) ! 5: generalize, theorize, predict, … 4: explain, analyze, compare, … 3: describe, combine, classify, … 2: recite, identify, calculate, …

38 [ 38 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Stud Learning Focus  Focus on Student Learning ! (instead of ”what teacher does” & labelling students: ’good/bad’)  Student activitation  learning

39 [ 39 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Alignment  Make explicit ILO’s (Intended Learning Outcomes):   (…and tell this to students) Exam = ILO’s = Teaching

40 [ 40 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Teaching/Learning Activities [kilde: Torben K. Jensen] problem-oriented discipline-oriented teacher-centric student-centric Lecture Project work Exercise class Case teaching

41 [ 41 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Acquisition of Competence Acquisition of competence progresses according to the following stages of learning: 1) Unconscious incompetence 2) Conscious incompetence 3) Conscious competence 4) Unconscious competence 5) Capacity for moving consciously between stages 3) and 4): (which is required by a teacher)

42 [ 42 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld On the Role of Examination Alignment: A systemic theory (a teaching system w/ cause/effects) A theory of planning (over the course of a course) A theory of motivation (and incentive) From the exam as "Necessary evil" Motivational and learning-guiding pedagogical tool for the teacher(!) application of alignment "The exam does not come after, but before the course!"

43 [ 43 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld Definition: “Good Teaching” Definition: Good news: We now know how to do this: Alignment!!! Explicitly defined course objectives (as verbs)! Discourage surface-learning! Encourage depth-learning! “Less-is-more”: depth rather than breadth of coverage! ”Good teaching is getting most students to use the higher cognitive level processes that the more academic students use spontaneously” -- “Teaching for Quality Learning at University”, John Biggs, 2003

44 [ 44 ] Claus Brabrand May 19, 2010Dies Academicus 2010 – Universität Bielefeld The BLOOM Taxonomy (1956) The BLOOM Taxonomy: Knowledge Comprehension Application AnalysisEvaluationSynthesis Qualitative Quantitative SOLO 4+5 SOLO 2+3 ”[…] really intended to guide the selection of items for a test rather than to evaluate the quality of a student’s response to a particular item” -- (Biggs & Collis, 1982) ”

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