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Bioengineered Products Naho Kaneko. History of Biotechnology Gregor Johann Mendel was the first mover He became a Monk in order to get education His research.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioengineered Products Naho Kaneko. History of Biotechnology Gregor Johann Mendel was the first mover He became a Monk in order to get education His research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioengineered Products Naho Kaneko

2 History of Biotechnology Gregor Johann Mendel was the first mover He became a Monk in order to get education His research was crossing tall and short parent peas, hybrid offspring will be tall peas instead of medium peas

3 History of Biotechnology James Watson was born in 1928 in Chicago He was really smart that he entered the University of Chicago when he was 15 Watson joined Francis Crick research in the biomolecular at Cambridge in 1951

4 History of Biotechnology James Watson and Francis Crick found the chemical structure of living matter The director of the laboratory ordered to end their investigation in 1953 In recognition of their discovery, they share the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physiology

5 Bioengineered/ Genetically Modified Foods The first Bioengineered yeast was first approved in the U.K in 1990 The products used the yeast was first appear on the market in 1992 The first bioengineered Tomato was started to sold in 1994

6 Bioengineered Foods Bioengineered products spread in the world in Agriculture market Bioengineered products became so popular 81% of total Soybeans 40% of total Corn 73% of total Cotton In the U.S are Genetically Modified Corps (by The FDA report in 2003)

7 Types of Bioengineered Products Fungicide: prevent and cure diseases Herbicide: prevent or eliminate weeds and thus replace or reduce manual and mechanical weeding Insecticide: reduce the insects on vegetable and fruits These are inside vegetables and fruits genes

8 Types of Bioengineered Products In order for vegetables and fruits to fight with diseases, Chicken gene are inserted into Potato In order to resist frost, Flounder gene are inserted to Tomato

9 Competitors in The U.S Monsanto Pioneer Hi-Bread Syngenta

10 Pros and Cons Bioengineered products reduce cost for farmers Less work for farmers They say it’s safe Company who produce them are profitable They have never done research about long term effect on people Destroy natural environment and natural ecosystem Bioengineered products might cause allergy

11 Reaction to Bioengineered Products Many European countries are now protesting to Bioengineered Products 78% of Sweden, 65% of Italy, 53% of U.K, 78% of German are opposed for GM products in 1997 In 1996, Denmark required labeling of all GM items The same year, Italy banned glowing GM corns In The U.S, labeling of GM products is not required

12 S-Curve

13 Now We Should Stop

14 Video ature=related ature=related

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