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PRESENTATION OF THE COMMON TIME MEASUREMENT TOOL Presented by Dimitrios Raptis Directorate of International Economic Relations 8 th Meeting of the Working.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION OF THE COMMON TIME MEASUREMENT TOOL Presented by Dimitrios Raptis Directorate of International Economic Relations 8 th Meeting of the Working."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION OF THE COMMON TIME MEASUREMENT TOOL Presented by Dimitrios Raptis Directorate of International Economic Relations 8 th Meeting of the Working Group for the improvement of border crossings along the Pan-European Corridor X Beograd, 21 January 2010

2 TIME MEASUREMENT EXERCISE AT THE BORDER CROSSING POINTS OF THE PAN EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CORRIDOR X TIME MEASUREMENT EXERCISE (LAUFZETTEL EXERCISE): Originally an initiative of the Baltic States Seven (7) countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Germany, Poland and Sweden)

3 AIM To identify the reasons for the delays of road transport vehicles while crossing land borders

4 APPLICATION TO CORRIDOR X  The Customs Administrations of Greece and FYROM implemented a Time Measurement Exercise at the Border Crossing Stations of Evzoni and Bogorodica  Realized in the period between 26/2/2007 and 5/3/2007  1731 forms were filled in the direction Greece-FYROM  2035 forms were filled in the direction FYROM-Greece

5 RECOMMENDED METHODOLOGY  Formulation & Establishment of a Working Group in either side - composed of personnel from local and central services - composed of personnel from local and central services - possible inclusion of other border agencies apart from customs - possible inclusion of other border agencies apart from customs  Tasks: - arrange the organizational details - supervise the implementation of the Exercise - report on the results  Preparatory Meeting of the two Working Groups at the Border Crossing Point

6 PREPARATORY MEETING  Technical matters to be resolved  Selection of the most appropriate period for the implementation of the Exercise: normal traffic (recommended)  Conduct of the exercise  Agreement on the content of the printed form

7  to count the total time a vehicle needs to cross the border i.e. arrival at the queue of the exit border station – departure from the entry border station i.e. arrival at the queue of the exit border station – departure from the entry border station  to cover every procedure such as passport control, customs control and controls by other authorities at both sides of the border PURPOSE OF THE FORM

8  Number and languages of the forms single form: most suitable option  Use of exemplary models (e.g. E.U.) and adaptation to specific needs  Distribution of the information form to the lorry drivers upon border queue approach  Completion by every control authority

9 Form used in Bogorodica-Evzoni Exercise

10 TESTING EXERCISE  Identify weak and unforeseen difficulties  Make necessary adjustments  Presence of Working Groups required to offer guidance

11 COORDINATION MEETING  All border authorities at either side - Customs - Customs - Police - Police - Veterinary Authorities - Veterinary Authorities - Phyto-Sanitary Authorities - Phyto-Sanitary Authorities - Other border agencies implicated - Other border agencies implicated  Identification of possible needs for extra personnel  Information of the carriers as regards the Exercise - posters - posters - official letter to the carriers’ association - official letter to the carriers’ association

12 Poster used in Bogorodica-Evzoni Exercise

13 PERFORMANCE OF THE EXERCISE  Presence of Working Groups  Supervision of authorities charged with the implementation  Provide a channel of communication and coordination between the border agencies  Solution of minor problems

14 PROCESSING OF RESULTS  Use of Excel Sheet  Presentation of Data on tables showing total and average border crossing times  Issue of a Final Common Report based on separate reports of each working group based on separate reports of each working group

15 Examples of Tables used (1)

16 Examples of Tables used (2) 0:45 0:02 0:01 0:01 0:18 0:00 0:26 0:17 0:00 0:07 0:14 0:21 0:28 0:36 0:43 0:50 AVERAGE TOTAL BORDER TIME EXIT BOGORODICA ENTRY TO EVZONI BOGORODICA ENTRY TO EVZONI Time between stop at the border and 1st clearance Clearance by FYROM Customs Clearance by FYROM Vet / Sanitary Services Clearance by FYROM Police Time between end of exit procedure and 1st clearance of entry Clearance by GR Police Clearance by GR Customs Remaining Time

17 Examples of Tables used (3) 0:00 0:14 0:28 0:43 0:57 1:12 1:26 1:40 1:55 Time (h) Average total border time Exit Bogorodica entry to Evzoni TOTAL BORDER TIME Time between stop at the border and 1st clearance Clearance by FYROM Customs Clearance by FYROM Vet / Sanitary Services Clearance by FYROM Police Time between end of exit procedure and 1 st clearance of entry Clearance by GR Police Clearance by GR Customs Remaining Time

18 Examples of Tables used (4)

19 Examples of Tables used (5)

20 CONTENT OF THE COMMON REPORT  explain the goals and methodology  indicate shortfalls and bottlenecks  identify possible causes  propose corrective measures  set specific time targets to meet  Distribution of report to the E.C., Carriers’Associations and other stakeholders.

21 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED  Matters of competence between agencies  Inadequate Personnel & Equipment  Position of Border Stations or control areas  Road Maintenance & Lighting  Narrow Vehicle Lanes  Difference of shifts between opposite border agencies

22 Thank You for your attention!!!

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