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Trade and Globalization key terms “economic liberalism” favoring free flow of trade and investment “mercantilism” or “protectionism” protecting domestic.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade and Globalization key terms “economic liberalism” favoring free flow of trade and investment “mercantilism” or “protectionism” protecting domestic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Trade and Globalization

3 key terms “economic liberalism” favoring free flow of trade and investment “mercantilism” or “protectionism” protecting domestic industries with subsidies, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers

4 comparative advantage specializing and trading benefits all?

5 Liberal International Economic Order GATT Bretton Woods institution for the reduction of tariffs WTO replaces GATT in 1995 expanded and given teeth--authorizes retaliation



8 Regional Trade Agreements NAFTA EU APEC towards liberalized world trade, or trading blocks?

9 The future of international trade increasing protectionism with declining US hegemony?

10 Globalization Interconnection with the world


12 sources of globalization liberal trade/pro export policy communications technology TV, computer/internet, phone transport air travel, containerization immigration






18 Immigration The US--post 1965 end of nation quotas, more “chain” migration Europe in the 60s guest-workers and former colonies anti-immigrant parties


20 Cultural Homogeneity?

21 Global Village or Global Pillage? WTO may determine that environmental, health, labor standards are really NTBs examples of dolphin-safe tuna and turtle-safe shrimp Tariffs reduced more on poor countries’ small producers than rich countries’ large agricultural producers But poor countries winning at WTO against US cotton

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