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Art of the Italian Renaissance Detail of Procession of the Magi, Gozzoli.

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Presentation on theme: "Art of the Italian Renaissance Detail of Procession of the Magi, Gozzoli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art of the Italian Renaissance Detail of Procession of the Magi, Gozzoli

2 Focus on Perspective Linear Perspective Not very good perspective

3 Focus on Perspective Linear Perspective

4 Alberti’s formula for figuring perspective Focus on Perspective Linear Perspective

5 School of Athens, Raphael

6 Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angles, Lorenzetti or follower Portrait of a Man and a Woman at a Casement, Fra Lippi

7 Adoration of the Magi, Fra Lippi

8 St. Stephen Preaching, Fra Angelico

9 The Infant Bacchus, Giovanni Bellini The Madonna of the Carnation, Leonardo

10 St. Jerome Reading in the Countryside, Giovanni Bellini Constantine’s Dream, Francesca

11 Study for a Libyan Sybil, Michelangelo St. John in the Wilderness, Leonardo

12 Virtruvian Man, Leonardo

13 Detail of the Procession of the Magi, Gozzoli

14 Resurrection, FrancescaDead Christ, Mantagna

15 A Knight’s Dream, Raphael

16 The Last Supper, Ghirliandros

17 Tribute Money, Masaccio

18 Adoration of the Magi, Fabriano

19 The Presentation at the Temple, Fabriano

20 Flagellation, Francesca

21 The Last Supper, DaVinci


23 Death and Ascension of St. Francis, Giotto

24 Assumption of the Virgin, Fra Lippi Triptych at Ferrar, Giovanni Bellini

25 Allegory of the Effects of Good Government, Lorenzetti

26 Camera of the Gonzanga Family, Mantegna

27 Portrait of a Young Man, Giovanni Bellini Old Man and His Grandson, Ghirlandaio

28 Carvings of Nicola Pisano

29 Cimabue, Madonna

30 Cimabue, Madonna Enthroned

31 Giotto, Lamentation

32 Giotto, Madonna Enthroned Giotto, Marriage of the Virgin

33 Lorenzetti, Life of St. Nicholas

34 Andrea Pisano, North Baptistry Doors

35 Ghiberti, South Baptistry Doors

36 Ghiberti, East Baptistry Doors

37 Ghiberti, Four Saints

38 Donatello, Bust of Niccolo DauzzanoDonatello, Bust of St. Rossere

39 Donnatello, David, 1430 Donnatello, David, 1409

40 Donnatello, Annunciation Donnatello, Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata

41 Donnatello, Herod’s Banquet

42 Della Robbia, Ascension Della Robbia, Nativity Della Robbia, Madonna of the Roses

43 Masaccio, Trinity

44 Masaccio, Madonna of Humility

45 Fra Lippi, Madonna with Child and Angels Fra Lippi, Madonna and Child Fra Lippi, Portrait of A Youth

46 Fra Lippi, The Annunciation

47 Fra Lippi, The Assumption

48 Fra Lippi, The Feast of Herod

49 Fra Angelico, Judas Fra Angelico, St. Lawrence Distributes Food to the Poor

50 Fra Angelico, Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven

51 Mantegna, The Madonna of the Cherubim Mantegna, The Crucifixion

52 Mantegna, Rondele of the Camera of the Gonzanga Family

53 Gentile Bellini, The Sermon at St. Mark’s Gentile Bellini, The Miracle of the True Cross

54 Giovanni Bellini, San Giobbe Altarpiece Giovanni Bellini, San Zaccaria Altarpiece

55 Giovanni Bellini, Feast of the Gods Giovanni Bellini, Frari Triptych

56 Carpaccio, The Healing of the Madman Carpaccio, The Ambassadors Return to the English Court

57 Carpaccio, St. Jerome in His Study

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