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Journal prompts/Quick Writes
ENGLISH 11 A Journal prompts/Quick Writes
JOURNAL Name Date What types of things flash in your mind when you hear the word “epic”? What do you think it means? What about the word “hero”? Whom do you consider to be a hero?
Journal 11/30 Name Date Brainstorm a list of heroes from literature, entertainment media (comics, movies, tv, video games, etc) and real life. 2. Which heroes from your list have set out on a quest of some kind? Are any of their quests similar? How? Explain fully. (write in complete sentences with details and support.)
Group Work Each row will meet as a group and compare notes from your journal. Choose a recorder. The recorder will write the group answers. Share what you wrote for the journal prompt. Together, choose one HERO. Using your notes from the Epic power point, explain how this Hero’s story does/does not qualify as an epic by giving specific examples for each of the 6 characteristics of an epic. Put everyone’s name at the top of the record sheet and hand in for credit.
Journal #2 Imagine you would be willing to die for a friend. For what reasons would you be willing to die? Now the table is turned and you must watch a friend die for you. Describe how that feels.
BELLRINGER 12/1 Turn in $ for grammar packet.
Write down tonight’s homework! Receive grammar packet-put your name on the HOT YELLOW and the HOT PINK separate sheets. Read and complete the packet pages 1-2. *please note if you were absent yesterday you need to complete the journal/quickwrite and have it in your binder. They will be on the clipboard on the front bulletin board.
Reading assignment Pages 24-25
As you read, write down two passages from the selection and write an explanation why you believe they are significant. Small group share & discuss-write down the passages you do not have. Large group share & discuss.
Please complete the following by 12:25: grammar pages 3-4 Write tonight’s homework in your agenda book. Review your vocabulary words/handout. Figure out why the ones marked wrong are wrong. (Vocabulary will be on the test.)
Journal #2 Imagine you would be willing to die for a friend. For what reasons would you be willing to die? Now the table is turned and you must watch a friend die for you. Describe how that feels.
DISCUSSION Summarize what you have learned about the time period (pages 6-10 notes.) Summarize the passage “The Death of Enkidu.” Summarize the passage “The Search for Everlasting Life” thus far. Share some of the passages that you felt are important and explain why. Popcorn large group reading thru “The Story of the Flood.”
Agenda Friday December 3
Have grammar pages 5-6 ready to be corrected. Correct grammar Share some of the passages that you felt are important and explain why. Review the characteristics of “The Story of the Flood” pages (fill in chart) Read in small groups “Noah and the Flood” pages Finish filling in chart.
Agenda Monday, December 6
Groups share charts Journal #3 Write & Discuss Read/Share “A Comparative Study..” Finish reading “The Epic..” pages 32-33 Complete grammar pages 7-9 Correct grammar pages 7-9 HOMEWORK: Grammar pages 9-10
Journal #3 12/6/10 The Utnapishtim version of the flood story is roughly 1300 years older than the Noah version. Does this mean that the biblical version is copied from the Bablylonian version? If so, then how do you explain the differences between the two versions? If not, then how do you explain the similarities.
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010 Bellringer
Pull out your grammar pages 8-10 (homework check) Answer the Response & Analysis Questions (handout) On the back answer Vocabulary Development questions 1-5 on page 36 of the text. Students missing the syllabus quiz need to make it up!
Agenda Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2101 Discuss answers to the Response and Analysis and Vocabulary Questions.(additional questions as time allows-see next slide) Test Thursday over “Gilgamesh” and “Noah” Correct grammar 8-10 Homework: Characteristics of an Epic handout-Due Thursday-BEFORE the test, grammar pages Due Thursday.
Symbol-something that stands for something beyond itself. In the opening what might “sleep” symbolize? Do you know any other stories in which “sleep” plays an important role? (interpreting, synthesis/connection) What is Utanpishtim’s purpose in proving to Gilgamesh that he has had a prolonged sleep? (interpreting)
What does Gilgamesh’s ritual bath, hair washing, and donning of new clothes symbolize? (interpreting) What do you learn (infer) about Utanapishtim’s wife from this section? What is your reaction to Gilgamesh’s reaction to the loss of the plant? (personal connection)What might it represent? (interpreting) What can you conclude about the last line of the piece?
Agenda Wednesday, December 8
Cyberbullying assembly.
Agenda Thursday, December 9, 2010
Bellringer-Write down Homework: Bring in a copy of the lyrics from a love song tomorrow. (extra credit=bring in the song in addition to the lyrics) Grammar pages13-17 Turn in Characteristics of an Epic handout Journal writing #4 Finish correcting grammar pages9-10 Take Test After test complete reading and note taking/work on grammar
Journal #4 Thursday, December 9, 2010
Love songs and poems often create a vivid, expressive testament to a speaker’s thoughts or emotional state. 1. Think of some love songs you have heard. List 2-3. 2. Brainstorm a list of common characteristics of these popular love songs. (The feelings they address, the figures of speech they use, the situations they describe, etc.) 3. What qualities in a person do these songs emphasize? What emotions do they speak about?
Thursday, December 9, 2010 When done with the test read and take notes on pages Egyptian literature-be prepared to discuss. How did writing change? Describe the Egyptian social system. What are the three general periods of the Egyptian civilization?
Thursday, December 9, 2010 Correct grammar pages 13-14
Review grammar pages 15-16
Friday, December 10, 2010 Take out your Love Lyrics and your journal #4 from yesterday. (score for journal #4 & lyrics) Correct grammar pages 13-17 Do Grammar page 19-apostrophes. Discuss journal #4; work in small groups to make a master list of love song characteristics using the lyrics you brought in Large group sharing
Discuss journal #4; work in small groups to make a master list of love song characteristics using the lyrics you brought in Large group sharing
Monday, Dec. 13 Read everything on pages 46 & 47
Paraphrase each of the two poems (put the meaning into your own words, but stay true to the content.) Answer questions 1-5 on page 48 Each group will be called upon to respond to a question so be prepared to offer a complete response.
Tuesday, Dec. 14 Please open your textbook to New Kingdom Love Lyrics (p. 47) and pull out your paraphrase and answers to the questions. Group Discussion of Love Lyrics followed by QUIZ.
Tuesday, Dec. 14 QUIZ over new Kingdom Love Lyrics
Make sure grammar pages are complete Correct Grammar through page 21 & Review rules in this unit. Homework: Start studying/memorizing, etc. for the grammar test. (If leaving early, you need to take it before you go!)
Wednesday, Dec. 15 Explain proper grammar marks for the test and using a highlighter. Correct rest of packet through page 21
Thursday Dec. 16 Complete Grammar Unit 1 Mastery Review Test
Correct the test
Thursday, Dec. 16 Grammar review Activities
Quiz Creation and answer key w/a partner 25 items (sentences) Must include items from all 5 lessons from the unit. Correctly state the rule that is being applied with the answer. You may not repeat a sentence already given in the packet-Be creative! Example: Directions: Correct the punctuation errors in the following sentences. John the boy with brown hair was the first to sign up. 1. John, the boy with brown hair, was the first to sign up. You need to insert commas around the boy with brown hair because it is an appositive phrase.
Thursday, Dec. 16 Grammar review Activities
Any of the exercises under Comma Splices and Fused sentences (Fused= run-ons) Fragments Commas Select “handout” and print the hard copy-then, you may go through it interactively. May do as many interactive as you like BUT Must turn in at least one handout correctly filled out.
Friday, Dec. 17 Grammar test Use proper markings
Highlight changes directly on the test document. Remain quiet until ALL tests are in. Christmas activity (as time allows)
Monday Jan. 3, 2011 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
AGENDA Opener and goals Journal entry & discussion Grammar test review & make-ups & retake information Reading assignment Vocabulary assignment-handout plus writing original sentences
GOALS Read your goal grade for the class. Are you on target?
Add TWO SPECIFIC goals that you will work on in order to achieve your goal grade or better. Keep in mind skills for life as well as the ACT and your future plans.
JOURNAL #5-TRAGEDY Define human tragedy.
What emotions does tragedy evoke in the witnesses (hear, see, read, etc.)?
ASSIGNMENT AGENDA Read and take notes, be prepared to discuss the content on pages in the textbook. Fill in the vocabulary worksheet. NOTE: On the back write each word correctly in a sentence of your own creation. Make sure that the sentence has enough of a context clue to prove you know the meaning of the word.
4 Jan. 2011 Journal prompt Vocabulary check while writing
Discussion of reading notes Correcting and collecting vocab. sheet Reading selection Book club creation & casting
DISCUSSION PAGES 1. According to the textbook selection what elements of ancient Greek culture have influenced Western Civilization? 2. What are some characteristics you can expect the Greek literature to have or be about?
JOURNAL #6 1/4 Based upon your previous definition and understanding of tragedy answer the following: In the case of two similar situations what might make one a tragedy and the other not a tragedy? Provide an explanation and a specific example to illustrate your point.
4 Jan. 2011 Read pages 198-202 & discuss Form book clubs & cast
Begin reading the prologue together HOMEWORK: Finish reading the prologue; study vocabulary. BE PREPARED FOR A QUIZ TOMORROW!
5 Jan. 2011 Bellringer-5 minute quick vocabulary study time-review your handout corrections. VOCABULARY QUIZ-10 MINUTES Grammar Unit 2 pages correct HOMEWORK: Finish reading Prologue and be prepared to discuss it
6 Jan. 2011 BELLRINGER: Complete page 30 in your grammar packet. LABEL THE PARTS OF YOUR SENTENCE INCLUDING THE CLAUSE. 10min. EXAMPLE: S V [DO/Noun clause s v adv v (infinitive)] She will eat[whatever she does not have (to make).]
6 Jan. 2011 Fill out Grammar page 30-Correct together
Turn in grammar page 29 Discuss Prologue Start reading scene 1 together
7 Jan. 2011 GRAMMAR Notes for page 31 HOMEWORK: Grammar 31-32
UNIT 1 TEST MAKEUPS MUST BE COMPLETED BY END OF THE DAY NEXT WEDNESDAY! LITERATURE Oedipus Prologue QUIZ Handouts: Oedipus Scene 1 & Scene 2 Activities Form small groups to read scene 2 and work on handouts. HOMEWORK: Finish on own-BOTH HANDOUTS due Mon. QUIZ 1 &2 MON.
Review class schedule information for next year-must have selections initialed-Due Thursday! Fill out answers to Part 1 questions (brown handout) Discuss scenes 1 & 2 QUIZ 1 & 2 HW: Read p Identify 4 important lines and EXPLAIN why. MAKEUPS NEEDED TODAY! Grammar 29-Cassidy, Olivia, JC Gr. TEST-Nick, Casey Vocab. Quiz-Cady, JC, Aaron, Ashley S., Emily W. Prologue Quiz-Olivia, Emily W. GRAMMAR RETAKES BY WEDNESDAY!
11 Jan. 2011 Journal Prompt Please have out your scheduling materials and your 4 important lines homework. Go over quiz & test (makeups out in the hall) Discuss important lines Continue reading play together
Journal #7 In ½ page, in complete sentences, write out your prediction as to what will happen in the final scene of the play. You may include dialogue or lines that you think will be spoken.
12 Jan. 2011 Finish play & review Journal Prompt & discuss
Pass back and go over quizzes & test Two review sheets-TEST ON FRIDAY! **Grammar review/retakes TODAY Scheduling materials due tomorrow.
Journal #8 Read lines of the Exodos on page 256. What is Oedipus saying here? Do you agree with him? Explain why or why not.
Journal #9 In a thoughtful 5-7 sentence paragraph, tell whether you think the tragedy that happened in Oedipus Rex was Oedipus’ fault (free will) or out of his control (fate). Give specific reasons and examples as to why you think what you think. Write using complete sentences with details and clear explanations.
20 Jan. 2011 Oedipus Paper Review MLA format In-text citations
Topic sentences Transitions Evidence Explanations Makeup work-see me Olivia JC Cody Nick Emily Matt
MLA FORMAT Header (last name and page #) Heading: Student Name
Teacher Name Course Title Date (day month (ABBREVIATED) year Student Name Ms. Schaner English 11A 20 Jan. 2011
INTRODUCTION Include the title and the author in your introduction.
Include the idea of tragedy in the intro Open with something that gets the reader’s attention. A strong statement regarding tragedy/life/free will etc. A question? A quote (include a citation) etc.
IN-TEXT CITATIONS May use page number in parenthesis.
Use quotes for direct words-make sure you type them accurately. TITLE OF THE PLAY SHOULD BE IN ITALICS. AVOID “I” in formal papers. Do NOT retell the story-use it to show YOUR POINT!
TOPIC SENTENCES State them clearly.
Do NOT use a QUOTE as a topic sentence. Quotes should support YOUR IDEA not be THE idea.
FRIDAY, JAN. 28, 2011 GRAMMAR Get back page 28-REVIEW Pages 33-35
Cause & Effect Essay ACT prep work
Wednesday, Feb. 9 You need your journals & your textbook today!
HOMEWORK: Grammar pages should be complete. QUIZ tomorrow! Gratification: state of great satisfaction; something that provides pleasure or enjoyment.
JOURNAL #10 Based upon the definition of gratification; brainstorm a list that represents things that gratify you. What does it mean to “delay gratification”? Should gratification ever be “delayed”? Include specific examples in your answer. Discuss Read handout & discuss
CARPE DIEM Watch clip Read definition on page 303. JOURNAL #11:
What does Carpe Diem mean to you? Provide specific real life examples. What is your stance on Carpe Diem? Do you agree with it or disagree? Explain your stance using specific examples.
JOURNAL #12 Explain the difference between “Carpe Diem” and “Delaying Gratification.” Is it possible to live your life according to both principles, or are they mutually exclusive? Explain.
Read together Horace on page 302 In groups:
Read aloud “Carpe Diem” on page 304 and answer questions 1-3. Discussion of poem and q & a.
GRAMMAR Review page 42 Correct Grammar Practice Test
Monday, Feb. 14, 2011 Review Pronoun Case Quiz
Take Grammar Unit II TEST Please remember to HIGHLIGHT your corrections on the test document. TOMORROW-MUST HAVE: #2 Pencil, Social Security #, 4 College choices
AFTER TEST Read Horace on page 302 JOURNAL #12
Explain the difference between “Carpe Diem” and “Delaying Gratification.” Is it possible to live your life according to both principles, or are they mutually exclusive? Explain. Read Horace on page 302 Read “Carpe Diem” on page 304 and answer questions 1-3.
Thursday, Feb. 17 Alphabetical order one more time!!
Finish/double-check ACT Forms Discuss “Carpe Diem” & Journal 12 Read & discuss “Night” See separate powerpoint
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2011 BELLRINGER: Review “Carpe Diem” & “Night” for test Take TEST After test-read page on Taoism and take notes. Read “Background” page 413 and take notes.
JOURNAL #13 Read Taoist writing #2 on page 414.
Write a paraphrase (not a summary) of Taoist writing #2. Write your reaction, thoughts to the selection. (Like/dislike, agree/disagree) What real life situations could you see these beliefs applying or not applying to?
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011 Review “Carpe Diem” and “Night” test (makeups in the hall or after school) & review/sign/return grade sheets. Discuss page 360 Taoism and page 413 “Background” Share and Discuss journal #13 responses Paraphrase Taoist #8 as a class. Groups: assign #29 or one of the 4 on page 416. Must write a paraphrase and must apply the lesson to a real-life example. HOMEWORK: ID check tomorrow or $5.00
Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 Groups: For the selection assigned to you: 1.) write a paraphrase 2.)write the lesson or theme as a single complete sentence, and 3.)apply the lesson to a real-life example. Read the other selections. Write out complete answers to questions 1-10 on page 418. ID CHECK Groups present Taoist writings & answers to questions 1-10 on page 418. HOMEWORK: Taoist Test tomorrow
Friday, Feb. 25, 2011 BELLRINGER: 5 minutes to review for Taoist Quiz
Take Quiz- When done grab your ACT schedule information handout When done-read grammar pages and do page 50. Review Grammar Unit 2 Test Class will correct page 50 & will do page 51, 52, 53 together Groups will do 55 & 56 HOMEWORK: Practice Test pages DUE MONDAY!
Monday, Feb. 28, 2011 Review Quiz over Taoism Correct Grammar Unit 3
ACT Test taking and survival strategies review.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 Shortened class session
Finish correcting unit 3 grammar. Read African literature (together) pages Sundiata on pages Journal #14-Journals due for grade next week. In Groups: finish reading pages Individually answer questions 6-9 on page 534. TURN IN WHEN DONE! HOMEWORK: Study grammar units 1-3! Finish reading and questions on your own as needed. TEST ON FRIDAY!!
JOURNAL #14 What seem to be the roles of the wife and the children in the first part of the epic. Do the people in the story seem to believe in fate? Explain your answers with examples from the story.
Thursday, March 3 No Class session (reverse schedule for MME)
Friday, March 4, 2011 5 minutes-Review grammar unit 3-pull out rule sheets & highlighter for the test. TAKE UNIT 3 TEST-After test: JOURNAL #14-Make sure all journals are completed. Journals due on Monday. Individually answer questions 6-9 on page 534. TURN IN WHEN DONE!
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