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How to Logon Oracle Collaboration Suite and change password? STEP 1 Launch

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Presentation on theme: "How to Logon Oracle Collaboration Suite and change password? STEP 1 Launch"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Logon Oracle Collaboration Suite and change password? STEP 1 Launch

2 Click this link Step 2: Click change password link

3 Click Login Step 3: Login

4 Type user name and password Step 4: User name and password

5 Click ‘My Profile’ Step 5: Change Profile

6 First: Type old and new passwords Next: Click Submit Finally, logout Step 6: Update password and logout

7 How to use upload and download files? STEP 1 From internet web browser go to the following URL Https://

8 Click on this link STEP 2 While at OCS website, click on Collaboration Suite Portal

9 Click Yes when prompt STEP 3: Trust Certificate if asked

10 Enter your user name and password STEP 4: Login

11 Scroll down to content service 1 2 STEP 5: Get to the content service

12 Click on Yes when prompt STEP 6: Click yes if asked.

13 Select the folder STEP 7: Choose folder

14 Note the status is Versioned after file is checked in. You can only check out a file In this status. Administrator has the right to Cancel a checked out file

15 1. Right click on the file 2. Click on Check Out STEP 8: Check out file

16 Note the status change To Checked Out

17 Right click on the file again and select Download STEP 9: Download file

18 Save the file at your local drive WITHOUT changing name and do what ever you suppose to do. Save the modified file with the same name. STEP 10

19 Click the upload in content service window STEP 11: Upload file

20 1.Click Browse. You may need to Turn off the pop up blocker 2. Select a file to upload

21 1. Verify the file name and path 2. upload

22 Select overwrite, when prompt

23 Right click on the file and Select Check in STEP 12: Check in file

24 Provide version comment and Click the OK STEP 13: Provide version comment

25 The status change back to Versioned

26 Right click the file Select Version history To retrieve previous version STEP 14: Check version history

27 Select a version and copy to your local drive

28 How to delete file in “My recent files” STEP 1 From internet web browser go to the following URL Https:// and login Https:// and login

29 Step 1: See the test_file Try to delete this file

30 Step 2: Delete file Highlight the file and right mouse click to choose delete

31 Step 3: Delete the file in the trash Highlight trash folder and right mouse click to choose delete

32 Test_file is gone.

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