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The Brass Instrument Family Tracey Titkemeier General Music Class 4th Grade.

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2 The Brass Instrument Family Tracey Titkemeier General Music Class 4th Grade

3 What is a Family? People in a family are related to each other They usually look somewhat alike People probably tell you all the time that you look like your Mom or your Dad

4 Although you are related to the people in your family, you are uniquely different from all of them You do not look exactly like someone else in your family, and you are probably a different size and shape than everyone else in your family too Your age is also probably different from everyone else in your family

5 It would be weird if everyone in a family was exactly alike How would you be able to tell the difference between each other? What excitement would there be in life if everyone was the same?

6 Instruments and People Instruments are like people in certain ways Instruments look and sound different from one another, just like people look and talk different from each other Instruments also belong to families just like people do

7 Instrument Families There are four different instrument families 1) The Percussion Family 2) The String Family 3) The Woodwind Family 4) The Brass Family

8 We are going to learn about the Brass Family There are four instruments that belong to the Brass Family These instruments are: The Trumpet The French Horn The Trombone And the Tuba

9 All of these instruments in the Brass Family are related to each other and are included in the “Brass” Family because they are all made out of a metal that is called “brass” This metal is gold looking and it is very shiny

10 Although the instruments in the Brass Family are made out of the same kind of metal, they do not all look alike Some of the instruments are bigger than the others, and some are smaller Some of the instruments are shaped in a different way than the others

11 The Trumpet The first instrument in the Brass Family is the Trumpet The Trumpet is the smallest instrument in the Brass Family It makes a high pitched sound

12 The French Horn The second instrument in the Brass Family is the French Horn The French Horn is the second smallest instrument in the Brass Family It makes a lower pitched sound than the Trumpet

13 The Trombone The third instrument in the Brass Family is the Trombone The Trombone is the longest instrument in the Brass Family It makes a lower pitched sound than the French Horn

14 The Tuba The fourth instrument in the Brass Family is the Tuba The Tuba is the biggest instrument in the Brass Family It makes a very low pitched sound

15 Questions To Think About Do all of these instruments in the Brass Family look the same? What is different about each of them? How are they alike? Why are they all in the same family?

16 The Trumpet, the French Horn, the Trombone, and the Tuba are all different instruments, but they all belong to the same family Just like people, instruments belong to a family too

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