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Ocean circulation modelling at regional scales within the ESEOO Project framework Sotillo M.G., Alvaréz E., Vizoso G., Ferrer I., Torres López S., Carracedo P. and Ruiz-Villareal M. VERTIMAR-2005 MeteoGalicia
Introduction ESEOO Project. Its objectives Numerical Modelling at ESEOO Project Regional ESEOO Domains Systems and preliminary results Conclusions and future perspectives VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005
What is ESEOO? ESEOO (Establecimiento Español de un Sistema de Oceanografía Operacional) is a 3-yr Project funded by Ministerio de Educacion y ciencia. Funds: 865.000 € Project launched in January 2004 Participants: 14 Spanish and 5 non-Spanish groups Numerical Modelling at ESEOO Proyect Prestige crisis highlighted the existence of gaps in some aspects of the Spanish Operational Oceanography (OO): Neither currents nor oil spill operational forecasting systems Main objective: Generation of a Spanish Operational System to provide environmental information to face emergency situations at sea Fill observed gaps and boost OO in Spain VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005
Numerical Modelling at ESEOO ESEOO is focus mainly on coastal areas. Downscaling approach (from global to coastal) Structure of a regional application: VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005 IC: Global Systems BC: Global Systems Numerical Model Atmospheric forcing Tidal forcing River Fresh water inputs OUTPUTS: Currents, SSH, temp & salinity ESEOO is focus mainly on coastal areas. Downscaling approach (from global to coastal) Global Systems Regional ESEOO Applications Pollutant and ESEOO oil spill models Local ESEOO models
PE Applications PE will set up applications for the 3 ESEOO domains 3D baroclinic coastal-ocean model: POLCOMS (POL, UK) Forcings: Meteorological (10-m w, mslp, 2m-T,q,surf rad, cloud) => INM Tidal => LEGOS/POC Ocean (T,S, ssh, barotropic velocities) => FOAM / MERCATOR Fresh river inputs => GRDC ESEOAT 1-year Hindcast Run Prestige Year (09/02-09/03) Horizontal resolution: 1/20º (4-5 km) / 34 S-levels / Hourly outputs A preliminary 1-year test run already performed Ongoing Validation / Set-up improvements / Sensitivity Tests VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005
PE Applications Tidal, MSLP and 10-m wind forcing effects checked T,S, and currents under validation (in-situ/satellite) VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005 SST(ºC) 09/09/02 SAL(PSU) 08/03/03 Surface currents (19/09/02)
ESEOAT Application MeteoGalicia set up an application for the ESEOATdomain. 3D baroclinic hydrodynamic model: MOHID (IST-MARETEC) Forcings: Wind forcing (10-m w) => INM and ARPS Heat Fluxes => INM and MM5 Tidal => FES95 Ocean (T,S, ssh, barotropic velocities) => Climatologic condition / MERCATOR ESEOAT Application Horizontal resolution: 1/20º (4-5 km) / 33 cartesians levels A preliminary 2-month test run already performed Ongoing thermohaline distribution and currents validation. Further works: Model intercomparison exercise in the ESEOAT domain: MetoGalicia MOHID & PE POLCOMS Systems. VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005 MeteoGalicia
ESEOAT Application VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005 MeteoGalicia TIDAL VALIDATION Tidal level average errors are less than 0.07 m and RMS are around 0.10 m Differences in M2 amplitude < 2% and in phase lags <7’ MOHID RUNS (CLIMATOLOGIC & WIND FORCING)
IEO Application IEO will set up an application for the ESEOOAT domain 3D baroclinic coastal-ocean model: ROMS & ROMS-AGRIF Forcings: Meteorological (10-m w, mslp, 2m-T,q,surf rad, cloud) => NCEP/Quickscat & INM Tidal => TPXO6.2 Ocean (T,S, ssh, barotropic velocities) => WOA2001/MERCATOR Fresh river inputs => Real & Climatological ESEOAT Application A subdomain of ESEOAT already ran: 39N 45.5 N; -13W -6 W; 1/20º (4-5 km); 30 S-levels Sep2002 - Dec2002 Whole ESEOAT reanalysis to be run at CESGA VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005
IEO Application VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005 Validation and model intercomparison strategy for the reanalysis period
IMEDEA Applications VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005 Two model-based applications implemented in the ESEOMED domain ( 5 km resolution) nested to MFSTEP Forecasting system and global DieCAST DieCAST resolution 1/24º (approx. 4km) HOPS resolution 5km Surface salinitySurface currents and temperature Regional models
IMEDEA Applications VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005 Nesting techniques with different global and regional models: Regional HOPS nested with Global MFSTEP (one-way nesting) Regional HOPS nested with Global DieCAST (one-way nesting) Regional DieCAST nested with Global DieCAST (two-way nesting) Local HOPS nested with Regional HOPS (two-way nesting) Data Assimilation: CTD profiles assimilated into HOPS ( method used is optimal interpolation ) SST assimilated into HOPS CTD profiles assimilated into DieCAST Operational Exercise: Mediterraneo-2005 Current data from DieCAST run forced with MFSTEP
Conclusions & Future Actions ESEOO Project is an initiative to boost Operational Oceanography in Spain. Developement of ocean dynamic operational forecast systems to provide valuable information to face emergency situations at sea (i.e. oil spill accidents, drifting object tracking,...). Spanish institutions and research groups such as PE, IMEDEA, Meteogalicia, IEO and ULPGC are co-operating to fulfill the above-referred objective. Different applications in a pre-operational state have been already set-up allowing to: Generate a f 1-year hindcast for the “Prestige” year Provide useful information for the Mediterraneo-2005 exercise Provide forcing data to other ESEOO groups working with oil spill models However, there is still a lot of work to be done VERTIMAR-2005. Vigo, Spain, 13-16 July 2005
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