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World War II I.Labor empowered A.AFL growth B.CIO struggles C.The Communist Question II.The Second World War A.Background B.Opinions III.The Worker at.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II I.Labor empowered A.AFL growth B.CIO struggles C.The Communist Question II.The Second World War A.Background B.Opinions III.The Worker at."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II I.Labor empowered A.AFL growth B.CIO struggles C.The Communist Question II.The Second World War A.Background B.Opinions III.The Worker at War A.Government Policy B.Gains C.Problem of Discipline

2 AFL Growth AFL regains its momentum Labor continues expanding, but ends its insurgent phase

3 CIO Struggles 1938: ILGWU quits CIO, rejoins AFL two years later 1940: Lewis endorses Republican presidential candidate Wendell Willkie 1941: Lewis cedes presidency of CIO to Philip Murray of the steelworkers 1942: Lewis pulls UMW out of CIO

4 The Communist Question Critics attack CIO for harboring Communists Lewis attempts to control their influence –Harry Bridges –Intl. Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU ) –CIO West Coast director Communists released from federal custody, 1943

5 Ideological Struggle Fascism is reactionary Blame unionists, socialists, communists, liberals, & Jews, for military defeat, depression Use state power to crush dissent, including that of workers

6 Militarism 1931— Japan invades Manchuria 1935—Germany obtains the Saar 1935— Italy invades Ethiopia 1936— Germany rearms the Rhineland 1936— Spanish Civil War 1937-8—Rape of Nanking 1938—Annexation of Austria 1938–Carving Up Czechoslovakia 1939—Attack Poland 1940– Conquer Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands 1941– Invade USSR 1941– Pearl Harbor Haile Selassie I

7 Opinions Antiwar –Some ethnics –Bigots –Pacifists –Communists Between September 1939 & June 1941 Prowar –Liberals –Jewish workers –Communists Before September 1939, after June 1941 CIO West Coast director Harry Bridges CIO founder Sidney Hillman

8 Government Policy National Defense Mediation Board– 1940 National War Labor Board– 1941 No strike pledge—1941 WWII Poster, 1943

9 Boom Ends Depression New Workers –Women –E. O. 8802 (1941) Bans bias in public contracting Fair Employment Practices Commission –Southern blacks Union growth Wage growth

10 Discipline In 1943, half-million soft- coal miners go out on strike Prompt Congress to pass the Smith-Connally Act of 1943 FDR federalizes the mines, but offers concessions to miners Order putting mines under government control, 1943

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