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CISM Radiation Belt Models CMIT Mary Hudson CISM Seminar Nov 06.

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Presentation on theme: "CISM Radiation Belt Models CMIT Mary Hudson CISM Seminar Nov 06."— Presentation transcript:

1 CISM Radiation Belt Models CMIT Mary Hudson CISM Seminar Nov 06

2 Van Allen Radiation Belts inner belt outer belt Slot region

3 Van Allen Belts-Plasmasphere Overlap Ring current

4 Solar Cycle Dependence of 2-6 MeV Electrons Li et al., GRL, 2006

5 Van Allen Radiation Belts: Slot region variability inner belt outer belt Slot region SAMPEX electrons: 2 - 6 MeV slot region L = 2 - 3 Outer belt inner belt

6 slot region new belt Effect on the Radiation Belts [Baker et al., 2004, Nature]


8 March 91 Shock Acceleration 3.5 MeV at L=6.6, t=0 (M =11,150 MeV/G) Elkington et al., JASTP, 02; 04

9 MHD-Guiding Center Simulation Elkington et al., JASTP, 2002; 2004

10 SAMPEX >10 MeV Electron Injections

11 SAMPEX: Mar 91 decay+Feb 94 injection

12 Halloween 03 >10 MeV Electron Injections

13 Global LFM-MHD Simulations of Magnetosphere Solar wind measurements made WIND, ACE or IMP8 (Feb 94, not Mar 91) Solar wind measurements made WIND, ACE or IMP8 (Feb 94, not Mar 91) Ideal MHD equations are solved on a computational grid to simulate the response of the magnetosphere Ideal MHD equations are solved on a computational grid to simulate the response of the magnetosphere

14 1994 Feb 21 Event: density

15 1994 Feb 21 Event: E phi

16 Halloween ’03 Shock Injection initial E ~ 5 MeV, R ~ 6 RE, final E ~15 MeV, R ~ 2.5 RE Kress et al., 06

17 Halloween ’03 Shock Injection of >10 MeV (W0=1-7 MeV) Electrons

18 E_phi (left) and Solar Energetic Electron Trajectory (right) Halloween ‘03 solar energetic electron injection event Kress et al., 2006

19 Low altitude SAMPEX observations of > 10 MeV electrons, injected 10/29/03 Low altitude SAMPEX observations of > 10 MeV electrons, injected 10/29/03 E -1.5 electron energy spectrum from several MeV to > 15 MeV Initially not observed at SAMPEX due to eq injection Simulated pitch angle distribution->

20 Outer Belt Losses Due to Whistler Pitch Angle Scattering Hiss Whistler Mode outer belt 2-6 MeV Slot Variability: [Lyons et al., 1972]

21 Losses due to Pitch Angle Scattering VLF waves from p’sheet electrons EMIC waves from ring current ions

22 MHD Fields Injection of RadBelt Electrons Elkington et al., JASTP, 2004

23 MHD Fields Injection of RadBelt Electrons Elkington et al., JASTP, 2004

24 Diffusion Rates vs. L Radial diffusion rates in model ULF wave fields D_LL ~ L N Perry et al., JGR, 05, includes δEφ, δBr, δB//, freq and L-dependent power Braughtigam & Albert, 2000, N=6, 10; Perry et al., 2006, N=6, 12 Radial diffusion rates in model ULF wave fields D_LL ~ L^N Perry et al., JGR, 2005, Include δEφ, δBr, δB//, freq and L-dependence 3D trajectories N ~ 6 for no L-dep power, N ~ 12 with L dependence M=273 MeV/G M=273 MeV/G Tau(L,E) Summers 04 # # Selesnick & Blake 2000 # # # Elkington et al., 2003

25 Solutions to diffusion equation using DLL from model ULF wave fields & and PSD from CRRES measurements in subsequent 10-hr orbits to update inner and outer boundaries Dashed lines show CRRES measurements of PSD 61 days apart. Loss model based on Summers et al. 2004. Perry et al. 2005 DLL=10-2(L/4)^12 day-1

26 MHD-Driven Phase Space Density AE8 Max-Initialized, Sept 98 StormFei et al., 2006 MHD-Test Particle Radial Diffusion

27 New belt example: 24 Nov 2001 Clear trapping of solar particles: 13 of 26 SEP penetration events inside L=4, 98-03 Mazur et al., AGU Monograph 165, 2006



30 Conclusions Drift time scale injection of multi- MeV electrons: Strong compression of dayside magnetopause due to high speed CME Drift time scale injection of multi- MeV electrons: Strong compression of dayside magnetopause due to high speed CME Relativistic electron seed population at and beyond geosynchronous required Relativistic electron seed population at and beyond geosynchronous required Plasmasphere plays role intensifying E_phi Plasmasphere plays role intensifying E_phi Long-lived, energetic trapped population injected into slot region Long-lived, energetic trapped population injected into slot region Well-described by CMIT without coupled RCM Well-described by CMIT without coupled RCM Intermediate storm timescale (hrs,days): changes in PSD described by radial diffusion & loss due to whistler (and EMIC) scattering Intermediate storm timescale (hrs,days): changes in PSD described by radial diffusion & loss due to whistler (and EMIC) scattering Enhanced D_LL due to ULF waves needs further study with RCM coupled to CMIT, plasmasphere, ion outflow to populate m’sphere during IMF Bz<0 Enhanced D_LL due to ULF waves needs further study with RCM coupled to CMIT, plasmasphere, ion outflow to populate m’sphere during IMF Bz<0

31 Drift Time Scale Injection from SSC’s Drift Time Scale Injection from SSC’s Blake et al., 2005

32 Mar 91-Feb 91Comparison

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