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Neil Iversen Inetium The Plan  PowerShell Sales Pitch  Creating Scripts  Type Extensions  Rolling your own Cmdlets  Other Extensionibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Neil Iversen Inetium The Plan  PowerShell Sales Pitch  Creating Scripts  Type Extensions  Rolling your own Cmdlets  Other Extensionibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neil Iversen Inetium

2 The Plan  PowerShell Sales Pitch  Creating Scripts  Type Extensions  Rolling your own Cmdlets  Other Extensionibility Providers Hosting PowerShell

3 PowerShell Sales Pitch  Looks like DOS  No Mouse Support  No Intellisense  Additional Download  Capable of Spreading Malware  Maybe there’s a reason I’m not in Sales

4 Revised PowerShell Sales Pitch  Still Looks like DOS But much more powerful  Now with Extra Tab Support!  3 rd Party Support  Bundled with Win2k8  Built in security measures Code Signing is Possible  9 out of 10 Dentists agree: “PowerShell makes teeth whiter!”

5 Still Not Sold?  It doesn’t have to look ugly  Full.NET Access  Loosely typed language  The Pipeline Pass as full.NET objects PowerShell: Command1 | Command2 | Command3 C# Equivalent: Command3(Command2(Command1()));

6 Sales Demo

7 Functional Programming  Familiar Constructs Function If/then For/while  Store in PS1 files Run with & ‘path\file.ps1’ Include with. ‘path\file.ps1’  Accepts Arguments Function name ($val1, $val2) Or $args array

8 Filters  Similar to Functions Can still take arguments  Runtime Difference Functions: Run Once In Pipeline Filters: Run for Each Pipeline object  Biggest disadvantage: No ‘initialize’ stage filter filesonly { if(-not $_.PSIsContainer) { $_ } }

9 Scripting Demo

10 Type Extensions  Take advantage of loose typing  Extend existing types Or Create your Own  Using Add-Member Fields Properties Methods  Make Permanent with ps1xml Update-TypeData –prepend MyNewTypes.ps1xml

11 Type Extension Demo

12 Creating a Cmdlet  Compiled and Portable  Bundled together in a Snapin  Inherit from CmdLet  WriteObject() Sends data back to the Pipeline  [ Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, “CmdletName“]

13 Demo: Cmdlet Building

14 Providers  Act like a ‘Drive’  Implement actions like Get/Set/Delete Item  Some Available Providers Active Directory SharePoint (v2) SQL Server Access

15 Demo: OOB Providers

16 Hosting PowerShell  Two Levels of Difficulty Execute Commands Host the UI

17 Hosting PowerShell  Execute Commands The easiest option  RunspaceInvoke.Invoke(“dir”)  Returns PSObject(s)

18 Hosting PowerShell  Host the UI Very difficult  Can provide immense amounts of power  Examples: PowerShellPlus PoshConsole

19 Demo: Hosting PowerShell

20 References  PowerShell Community Extensions  CmdLet Visual Studio Template eating-a-windows-powershell-cmdlet-using-the- visual-studio-windows-powershell-templates.aspx eating-a-windows-powershell-cmdlet-using-the- visual-studio-windows-powershell-templates.aspx  Debugging Techniques bugging-cmdlets.aspx bugging-cmdlets.aspx  Windows PowerShell Programmers Guide us/library/ms714674(VS.85).aspx us/library/ms714674(VS.85).aspx

21 Vendors  ShellTools (PowerShellPlus, PowerShell Analyzer)  Quest Software  NetCmdlets

22 Questions?

23 SharePoint Developer?  Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG)   Next Meeting: April 22, 5:30pm @Microsoft  Web Part Development Personalization, Connections,, ToolPane

24 Thanks! Neil Iversen Inetium

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