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Podcasting 101. What is Podcasting? The term “Podcasting” is a portmanteau word derived from “iPod” and “broadcasting”. On the production side, it's a.

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasting 101. What is Podcasting? The term “Podcasting” is a portmanteau word derived from “iPod” and “broadcasting”. On the production side, it's a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasting 101

2 What is Podcasting? The term “Podcasting” is a portmanteau word derived from “iPod” and “broadcasting”. On the production side, it's a media file (such as an MP3), an index file, and a web server. On the client side, it's a podcatcher – a piece of software that downloads new podcasts, and an audio player. Confused yet?

3 But first... ● What podcasting is not... ● radio. ●....a bunch of mp3 files on a server ●....something you need an iPod for ●....iTunes U

4 So what is it? ● An open, freely implementable standard not tied to any specific piece of hardware or software ● It's like TiVo or a smart VCR for audio – Whenever a new program is produced to which you've subscribed, the podcatching program downloads it. It also keeps a log of what you've already listened to.

5 How do you make them? ● What you need on the production side – A reasonably modern computer with a sound card and/or USB port, plus a microphone ● Mac, Windows, Linux – it doesn't really matter ● An Internet connection ● An audio recording/manipulation program like Audacity, capable of making MP3 files ● A web server to upload the files, and some way of generating the XML metadata file

6 What's an MP3 file? Consider an audio CD. It can contain roughly 70 minutes of audio. But if you were to take that audio off the CD, it would easily be 700MB – 800MB in size. MP3 is a way of making sound files smaller by throwing away parts of audio that the human ear can't usually hear.

7 MP3 and bitrates MP3s have a bitrate. A higher bitrate means better audio quality, but larger file size. A lower bitrate means lower quality with a small size. 128kbps is considered CD quality. If, say, we were recording only voice, we might want to use a lower bitrate as the human voice's range is less than a typical piece of music. Remember VCRs? EP/SP/SLP? Essentially the same.

8 Okay, so what's XML? ● Like a library index card contains information about a book in the library – author, subject, length of book, and so on – the XML file contains information about the MP3 files in your podcast – author, subject, length of file, etc. ● 95% of the time you will not need to worry about this.

9 How do I listen to them? ● Grab yourself a podcatching application – iTunes – Juice – FireAnt – bashpodder –... a zillion more ● Go to and look through shows

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