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EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan P08421, 426-430 – LED Lighting Technologies for a Sustainable Entrepreneurial Venture Ian J. Frank (Mechanical Engineering)

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Presentation on theme: "EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan P08421, 426-430 – LED Lighting Technologies for a Sustainable Entrepreneurial Venture Ian J. Frank (Mechanical Engineering)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan P08421, 426-430 – LED Lighting Technologies for a Sustainable Entrepreneurial Venture Ian J. Frank (Mechanical Engineering) DPM Student Presenter 2 (Dept) DPM Student Presenter 3 (Dept)

2 EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan Project Name –LED Lighting Technologies for a Sustainable Entrepreneurial Venture - Third World Applications Project Number –P08427 Project Family –Sustainable Technologies for the RIT Campus –Sustainable Technologies for the Third World Track –Sustainable Products, Systems, and Technologies Start Term –2008-2 End Term –2008-3 Faculty Guide –Dr. Robert Stevens (ME) – Tentatively Confirmed Faculty Consultant –Dr. First Last (Dept) Indicate whether this is your choice, or confirmed Faculty Consultant –Dr. First Last (Dept) Indicate whether this is your choice, or confirmed Primary Customer –Rochester Institute of Technology –People in the Third World/Charitable Organizations

3 EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Mission Statement - RIT Product Description Due to ever increasing energy costs, and the great deal of energy expended at RIT for lighting purposes, this project seeks to use LED lighting technologies to meet the university's lighting demands. A multi-faceted solution for the various lighting applications at RIT will be the end goal of this project and others related to it. This particular project will address... Key Business Goals The primary business goals of this product are to: –Reduce the energy consumption and thus the cost of energy to RIT –Reduce the long-term lighting cost to RIT while maintaining the lowest possible short-term costs –Reduce RIT's global footprint while maintaining, or improving upon, the current lighting standards –Provide a sustainable lighting solution for campus Primary Market –Rochester Institute of Technology Secondary Market –Customers interested in sustainable lighting solutions for the global market –If costs are low enough, this series of projects has a great deal of applicability in developing communities/nations Stakeholders Stakeholders in the design of our product include the following: –RIT - Primary sponsors of the project, also the primary customer –Environment - Project should be designed with low environmental impact in mind –LED Manufacturer/Supplier - The source of the base technology to be used –Students, Faculty, and Staff - End users of the product –Facilities Management - Are in charge of maintaining the lighting system –Public Safety - Rely on the lighting system to help keep the campus safe –Past LED Project Design Team(s) - Have done work in this field and would be good resources for ideas on the current project(s)

4 EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Mission Statement – Third World Product Description Currently two billion people live without lighting or power. In addition, many more live without a cheap, reliable, and healthy source of light. This project seeks to provide a clean, reliable, inexpensive, and non-power-dependent source of light for the Third World. Key Business Goals The primary business goals of this product are to: –Provide a reliable and low cost lighting system for people in developing nations who live without light or power –Create a product which will operate in a clean manner, while still having high durability, life span, and versatility –Create a sustainable solution to the lighting deficit in the Third World Primary Market –People in developing nations currently living without light or power Secondary Market –Customers looking for sustainable solutions for recreational lighting (camping, backpacking, etc.) –May have aspects applicable to applications for domestic, commercial, and industrial lighting in industrialized nations. Stakeholders Stakeholders in the design of our product include the following: –End Users - People in developing nations who will have a source of light thanks to the efforts of this project. –LED Manufacturer/Supplier - the source of the base technology to be used –Environment - Replacement of kerosene lamps will reduce the quantity of pollution to the environment due to burning fossil fuels for light.

5 EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Staffing Requirements Mechanical Engineers 1 This student will serve as project leader. In addition to the managerial responsibilities of leading the team to a successful completion of Senior Design and the production of the underlying product, this student will apply their knowledge of the sub-systems involved in the project to assist the other team members in completing their responsibilities in a timely manner. This student will also have completed the DPM Course and as such will have an in depth knowledge of the project, group dynamics, and project completion techniques. Finally, this student will act as a mediator between other members of the team during group meetings and design sessions. Electrical Engineers 2 These students will need to be able to apply their knowledge of electrical systems in order to interface the LED lighting with the available power source. The power sources available will range from grid power to solar power. In the case of sources like solar radiation, they will also have to take into account the need for energy storage within the unit or is a common storage unit for several lighting units on the system. Industrial and Systems Engineers 1 This student will apply their knowledge of manufacturing efficiency and sustainability to help with the production and sustainable systems objectives of this particular project. These portions of the project will be especially important when looking to produce a lighting system for the third world as it will have to be very affordable and have a long life time while being able to stand up to the potentially extreme conditions it may be subjected to. Industrial Design 1 This student will head up the cosmetic design of the product. Regardless of the end application of the lighting system, the units will have to be visually appealing in addition to meeting all of the functional criteria for the product – Industrial Design will play a key roll in this portion of the project. Business Majors 1 – Part time This student will head up the entrepreneurial aspects of the project. It will be important to provide a business model for the future production and sale of the product to be developed. Additionally, this student will help with the economic efficiency aspects of the project.

6 EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Resource Requirements People Faculty Guide – Aid with progress of project Faculty Consultant (Various Departments) – Aid with any issues that may be presented Dave Hathaway – Aid with machining Professor Timothy Landschoot – Aid with mechanical testing in labs RIT – Customer Environment Senior Design Lab – Work Space ME Shop – Parts Fabrication EE Labs – Electronic Testing Storage Space – To store the product, test rigs, and equipment System Dynamics Lab – System Response testing Mechanics Lab – Tensile Testing Equipment EE Equipment – Soldering, Measuring Equipment, Oscilloscope, Light intensity meter Software – MATLAB, LABVIEW, ProEngineer (or equivalent) ME Machine Shop Tools – Production of Prototype Materials AC to DC Converter LED Lights Fixture Materials - Aluminum, Screws, Reflector material, Plastic

7 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interviews Primary Customer(s) Rochester Institute of Technology Facilities Management (Catherine Ahern) – Waiting to hear back from her so that an interview time can be set up. A group of 2-3 students will meet personally with her, this will provide for better coverage of key points and three sets of notes to compare after the interview. Other Stakeholder(s) Dr. Robert Stevens – 14 September 2007 –He will not be available to guide a project this year, but would be interested in doing so in the next academic year. –Proposed looking into the EPA P3 grant to get funding for next year’s project –Proposed centering the product around 3 rd World customers Past Senior Design Team(s) P07401-P07403 – Past Sustainable Technologies for the 3 rd World Projects P07421 – Past Sustainable LED Lighting for RIT Project From the 3 Sustainable 3 rd World Projects, there would be a grat deal of knowledge as to how to approach designing a product with very limited contact with the end user. Additionally, P07401 applied for and won a P3 grant, so they would be a good source for how to go about completing that process. Finally, these teams would have developed contacts in the 3 rd World that would serve as a good starting point for future contact in the 3 rd World. The past RIT LED lighting project established a working relationship with many higher-ups in the RIT Administrative Departments. Talking with them to get the names of people that they found helpful, would yield a starting point for our own relations with such people. Additionally the members of this team may be able to tell us of any challenges they encountered when dealing with the university or when producing a product similar to those which we are looking to create.

8 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Benchmarking Competitive or Cooperative Solutions Quantify and Identify –Currently, RIT uses a variety of lighting sources including fluorescent, incandescent, and sodium lamps. I would be able to address the performance of these systems (light produced, energy consumption, etc.) to at least have an idea of the minimum goal for our project. –Additionally, some insight into current LED lighting systems would be helpful. To that end it would be good to have some examples of LED systems to evaluate in a similar manner as was described above to give an idea of what exists in the field that we are looking into. –For the systems used by RIT, these devices could potentially be borrowed from the university so long at the product tear-down was non-destructive. For a more indepth look at the technology it would be necessary to purchase the product so that it could be torn apart and analyzed. –For the LED systems, it would be necessary to purchase the parts for benchmarking, unless it was determined that web research would be enough for the application that we are looking at. –Will need to find/develop some method to determine the effectiveness of the lighting system being tested. –These tasks could be preformed by a sub-set of the team (project lead, 1 EE, and the ID) Internet Search Quantify and Identify McMaster Carr has a decent selection of LED lighting products Information searches for LED lighting applications in the 3 rd world were done by Ian Frank, the results of which may be found at with links to the corresponding sites. Additional web searches should be conducted to further knowledge of what else is being doen with LED lighting systems, currently used conventional systems, and other developing technologies that would be competition for LED systems – or perhaps provide a better option to the design teams. Technical Literature Search Quantify and Identify The Lumina Project ( is a great source for information on LED lighting technologies (specifically in the 3 rd World) and the technical work research that has been done on them. Additional research should be done into feasability studies done on LED systems, as well as research into durability, longevity, and efficiency. Electrical Standards, Building Standards, and other product guidelines need to also be researched.

9 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interpret Needs Statements: Must be energy efficient Must be durable Must provide at least as much light as current systems Must provide at least as large a lighted area as current systems Must fit into a package of similar size to existing systems Must be safe Must be environmentally friendly Must be a sustainable system Must be aesthetically pleasing Must be inexpensive to produce and purchase Must store enough energy to provide light throughout the night (for non-grid systems) Must reduce maintenance costs Must be easy to use Must be versatile Must have commonality with other institute lighting systems Must reduce light pollution Must be virtually indestructible Must be Clean

10 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interpret Graphical Interpretation

11 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interpret Organize the Needs into a Hierarchy 1.Meets Constraints 1.Has Commonality to current systems 1.Provides at least as much coverage 2.Provides at least as much light 3.Is of similar size 2.Safe 3.Easy to use 4.Durable 1.Virtually Indestructible 2.Takes Resources into Account 1.Is within production resources 2.Is within budget resources 3.Is economically mindful 1.Is versatile 2.Reduces Costs 1.Is Efficient 3.Has low production and purchasing costs 4.Has a tangible scope 1.Is Aesthetically Pleasing 1.Meets color desires 2.Meets shape desires 2.Is versatile 5.Is within the available Technology 1.Environmentally friendly 1.Reduces Light pollution 2.Clean source of Light 3.Is mindful of end of life needs 2.Sustainable Establish the Relative Importance of the Needs 1.Propose a first draft based on your data collected Reflect on the Results and the Process 1.Propose a first draft based on your data collected

12 EDGE™ Future Plan Where do you go from here? Give us some idea of where you are headed from this point going forward….

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