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The remarkable soft X-ray emission of the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C445 BLRG in the Unification Scheme of AGN: Is the circumnuclear gas in BLRG different with respect to radio quiet Seyfert galaxies? V. Braito, R.M. Sambruna, J.N. Reeves
BROAD LINE RADIO GALAXIES IN THE UNIFICATION SCHEME OF AGN Orientation explains the different “flavors” of AGN. Viewing angle of the obscuring torus: Broad vs Narrow lines AGN Viewing angle of the jet: BLAZARS vs Radio Galaxies Modified from Urry & Padovani 1995 Narrow-line Radio Galaxies BLRG: direct view of the inner region of the AGN and of the jet Blazar
Sensitive X-ray observations are a key to disentangle the contributions from warm and cold gas in AGN Radio Quiet AGN Warm gas photoionized by the central engine: X-ray emission and absorption features (O, N, Ne Mg, Si and Fe) detected in Sy 1 and Sy2 and QSOs high velocity outflowing gas (Reeves talk) Cold gas: Fe K line at 6.4 keV compton Reflection hump Compton Reflection hump Iron K Line X-ray Continuum Absorption from outflow Soft Excess
How are RL different from RQ AGNs? No evidence of warm absorbers in RL AGN; weak reflection and generally the soft X-ray emission is featureless. BLRG are a key class to investigate the inner region of RL AGN since seen at intermediate angles wrt the jets. Only few examples of X-ray bright BLRGs at low z and with an optimal inclination angle -i.e. to minimize the jet contribution. One of the best candidate is 3C445: Bright in the X-ray band (7e-12 cgs; 2-10 keV) low redshift (z=0.056) Large inclination angle: i=60deg (Eracleous & Halpern 98)
ASCA, BeppoSAX, and XMM-Newton BeppoSAX detected 3C445 up to 50 keV (Grandi et al. 06, Dadina 07) the X-ray emission suggested the presence of a high reflection component. Large FOV prevent from a detailed modeling; possible contamination from a nearby cluster (A2440, z=0.094) XMM observation: I.Continuum composed by 3 power law ( =1.4) with two layer of neutral absorption and a reflection component II.Narrow Fe k line; confirming ASCA results (Sambruna et al. 98) Overall the X-ray emission of 3C445 is similar to Compton thin Seyfert 2 5 lines clearly detected with the EPIC-CCD: OVII He- , OVIII Ly , MgXI and SiXIII
The short XMM observation Soft X-ray emission lines The soft X-ray emission lines are likely produced in a photoionized medium similar to Sy2 galaxies Two ionization states: 1.log =-0.1 responsible for the lower ionization emission lines (Si and Mg) 2.log =1.86 (O VIII and O VII ) The low exposure time (~15 ksec) did not allow a meaningful analysis of the RGS spectra (less than 300 net counts for RGS1 and RGS2) Lack of spectral resolution and statistic to perform a more detailed plasma diagnostic
Suzaku smaller FOV: there is no contamination from the nearby cluster. Apparent lack of strong reflection component Suzaku I: the 0.4-40 keV continuum Two possible models for the underlying continuum: I.A partial covering neutral absorber (N H ~10 23 cm -2 ; covering 80%; ~1.7). II.The absorber can be replaced with a mildly ionized absorber (N H ~10 23 cm -2; log ~0.9).
The Fe -K complex To confirm the presence of an underlying weak broad Fe line we need to wait for the correct calibration for the observation performed with CI Narrow Fe K Narrow Fe K E=6.4 keV <50 eV (FWHM <5000km/s) EW ~100 eV Residuals can be explained with two narrow lines (Fe H- like+ Fe k ). Red wing could be due to a weak broad Fe line with Ew broad ~60 eV. Weak broad Fe K ? H-like Fe+Fe K
We condirm the several X- ray emission in the 0.4-3 keV range detected with XMM with a better spectral resolution (XIS1- BI) especially below 1keV The Soft X-ray emission: O VII He- Ne IX+ O VIII RRC Mg XI Si XIII The EW of these lines ranges from 30 eV (Mg and Si) to 160 eV (O VII He- ). 2 ionized emitters as seen with XMM
Conclusion: X-ray vs optical properties. A non uniform (cloud like) ionized absorber extending down to the “broad line regions” offers a way to reconcile X-ray and optical band. NO EVIDENCE OF N H VARIABILITY HIGH COVERING FACTOR FOR THIS ABSORBER Obscured in the X-ray but unobscured in the optical Our line of sight intercept a significant number of clouds, but at the same time intercepts the innermost BLR clouds if they are lifted some height above A possibility is that the BLR emission is produced also near the the inner region surrounding the outflow/jet
Conclusion II: the soft X-ray emission We have evidence of two ionized emitting regions. Two possible scenarios for the location of these regions: 1.they are located outside the absorbing medium (i.e like the narrow line regions); 2.the ionized emitters and absorber are the same medium with a range of ionization state. An intriguing scenario is that this medium is coincident with the inner part of an outflow which could be related to the formation of the jet.
BLRG in the X-ray: what’s next… I.We need to establish the density and ionization and location of absorbing emitting ionized media in 3C445 -resolve the soft X-ray emission lines and measure possible velocity shifts wrt to systemic. This possible only with spectral resolution offered by grating observations II.Compare with other BLRG. Extend the sample of BLRG with adequate deep X-ray observation to establish how common are warm gas in BLRGs and in RL AGN.
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