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TDP calibration and processing group (CPG): activities and status Athol Kemball (for CPG) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
US SKA May 2008 Current CPG membership Athol Kemball (Illinois) (Chair) Geoff Bower (UCB) Jim Cordes (Cornell; TDP PI) Joe Lazio (NRL) Colin Lonsdale (Haystack/MIT) Steve Myers (NRAO) Jeroen Stil (Calgary) Greg Taylor (UNM) Calgary....... Cornell NRL UIUC MIT NRAO UCB UNM
US SKA May 2008 Calibration and processing challenges for the SKA (LSST) SKA-era telescopes & science require: Surveys over large cosmic volumes (Ω,z), fine synoptic time-sampling Δt, and/or high completeness High receptor count and data acquisition rates Software/hardware boundary far closer to receptors than at present Efficient, high-throughput survey operations modes Processing implications High sensitivity, A e /T sys ~10 4 m 2 K -1, wide-field imaging; Demanding (t,ω,P) non-imaging analysis Large O(10 9 ) survey catalogs High associated data rates (TBps), compute processing rates (PF), and PB/EB archives (HI galaxy surveys, e.g. ALFALFA HI (Giovanelli et al. 2007); SKA requires a billion galaxy survey.)
US SKA May 2008 SKA design & development phase (2007-2011) Hardware design choices will define calibration and processing performance (e.g. dynamic range), cost, and feasibility. In turn, need to identify calibration and processing constraints on hardware designs.
US SKA May 2008 Calibration and processing design elements CPG goals Determine feasibility of calibration and processing required to meet SKA science goals; Determine quantitative cost equation contributions and design drivers as a function of key design parameters (e.g. antenna diameter, field-of-view, etc) Measure algorithm cost and feasibility using prototype implementations Demonstrate calibration and processing design elements using pathfinder data. US technology development emphases Large-N small-diameter (LNSD) parabolic antenna design, wide-band single-pixel feeds, mid to high frequency range. Close liaison with current international and national efforts. (ATA)
US SKA May 2008 08/07: Initiate workplan development for CPG. Work ramps up. 09/07: PrepSKA collaboration discussions. 11/29/07: Face-to-face CPG meeting for in-depth workplan refinement. 12/15/07: Finalize CPG project execution plan as part of general TDP project execution plan. 01/08: URSI LNSD session. 04/08: SKA CALIM conference Perth. Q1-Q3/08: Hire CPG postdocs at UCB, MIT, & UIUC. … CPG immediate future steps November 2007 Completed Completed 01/08 Completed In process
US SKA May 2008 CPG activity timeline Oct 07 to present OCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULOCTNOV CPG formation Project execution plan Execution plan implementation F2F planning meeting (Urbana) URSI 2008 LNSD session CPG meeting CPG F2F meeting (Perth) SKA CALIM 08 CPG F2F meeting (Washington DC)
US SKA May 2008 CPG organization and coordination Targeted design and development research working group, not production software development for SKA. Prototype development will be software-package neutral, i.e any package allowing the research task can be used. Close liaison with current international and national efforts. Regular schedule of face-to- face meetings and telecons All results aggregrated upwards into CPG Project Book; template defined. Intermediate results in memo series. Internal mailing list, collaborative workspace, progress tracking wiki, and document repository. (Internal collaborative workspace: progress tracking and communication)
US SKA May 2008 CPG engagement and partnerships Community web-site launched to publicize intermediate results and activities Engagement with: –National pathfinders (e.g. ATA, LWA, MWA, EVLA) –National center (NRAO) –Canadian efforts (Russ Taylor/Jeroen Sil [Calgary]) –International pathfinders: MeerKAT ASKAP –PrepSKA –Computer science & computer engineering groups (
US SKA May 2008 CPG project execution plan CPG work breakdown structure WBS 2.0: General WBS 2.1: Signal transport WBS 2.2: Calibration algorithms WBS 2.3: Imaging, spectroscopy, & time-domain imaging WBS 2.4: Scalability, & high- performance computing WBS 2.5: RFI WBS 2.6: Surveys WBS 2.7: Data management Cross-cutting goals LNSD feasibility: –e.g. dynamic range error budget LNSD cost equation contributions (per calibration and processing technology)
US SKA May 2008 Primary CPG deliverables CPG work breakdown structure made up of prioritized calibration and processing technologies that are central to SKA LNSD design. Key cross-cutting milestones are feasibility and cost assessments as envelope of design parameters (e.g. antenna diameter) and key science goals. Feasibility and cost model release planned annually; successively refined based on research results.
US SKA May 2008 Feasibility: imaging dynamic range Richards 2000HDFVLA 1.4 GHz7.5 μJy Norris et al 2005HDF-SATCA 1.4 GHz10 μJy Middelberg et al 2008 ELAIS IATCA 1.4 GHz< 30 μJy Miller et al 2008E-CDF-S{E}VLA 1.4 GHz6.4 μJy Reference specifications (Schillizzi et al 2007) Targeted λ20cm continuum field: 10 7 :1. Routine λ20cm continuum: 10 6 :1. Driven by need to achieve thermal noise limit (nJy) over plausible field integrations. Spectral dynamic range: 10 5 :1. Current typical state of practice near λ ~ 20 cm given below. (de Bruyn and Brentjens, 2005) High-sensitivity deep fields Noordarm et al 1982 3C84WSRT 1.4 GHz10,000:1 Geller et al 20001935-692ATCA 1.4 GHz77,000:1 de Bruyn & Brentjens 2005 PerseusWSRT 92 cm400,000:1 de Bruyn et al, 2007 3C147WSRT 1.4 GHz1,000,000:1 Dynamic range
US SKA May 2008 Feasibility: imaging dynamic range budget Visibility on baseline m-n Visibility-plane calibration effect Image-plane calibration effect Source brightness (I,Q,U,V) Direction on sky: ρ Basic imaging and equation for radio interferometry (e.g. Hamaker, Bregman, & Sault et al. 1996): Key contributions Robust, high-fidelity image-plane (ρ) calibration: –Non-isoplanatism. –Antenna pointing errors. –Polarized beam response in (t,ω), … Non-linearities, non-closing errors Deconvolution and sky model representation limits Dynamic range budget will be set by system design elements. (Bhatnagar et al. 2004; antenna pointing self- cal: 12µJy => 1µJy rms)
US SKA May 2008 (Cornwell et al. 2006: example of 1.4 GHz edge effect at 2% PB level)
US SKA May 2008 SKA dynamic range assessment – beyond the central pixel Current achieved dynamic ranges degrade significantly with radial projected distance from field center, for reasons understood qualitatively (e.g. direction-dependent gains, sidelobe confusion etc.) An SKA design with routine uniform, ultra-high dynamic range requires a quantitative dynamic range budget. Strategies: –Real data from similar pathfinders (e.g. ATA, EVLA) are key. –Simulations are useful if relative dynamic range contributions or absolute fidelity are being assessed with simple models. –New statistical methods: Assume convergent, regularized imaging estimator for brightness distribution within imaging equation; need to know sampling distribution of imaging estimator per pixel, but unknown PDF a priori: Statistical resampling (Kemball & Martinsek 2005ff) and Bayesian methods (Sutton & Wandeldt 2005) offer new approaches. Feasibility: dynamic range assessment
US SKA May 2008 Monte Carlo reference variance image MODEL-BASED BOOTSTRAP RESAMPLING EXAMPLE N p =1; Δt = 60 sNp=1; Δt = 150 s Np=1; Δt = 300 sNp=2; Δt = 900 s
US SKA May 2008 WBS 2.3.1: Cost equation: wide-field image formation Algorithm technologies 3-D transform (Perley 1999), facet-based tesselation / polyhedral imaging (Cornwell & Perley 1992), and w-projection (Cornwell et al. 2003). (Cornwell et al. 2003; facet-based vs w-projection algorithms)
US SKA May 2008 LNSD data rates (Perley & Clark 2003): where D = dish diameter, B = max. baseline, Δν = bandwidth, and ν = frequency Wide-field imaging cost ~ O(D -4 to -8 ) (Perley & Clark 2003; Cornwell 2004; Lonsdale et al 2004). Full-field continuum imaging cost (derived from Cornwell 2004): Strong dependence on 1/D and B. Data rates of Tbps and computational costs in PF are readily obtained from underlying geometric terms. Spectral line imaging costs exceed continuum imaging costs (further multiplier ) Possible mitigation through FOV tailoring (Lonsdale et al 2004), beam-forming, and antenna aggregation approaches (Wright et al.) –550 GBps/n a 2 (Lonsdale et al 2004) Runaway petascale costs for SKA tightly coupled to design choices WBS 2.3.1: Imaging cost equation contributions
US SKA May 2008 WBS 2.4: Scalability Inconvenient truths Moore’s Law holds, but high- performance architectures are evolving rapidly: –Breakpoint in clock speed evolution (2004) –Lateral expansion to multi-core processors and processor augmentation with accelerators Theoretical performance ≠ actual performance Sustained petascale calibration and imaging performance for SKA requires: –Demonstrated mapping of SKA calibration and imaging algorithms to modern HPC architectures, and proof of feasible scalability to petascale: [O(10 5 ) processor cores]. –Remains a considerable design unknown in both feasibility and cost. (Golap, Kemball et al. 2001, Coma cluster, VLA 74 MHz, parallelized facet-based wide-field imaging)
US SKA May 2008 NSF support for open petascale computing
US SKA May 2008 WBS 2.4: Scalability Fastest current NCSA system (abe.ncsa.uiuc. edu * ) Generic petascale system Peak performance 0.090 PF10-20 PF Number of processors 9,600 300,000- 750,000 Amount of memory 0.0096 PB0.5-1.0 PB Disk storage 0.10 PB25-50 PB Archival storage 0.005 EB0.5-1 EB (Dunning 2007) * Abe: Dell 1955 blade cluster – 2.33 GHz Intel Cloverton Quad-Core 1,200 blades/9,600 cores 89.5 TF; 9.6 TB RAM; 170 TB disk – Power/Cooling 500 KW / 140 tons
US SKA May 2008 WBS 2.4.5: Computing hardware cost models Computing hardware system costs vary over key primary axes: –Time evolution (Moore’s Law) –Level of commoditization Commoditization effects in computing hardware costs models for general- purpose CPU and GPU accelerators at a fixed epoch (2007). Estimated from public data. Moore’s Law for general-purpose Intel CPUs. Trend-line for Top 500 leading-edge performance.
US SKA May 2008 Predicted leading-edge LINPACK R max performance from Top 500 trend-line (from data t yr = [1993, 2007]): Cost per unit teraflop c TF (t), for a commiditzation factor η, Moore’s Law doubling time Δt, and construction lead time Δc: [with c TF (t 0 ) = $300k/TF, t 0 = 2007, η = [0.3-1.0], Δt ~ 1.5 yr, Δc ~ 1-4 yr] WBS 2.4.5: Computing hardware cost models
US SKA May 2008 Facility parameters: –One PF sustained requires tens MW; O(10 4 ) sq. ft. –Green innovations essential, will likely be mandated in US by law: Current US data centers 61bkWh Will double by 2011; peak 12 GW, $7.4b per year electricity cost Software development costs (Boehm et al. 1981): where β ~ ratio of academic to commerical software construction costs (~ 0.3-0.5); can mitigate through re-use (see adjacent) LSST computing costs ~25% of project; order of magnitude smaller data rates than SKA (~ tens of TB per night). WBS 2.4.5: Related computing cost components NCSA Petascale Computing Facility (20,000 ft 2 machine room; chilled water with free cooling 6/12 months) (Kemball et al., 2007, “A component-based framework for radio-astronomical imaging software systems”, Software: Practice & Experience, 38 (5), 493-507)
US SKA May 2008 CPG work plan continues per project execution plan. Q2-Q3/08: Hire CPG postdocs at MIT, & UIUC. 08/08: URSI GA 2008 (presentations and associated CPG meeting) 10/08: First release of cost-feasibility LNSD model … CPG upcoming activities
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