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Chromosome Geography Lecture. Chromosome Caltech Sturtevant and Morgan Benzer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosome Geography Lecture. Chromosome Caltech Sturtevant and Morgan Benzer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosome Geography Lecture

2 Chromosome Geography @ Caltech Sturtevant and Morgan Benzer

3 Chromosome Geography: Genomic vs. physical position Cremer and Cremer Lucy Shapiro

4 Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH)

5 Schemes for Mapping Chromosome Geography Gitai et al, 2005

6 Fluorescent Proteins

7 Yokota et al, 1995 Quantifying the Geography Gasser, Science 2002

8 Quantifying the Geography Heun, Gasser, Science 2001 Bystricky, Gasser, PNAS 2004

9 Quantifying the Geography Sachs et al.

10 The Immune System

11 Kees Murre, UCSD

12 The Chromosome as a Polymer Blob b=2P

13 Higher Order Structure

14 Atomic-Level Structure of the Nucleosome

15 oriC I oriC II x y Probability x y Replication origins are confined! (Theriot et al.) Chromosome Geography in Vibrio

16 Vibrio Distributions: theory and experiment Model: 0.8  m oriCI oriCII Long axisPerpendicular direction

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