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Additional ArcView Training Materials by Marc Albrecht Univ. of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Biology Part I: Accessing data layers from the Nebraska.

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Presentation on theme: "Additional ArcView Training Materials by Marc Albrecht Univ. of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Biology Part I: Accessing data layers from the Nebraska."— Presentation transcript:

1 Additional ArcView Training Materials by Marc Albrecht Univ. of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Biology Part I: Accessing data layers from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

2 What this presentation tries to do.. To get the most out of this presentation you should be familiar with a GIS viewer application such as: ArcView, ArcExplorer, or MapInfo, or a viewer from the USGS Please see the other presentation, or contact me, for tips on this!

3 So I know my GIS, now what? Go to the NRD website: www.nrc. www.nrc. Click on ‘Data Bank’ Then ‘Spatial/GIS Databases’.

4 The NRC Site For those who may not know DNR collects all types of data on land and agriculture. Many headings here lead to more lists.

5 Click here for aerial photos (other presentation) Click here for map layers such as soils, township/range, rivers, roads, and more!! If you click on this highlighted heading … you get the next slide

6 Holy Cows! Here are all the data layers you can get – for free! Just pick one and click ‘Next’! By the way ‘TIGER’ layers include all roads and waterways.

7 The options here will vary with the data type you request. Some layers are too large to download by NRD or county, they will be by USGS quad (handouts).

8 Whatever type of area you pick, you then need to name of the area from a list. Holding down the shift key allows you to pick names in a row. The ‘ctrl’ or ‘alt’ key allows you to pick several names that are not together. Which one depends on your computer and browser setup.

9 This box asks several questions about how you want the data formatted. Vector Type: if you are downloading roads pick ‘lines’ if anything that would be in blocks (like soil types) pick ‘polygons’. Export Type: Arc Export will give you a file in ‘x.e00’ format. This format can be imported into ArcExplorer, ArcView, MapInfo.

10 Export Type con’t: ‘Shape files’ are the native format for ArcView. Projection: This could be a workshop on its own. The best option here is to see (find out!) what projection any data you already have is in. Get that one! I have selected UTM, a common projection. Any GPS locations you take must also be in (or converted to) the projection of all your maps. Compression: This just makes your download faster. Most people will use ZIP – a common PC compression scheme. You do need freeware to decompress this.

11 Notice the last space on the form ‘Email’. This is the address that notification will be sent to when the file(s) is ready. The NRC does not send you a file automatically – they only tell you the file you have requested is ready. You get it when you want! You have 7 days.

12 This page came up next because on the last page I selected UTM as my projection. Some projections need additional parameters set In this case ‘Units’, which is self- explanatory.

13 ‘Zone’ refers to something special to UTM. Everywhere in Nebraska not in the panhandle (Zone 13) or near Omaha or east (Zone 15) will be in Zone 14. These are North/South slices used in this projection. ‘NAD’ refers to which measurement of the Earth’s size will be used for the projection. The 1983 estimate is one of the most recent and is commonly used. Use this unless you have a reason not to.

14 The End!! This is the end of the request form. Notice a summary of all your choices are given, as well as your email, a job number is also given. As it says, you will be told when the job is ready for you to download!

15 Where to get information and help. Univ. of Nebraska at Kearney Marc Albrecht: and Steele Becker: Univ. of Nebraska CALMIT= Rick Perk = Marcus Tooze = Nebraska Natural Resource Commission Steve Rathje =* Natural Resource Districts Doug Steinke =

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