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The Collaborative Mindset: Performance Management and Feedback OS608 November 20, 2006 Fisher.

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Presentation on theme: "The Collaborative Mindset: Performance Management and Feedback OS608 November 20, 2006 Fisher."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Collaborative Mindset: Performance Management and Feedback OS608 November 20, 2006 Fisher

2 Agenda Discuss key performance management issues Return and discuss leadership papers, guidelines for future papers

3 Opening questions What are the goals of performance management? How can we balance those goals with relationship management?

4 Purpose of PA? “The outcome of many performance appraisals is frequently a decrease rather than an increase in performance. Among the reasons for this decrease is the belief by employees that they are being evaluated on the wrong things, by the wrong person; that is, the person who is evaluating them lacks objectivity and hence is not ‘fair’.” (Latham, et al, 2004, p. 1).

5 Best practices in performance management Employee involvement Make it a process, not an event Considering multiple opinions (360 degree feedback) Giving managers tools to use Improve performance measurement Provide training Minimize rating errors How to provide feedback

6 Providing Feedback Focus on things that can be changed Behaviors and skills, not traits Connect with future performance, goal setting Deliver feedback early and often More effective when close to the event No surprises at the annual review But be selective on the number of topics

7 Receiving Feedback We avoid feedback because we “hate being criticized, plain and simple.” (J&S, p. 4) So we: Procrastinate Refuse to face reality (denial) Withdraw Reframing feedback Actively seeking external feedback

8 Performance measurement example How would you evaluate performance for: A pizza delivery person The manager of a pizza place What would you measure? How would you measure it? Discuss in small groups and report out

9 Conclusions What are some best practices in performance measurement? How are performance measurement and performance management different?

10 Leadership Essays Generally showed good understanding of leadership models Several excellent examples of comparing and contrasting across models Deeper analysis – need to explain how certain concepts are relevant to a situation More thorough citations – this helps support your assertions In text Reference list

11 Lab #3 Role play of performance feedback meeting You have been assigned Role (supervisor or subordinate) Role play partner Role play time (1/2 hour between 2:30 and 5:30) Roles will be handed out on Monday the 27th Paper evaluating the experience due on Monday, Dec. 4

12 Next class No class Wednesday – Happy Thanksgiving! For Monday November 27, Managing Context: The Worldly Mindset Review section of Gosling and Mintzberg Read Holmes, Berner articles What is organizational culture? How does it effect the processes we have been discussing (leadership, decision making, performance management, etc.)?

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