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1 Cataloging the Updating LOOSE-LEAF The Original Integrating Resource Prepared by Rhonda K. Lawrence Head of Cataloging Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library.

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2 1 Cataloging the Updating LOOSE-LEAF The Original Integrating Resource Prepared by Rhonda K. Lawrence Head of Cataloging Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library UCLA School of Law Los Angeles, California An official ALCTS program, presented jointly by ALCTS/SS/CSSC (Committee to Study Serials Cataloging) and ALCTS/CCS/CC:DA (Cataloging Committee: Description and Access) 2002 ALA Annual Conference Monday, June 17, 2002 1:30-5:30 p.m. Georgia World Congress Center, Room A411 Atlanta, Georgia

3 2 Acknowledgements Many thanks to Steven Miller, and the other members of the PCC SCT Task Group on Integrating Resources Training, for allowing use of their slides as templates for this presentation. Steven Miller, Chair/course developer, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Jean Hirons, Ex-officio, Library of Congress Judith Kuhagen, Ex-officio, Library of Congress Louise Rees, University of Pennsylvania Ann Sitkin, Harvard Law School Library Paul J. Weiss, University of California, San Diego With additional input from Adam Schiff, University of Washington

4 3 Overview Definitions AACR2 Highlights MARC Coding Examples Review

5 4 Definitions Bibliographic Resource Continuing Resource Integrating Resource Iteration Updating Loose-leaf

6 Bibliographic Resources in AACR2 Monographs Chapters 2-11 Continuing Resources Chapter 12 SerialsIntegrating Resources Multi-parts Updates remain discrete Updates do not remain discrete Finite Resources

7 6 Bibliographic Resource An expression or manifestation of a work or an item that forms the basis for bibliographic description May be tangible or intangible

8 7 Continuing Resource Issued over time with no predetermined conclusion Includes serials and ongoing integrating resources

9 8 Integrating Resource (1) A bibliographic resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. Integrating resources can be either finite or continuing. Examples include updating loose-leafs and updating Web sites.

10 9 Integrating Resource (2) Iteration An instance of an integrating resource, either as first published or after it has been updated.

11 10 The Original I NTEGRATING RESOURCE the Updating Loose-leaf

12 11 The Updating Loose-leaf A bibliographic resource that consists of a base volume(s) updated by separate pages, which are inserted, removed, and/or substituted. A type of publication consisting of unbound pages housed in a ring or rod binder, a format which easily permits the addition, substitution or removal of pages.

13 12 Continuing and Finite IRs Continuing integrating resource Issued over time in a series of iterations with no predetermined conclusion. Most integrating resources are continuing. Finite integrating resource Issued over time with a predetermined conclusion; intended to be completed in a finite number of iterations.

14 13 AACR2 2002 Highlights Introduction to Integrating Resources

15 14 The Traditional Approach to Identifying a New Edition PER LCRI 1.0, consider that a new edition is involved whenever 1) there is an explicit indication of changes (including corrections) of content; or, 2) anything in the following areas or elements of areas differs from one bibliographic record to another: title and statement of responsibility area edition area the extent statement of the physical description area and series area

16 15 The Very Traditional Integrating Resource With integrating resources, anything in the following areas or elements of areas may differ from one iteration to another: title and statement of responsibility area edition area the extent statement of the physical description area and series area

17 16 Identifying an Updating Loose-leaf Begin with a different set of assumptions Examine the evidence Prefatory material Release dates on pages Filing instructions Publisher’s invoices OCLC records Learn the new rules about integrating resources and ….

18 17 Don’t be afraid to make an error … learn to recatalog!

19 18 “Integrated Entry” Cataloging (1) Existing bibliographic record changed to describe current iteration of the resource Most areas of description based on latest iteration Data elements of previous iterations entered in notes if required or considered important

20 19 “Integrated Entry” Cataloging (2) New bibliographic record created only for certain changes in edition, mergers, splits, or when there is a new work (Changes in physical format still under consideration) Bibliographic records for integrating resources will be actively updated and require ongoing maintenance

21 20 AACR2 Chapter 12 Former title: “Serials” New title: “Continuing Resources ” Will cover both serials and integrating resources.

22 21 Basis of Description (1) Areas based on current iteration 1.Title and statement of responsibility 2.Edition 4. Publication, distribution, etc. [Except Dates] 5. Physical description 6. Series

23 22 Basis of Description (2) Area based on first and/or last iterations 4F. Dates of publication, distribution, etc. Areas based on all iterations and any other source 7. Note 8. Standard number and terms of availability

24 23 Changing the Description (1) General Principle Change description to reflect current iteration Give earlier information in a note For title proper: “in general” For other elements: “if considered important” Identify iteration to which note applies

25 24 Changing the Description (2) Exceptions NEW LCRI 21.3B for integrating resources Create new bibliographic record for certain changes to edition area, mergers, splits, etc. e.g., in toto replacement of base volume of a loose-leaf Give range of dimensions of loose-leaf If dimensions change in subsequent iterations

26 25 Chief Source of Information Printed Resource Title page or t.p. substitute

27 26 Change in Title Proper Change 245 $a/n/p to reflect current iteration Give the earlier title in a note NEW Use MARC 247 and/or 547 fields (To be covered in section on notes) LCRI: Identify which iteration prior to the current had this form of the title proper

28 27 Title Proper example 245 10 Collier compensation, employment, and appointment of trustees and professionals in bankruptcy cases / $c Stanley B. Bernstein ; Lawrence P. King, editor-in-chief. 247 10 Collier bankruptcy compensation guide $f 500 Description based on: t.p., release no. 9, Nov. 1997.

29 28 Change in Edition Information Certain changes require a new record LCRI 12.2F1: New record if edition statement changes and: Per LCRI 21.3B for updating loose-leafs: if there is a new base volume (i.e., an in toto replacement edition), but not if a gradual replacement edition with no new base volume. When a new record is not required Change 250 to reflect current iteration and make note if change is considered important

30 29 Change in Edition example (1) 245 10 Tax-advantaged securities : $b ILPs, pass- throughs, and other vehicles / $c by Robert J. Haft and Peter M. Fass. 246 1 Investment limited partnerships 250 4th ed. 260 [St. Paul, Minn.] : $b West Group, $c 1981- 500 Original edition statement: 3rd ed.; updated to 4th ed., 1987. 500 Description based on: t.p., v. 4F-4G, release #58, 9/98.

31 30 Numbering 362 0 formatted designation not used for integrating resources NEW 362 1 unformatted note used for beginning/ending publication dates when first/last iterations are not available

32 31 Numbering example 245 00 Pennsylvania benchbook for criminal proceedings 250 3rd ed. 260 New York : $b LEXIS Pub. 362 1 Began in 1999. 500 Description based on: t.p., vol. 1, Release 2, July 2000.

33 32 Change in Publication Transcribe the place and publisher from the first or earliest iteration available If the place and/or publisher changes, change the 260 $a/b subfields Make a 500 note for the earlier place or publisher and give dates if known

34 33 Change in Publication (2) Transcribe the name of the publisher first or earliest iteration available If the publisher changes on a later iteration, record the latest publisher in the 260 $b subfield Make a 500 note for the earlier publisher, and give dates if known

35 34 Publication example (1) BLvl: m Form: Conf: 0 Biog: MRec: Ctry: ilu 245 10 Law of independent power : $b development, cogeneration, utility regulation 260 Deerfield, IL : $b Clark Boardman Callaghan, $c c1989- 500 Published: New York, N.Y. : Clark Boardman, 1989-1990. 500 Description based on: t.p., release no. 6, Sept. 1995.

36 35 Publication example (2) 245 10 Subdivision law and growth management / $c James A. Kushner. 260 St. Paul, MN : $b West Group, $c c1991- 500 Published: New York, N.Y. : C. Boardman Callaghan, 1991-1997. 500 Description based on: t.p., v. 1, release #15, 5/99.

37 36 Date of Publication, etc. (1) If cataloging from first or last iteration Record beginning date or ending date in 260 $c Beginning date followed by a hyphen Ending date preceded by a hyphen Supply an approximate date in brackets if necessary

38 37 Date of Publication, etc. (2) If both first and last iterations are available: Record both dates in 260 $c, separated by a hyphen. For updating loose-leaf, supply date of last update if considered important

39 38 Date of Publication, etc. (3) If neither first nor last iteration is available: Give information about beginning and/or ending date in a note 362 1 Began in 2000. Date (in 260 $c) if it can be readily ascertained. Optionally, supply beginning/ending. LC will not apply this option. Do not give beginning or ending date. Omit 260 $c and preceding comma.

40 39 Date Examples (1) Resource ongoing, first iteration available 260 …, $c 1994- Resource ongoing, first iteration available, date approximate: 260 …, $c [1998?]- Resource ongoing, first iteration not available: 260 … $b …

41 40 Date Examples (2) Resource completed, last iteration available, first iteration was not available: 260 …, $c –2001. Resource completed, all iterations issued in the same year: 260 …, $c 2002. Updating loose-leaf completed, date of last update available and considered important: 260 …, $c 1974-2001 [last updated 2002]

42 41 Physical Description (1) Extent of item for loose-leafs Add the qualifier “(loose-leaf)”. NEW For ongoing loose-leaf: No number of volumes given 300 $a v. (loose-leaf) For completed loose-leaf: Number of volumes added 300 $a 3 v. (loose-leaf)

43 42 Physical Description (2) NEW Per LCRI 12.5B1 For an ongoing loose-leaf with transfer volumes No number of volumes given 300 $a v. (loose-leaf), v. (transfer) For a completed loose-leaf with transfer volumes: Number of volumes added 300 $a 2 v. (loose-leaf), 4 (transfer)

44 43 Physical Description (3) NEW Per LCRI 12.5B2 For completed loose-leafs If updating loose-leaf consisted of both numbered and unnumbered volumes, record total number of volumes If important to indicate the presence of unnumbered volumes, make a note

45 44 Physical Description (4) 245 00 European Union law reporter : $b an explanatory commentary on the principal aspects of EU law and policy. 260 Bicester, Oxfordshire : $b CCH Editions, $c c1962- 300 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 25 cm. 500 Includes unnumbered volume: European Union law update. 740 02 European Union law update.

46 45 Physical Description (5) Change in dimensions Change 300 $c to reflect current iteration Record range of dimensions if applicable 300 $a v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 24-26 cm.

47 46 Change in Series Statement Per LCRI 21.30L Additions, deletions, and other changes Change 4XX and or 8XX to reflect current iteration Make 500 note if change is considered important Retain former series entries in 8XX if traced in local library, based on 500 note.

48 47 Series Statement example 245 10 Subdivision law and growth management. 260 St. Paul, MN : $b West Group, $c c1991- 500 Published: New York, N.Y. : C. Boardman Callaghan, 1991-1997. 500 Series title, 1991- : The Clark Boardman Callaghan zoning and land use law library. 500 Description based on: t.p., v. 1, release #15, 5/99. 830 0 Zoning and land use law library.

49 48 Notes For integrating resources Include notes for changes to all areas of description as prescribed in Chapter 12 or as considered important If a note does not apply to all iterations of an integrating resource, add appropriate numbering or publication dates

50 49 MARC Tagging of Notes (1) Most notes tagged in MARC 5XX range NEW Some AACR2 notes for integrating resources will be tagged in MARC serial fields 247 for former title 310 for frequency of updates 362 1 for publication date information when not from first/last iteration CAUTION Continue to code notes in 5XX range until utilities implement

51 50 Identification of Iterations in Notes Give exact date of change of data element if known If exact date is not known: NEW LC/PCC practice Give information enclosed in angle brackets to locate in time the presence of the earlier data element Use information already in the record For non electronic IRs: use information from a “Description based on” note Do not try to determine exactly when the data element changed.

52 51 Frequency Note NEW LCRI 12.7B1 Note the frequency of updates e ven if apparent from the rest of the description State current frequency in 310 frequency note 310 Updated quarterly 310 Continuously updated 310 Updated irregularly, $b 2001- Reminder: code the Frequency 008 element based on the content of the 310 field

53 52 Former Frequency Note State former frequencies in 321 former frequency note 321 Updated monthly, $b 1998-2000 321 Frequency of update varied, $b -2001 Example of change in frequency 310 Updated monthly, $b 2001- 321 Updated quarterly, $b 1998-2000 321 Updated semiannually, $b 1995-1997

54 53 Change in Title Proper Note NEW Per LCRI 12.7B4.2 Make notes on earlier titles proper Use MARC 247 and 547 fields 247: Former title or title variations Use to generate title added entry in addition to note 547: Former title complexity note LCRI: Give a separate 547 “Title history” note only if the situation requires more explanation than can be given in the 247 field.

55 54 Title Proper Note example This example does not require a 547 note 245 10 Tax-advantaged securities … 247 10 Investment limited partnerships, $f 247 10 Tax sheltered investments, $f 250 4th ed. 260 [St. Paul, Minn.] : $b West Group, $c 1981- 500 Original edition statement: 3rd ed.; updated to 4th ed., 1987.

56 55 Change in Title other than Title Proper NEW Per LCRI 12.7B4.1 & 12.7B6.2 When giving a note for a change in Title other than a title proper or Other title information Give note in field 246 and explain in subfield $i Do not use field 247 and/or 547

57 56 Bibliographic History Notes NEW Per LCRI 12.7B8 To show a relationship between two integrating resources if the main entry and/or titles proper are not the same, give a bibliographic history note Make a related work added entry on the record for the later integrating resource

58 57 Bibliographic History example 245 00 Illinois lawyer's manual. 250 3rd ed. 260 Rochester, N.Y. : $b Lawyers Cooperative Pub., $c [c1975]- 300 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 26 cm. 500 Rev. ed. of: Illinois lawyers manual. 2nd ed. 1948. 500 Description based on: v. 1, t.p., 11/94. 700 1 Becker, Benjamin Max, $d 1909- $t Illinois lawyer's manual.

59 58 Change in Edition Note NEW Per LCRI 12.7B9.2 For a gradual replacement edition, make a note about the new edition statement 250 2nd ed. 500 Updated to 2nd ed., June 2001.

60 59 Change in Edition Note 245 00 Current treaty index / $c edited and compiled by Igor I. Kavass. 500 Replacement title pages carry successive edition statements, e.g., replacement title page received with Fall 1999 supplementation carries the statement "Twenty-fifth edition".

61 60 Publication, etc. Note (1) Transcribe the place and the publisher from first or earliest iteration available If the place or publisher changes on a later iteration, record the latest place or publisher in the 260 $a/b subfields Make a 500 note for the earlier place or publisher, and give dates if known

62 61 Publication, etc. Note (2) 245 10 Environmental regulation of land use / $c by Linda A. Malone. 260 [St. Paul, Minn.] : $b West Group, $c 1990- 300 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 26 cm. 500 Published: New York, N.Y. : Clark Boardman, 1990- ; Deerfield, Ill. : Clark Boardman Callaghan, -1996.

63 62 Publication, etc. Note (3) Make notes on beginning/ending dates of publication not recorded in 260 $c. i.e., when not cataloging from first/last iteration. Use MARC 362 1 field.

64 63 Publication, etc. Note (4) Examples: 362 1 Began in 1987 362 1 Ceased in 1999 361 1 Began in 1973; ceased in 2001

65 64 Item Described Note Per LCRI 12.7A2 Note the latest iteration used for the cataloging description (if not the first): 500 Description based on: update no. 3, Sept., 2001. Often combined with source of title proper note: 500 Description based on: update no. 4; title from cover

66 65 Standard Numbers ISBN: 020 ISSN: 022 NEW Per LCRI 12.8B1: If an integrating resource has both, give both in the catalog record Change in ISBN Add new ISBN Example: when a loose-leaf becomes multi-volume and each volume has a separate ISBN.

67 66 Main and Added Entries Name and uniform title entries (Additions, deletions, or other changes) Make changes to reflect latest iteration Retain entries for past iterations if considered important for access Choice of main entry could change Apply Chapter 21 to current iteration

68 67 Change in Main Entry Note Change 1XX entry for person or body currently responsible for the resource. Make note for earlier responsible person in 500 or body in 550 note, if considered important. Required to justify 7XX entry if present Include dates to identify iteration. Add name for earlier person or body in 7XX if considered important for access.

69 68 Main Entry example (1) 100 1 Fienberg, Karen Dana. 245 10 Chernoff's federal circuit patent case digests / $c by Karen Dana Fienberg and Kevin L. Russell. 500 Author: Daniel P. Chernoff, 1990-. 500 Description based on: v. 1, t.p., rel. #7, 12/96. 700 1 Chernoff, Daniel P.

70 69 Main Entry example (2) 245 00 Eckstrom's licensing in foreign and domestic operations. 260 [St. Paul, Minn.] : $b West Group, $c 1972- 300 v. (loose-leaf) ; $27 cm. 500 Authors: Lawrence J. Eckstrom 1972- ; Steven Z. Szczepanski. 500 Description based on: v. 1, t.p., rel. #51, 9/98.

71 70 MARC Coding Preview Not yet implemented by the bibliographic utilities!

72 71 MARC Coding for Integrating Resources Most integrating resources are textual Will therefore use the MARC Leader and 008 for continuing resources: Type of Record code “a” – Language material. Bibliographic Level code “i” – Integrating resource Will result in Serials 008, but with some new values for integrating resources

73 72 Leader: Bibliographic Level Previously existing codes a - Monographic component part b - Serial component part c - Collection d - Subunit m - Monograph/item s – Serial New code added i - Integrating resource

74 73 Noteworthy 008 Elements Additions and changes to Serials 008 for continuing resources Frequency (Includes new code) Type of Continuing Resource Formerly named: Type of Serial Entry Convention Formerly named: Successive/Latest Entry

75 74 008/18: Frequency Frequency of updates for integrating resources Previously-existing values include, among many others: “a” – Annual “q” – Quarterly “d” – Daily “w” - Weekly New value added: “k” – Continuously Updated

76 75 008/21: Type of Continuing Resource Previously-existing values include: m - Monographic series n - Newspaper p - Periodical New values added: d - Updating database l - Updating loose-leaf w – Updating Web site

77 76 008/34: Entry Convention (1) Previously-existing values 0 - Successive entry New bibliographic record created with major change in title proper, or when corporate body main entry or corporate body uniform title qualifier changes 1 - Latest entry Item is cataloged under its most recent title or issuing body (pre-AACR cataloging rules)

78 77 008/34: Entry Convention (2) New value added 2 – Integrated entry Record cataloged under its latest (most recent) title and/or responsible person or body New record made only when major change in edition new work title mergers and splits

79 78 Examples Records cataloged according to 2002 Amendments Records updated for changes in iterations Truly amazing examples of bibliographic complexity

80 79 CAVEAT Examples labeled “Description after 2002 Amendments” are examples of cataloging according to the 2002 amendments are implemented. They are not to be construed as a recommendation to recatalog extant bibliographic records.

81 80 Description Before 2002 Amendments for Updating Loose-leaf (1) Description before 2002 Amendments 245 00 Library of Congress rule interpretations. 250 2nd ed. 260 0 Washington, D.C. : $b Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, $c 1989- 300 2 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 30 cm.

82 81 Description After 2002 Amendments for Updating Loose-leaf (2) 245 00 Library of Congress rule interpretations. 250 2nd ed. 260 0 Washington, D.C. :$b Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, $c 1989- 300 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 30 cm. 310 Updated quarterly.

83 82 Description based on first iteration 245 00 MARC 21 format for holdings data. 250 2000 ed. 260 Washington, D.C. : $b Library of Congress, $c c2000- 300 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 30 cm.

84 83 Description based on later iteration when first not available 245 00 MARC 21 format for holdings data. 250 2000 ed. 260 Washington, D.C. : $b Library of Congress 300 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 30 cm. 362 1 Began in October 2000. 500 Description based on: update no. 2, published October 2001.

85 84 Change in Title Proper (Loose-leaf) (1) Existing record: 245 00 $a Health profession opportunities. 500 ## $a Description based on: update 5, published 2000. Same record updated: 245 00 $a Healthcare profession opportunities 247 10 $a Health profession opportunities $f 500 ## $a Description based on: update 8, published 2001.

86 85 Change in Title Proper (Loose-leaf) (2) Same record updated again 245 00 $a Opportunities in the healthcare profession. 247 10 $a Health profession opportunities $f 247 10 $a Healthcare profession opportunities $f 500 ## $a Description based on: update 10, published 2002.

87 86 Changes in Title Proper and Responsible Body (Loose-leaf) (1) Existing record 110 2# $a ABC Association. 245 10 $a Membership directory / $c ABC Association. 500 ## $a Description based on: update 2, published 1998.

88 87 Changes in Title Proper and Responsible Body (Loose-leaf) (2) Same record updated 110 2# $a DEF Association. 245 10 $a DEF membership directory / $c DEF Association. 247 10 $a Membership directory $f 500 ## $a Description based on: update 5, published 2000. 550 ## $a Issued by ABC Association 710 2# $a ABC Association.

89 88 Second Change in Responsible Body (Loose-leaf) Same record updated again 110 2# $a GHI Association. 245 10 $a Membership directory / $c GHI Association. 247 10 $a Membership directory $f 247 10 $a DEF membership directory $f 500 ## $a Description based on: update 9, published 2002. 550 ## $a Issued by ABC Association ; DEF Association 710 2# $a ABC Association. 710 2# $a DEF Association.

90 89 Change in Series Statement (Loose-leaf) Existing record 260 ## $a Denver : $b Smith Pub. Co. 440 #0 $a Research in library acquisitions. 500 ## $a Description based on: update 2, published in 1991. Same record updated 260 ## $a Denver : $b Smith Pub. Co. 490 1# $a Library acquisitions. 500 ## $a Series title : Research in library acquisitions. 500 ## $a Description based on: update 9, published in 2000. 830 #0 $a Research in library acquisitions. 830 #0 $a Library acquisitions (Denver, Colo.)

91 90 Change in Frequency of Updates (Loose-leaf) Existing record 260 ## $a New York : $b Corona, $c 1997- 310 ## $a Updated quarterly Same record updated 260 ## $a New York : $b Corona, $c 1997- 310 ## $a Updated monthly, $b July, 2001- 321 ## $a Updated quarterly, $b January, 1997-June, 2001. 500 ## $a Description based on: update 19, published in July, 2001.

92 91 Loose-Leaf Services (1) Definition per LCRI 12.0 A publication issued in several component parts Often includes updating loose-leaf and bound volumes containing primary and secondary source material Sometimes called a reporter

93 92 Loose-Leaf Services (2) Treatment Create one record for the service as a whole Consider the service as a whole to be an integrating resource. In a note, list the component parts in enough detail to identify them. Give any volume designation that is found on a part. Optionally, include numeric or chronological designations of newsletters, bulletins, etc., within the service

94 93 Loose-Leaf Services (3) Pamphlets and paperbacks Current information of temporary or permanent value published also in pamphlet or paperback form. keyed to a section or a service or to several services. Characteristics: individual, distinctive titles carry title of the service numbering of a section of the service usually a supplementary bulletin with the words "Extra," "Section 2," etc.

95 94 Loose-Leaf Services (4) Bulletins, newsletters, etc. Sections with independent numeric or chronological designations Contain latest developments in a particular field Information of permanent value often later included in main text

96 95 Loose-Leaf Services (5) LC practice for bulletins Do not create a separate record On record for updating loose-leaf, give a note Make appropriate added entry 500 Includes separately numbered section: Report bulletin. 500 Includes separately numbered bulletin: Criminal law advocacy reporter

97 96 Loose-Leaf Services (6) Transfer volumes Bibliographic unit containing material of a permanent nature originally issued as a section of a loose-leaf service Material transferred from the loose-leaf service by one of the following modes: Reissued by the publisher in bound form or Transferred to permanent binders or Bound separately by the subscriber

98 97 Loose-Leaf Services (7) LC practice for transfer volumes Do not create a separate bibliographic record for transfer material On record for the updating loose-leaf, give a note If the transfer section has a title of its own, cite the title in the note and give an added entry

99 98 Loose-Leaf Services (8) Sample notes for transfer volumes 500 Material of permanent value is removed periodically and bound in separate volume. 500 Material of permanent value is transferred from time to time to storage binders. 500 Prebound, separately numbered volumes with title Administrative law decisions, containing reports of decisions of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, periodically replace the reports and decisions in the section entitled Administrative law decisions.

100 99 Loose-Leaf Services (9) If a separate bibliographic record is created, include a note explaining the relationship 245 00 Environment reporter. $p Cases. 500 These volumes replace the opinions published in loose-leaf format in the "Decisions" binder of Environment reporter.

101 100 Pre AACR2 2002 cataloging European Union Law reporter (1) 010 62-6322 020 086325215X (basic set : loose-leaf) 020 0863251293 (Doing business in Europe : loose-leaf) 020 0863252303 (European Community cases) 245 00 European Union law reporter : $b an explanatory commentary on the principal aspects of EU law and policy. 246 3 Common market reporter 260 Bicester, Oxfordshire : $b CCH Editions, $c c1962- 300 4 v. (loose-leaf) ; $c 25 cm. 500 Title history: Common market reports (1962-1988); Common market reporter, 1989-Feb. 1997. 500 Published: Chicago, Ill. : Commerce Clearing House,1962- 1988; CCH International, 1989-Dec. 12, 1991; CCH Europe (Jan. 1992- ).

102 101 Pre AACR2 2002 cataloging European Union Law reporter (2) 500 Includes unnumbered volumes: Tables, Table of cases, Regulations preambles, Proposed regulations preambles, Current materials, Index, and Rulings. 500 Originally issued 1962- in series: Topical law reports. 500 Includes unnumbered volume: European Union law update. 500 Material of permanent value is removed periodically and bound in separate volumes with titles: Court decisions; New developments. 710 2 CCH Editions Limited. 710 2 Commerce Clearing House 710 2 CCH International (Firm) 710 2 CCH Europe (Firm) 740 01 Common market reports. 740 02 European Union law update. 830 0 Topical law reports (Commerce Clearing House)

103 102 Pre-AACR2 2002 record for complex loose-leaf service (1) 010 42-22330 040 DLC $c DLC 245 04 The Law of Federal income taxation. 246 3 Mertens the law of federal income taxation 260 [St. Paul] : $b West Group, $c 1942- 300 v. (loose-leaf) $c 26 cm. 500 Some volumes have title: Mertens law of federal income taxation; Mertens the law of federal income taxation. 500 Originally issued in bound format and kept up to date by pocket supplements and revised volumes. 500 Published in Chicago, Ill. and Wilmette, Ill. by Callaghan, 1942- 1991; Deerfield, IL : Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1991-1997. 500 The service is divided into five parts: Treatise, by Jacob Mertens, Jr. and others (loose-leaf); Code, current volume (loose-leaf) and bound volumes, 1954-1958-- ; Code commentary (loose-leaf); Regulations, 1954-1982 (bound volumes), 1983-1984 (loose-leaf) ; Rulings, current volume (loose-leaf) and bound volumes, 1954-1957--

104 103 Pre-AACR2 2002 record for complex loose-leaf service (2) 500 "Current tax highlights" are periodically transferred from section 3 of the Current materials volume to unnumbered Highlights volume. 500 Includes separately numbered Regulations volumes, 1985-. Regulations volumes continued by Mertens federal tax regulations which consists of: regulations issued annually in softbound format; Regulations preambles; Proposed regulations preambles; Current developments and status table. 500 Description based on: t.p., 1997-1998 rulings. 700 1 Mertens, Jacob, $d 1896- 710 2 West Group. 710 2 Clark Boardman Callaghan. 710 2 Callaghan and Company. 740 0 Mertens law of federal income taxation. 740 02 Mertens federal tax regulations. $p Regulations preambles. 740 02 Mertens federal tax regulations. $p Proposed regulations preambles. 740 02 Current tax highlights. 740 02 Mertens federal tax regulations.

105 104 Review & Conclusion

106 105 Review (1) Integrating resources Added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. Include updating loose-leafs, updating databases, and updating Web sites. Most are continuing; some are finite. Description based on latest iteration

107 106 Review (2) Called “Integrated entry” in MARC 21 Bibliographic record reflects changes in resource : Change description to reflect current iteration. Give earlier information in a note. For title proper: “generally.” For other elements: if considered important.

108 107 Review of Highlights (3) Exception: certain changes to edition area require new bibliographic record e.g., in toto replacement of base volume for loose-leaf MARC coding after future implementation All will have Bibliographic Level code “i”. Most will be predominantly language material content Will have Type of Record “a” and Serials 008 elements

109 To be continued indefinitely …..

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