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Muon Capture on the Deuteron Motivation for a new Experiment B e r n h a r d L a u s s U C B e r k e l e y for the MuCAP Collaboration Petersburg Nuclear.

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Presentation on theme: "Muon Capture on the Deuteron Motivation for a new Experiment B e r n h a r d L a u s s U C B e r k e l e y for the MuCAP Collaboration Petersburg Nuclear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muon Capture on the Deuteron Motivation for a new Experiment B e r n h a r d L a u s s U C B e r k e l e y for the MuCAP Collaboration Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Paul Scherrer Institut University of California - Berkeley and LBNL University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign Universite Catholique de Louvain Boston University University of Kentucky - Lexington Universität München APS April 2004 - Denver The muD-Project - experiment under consideration - encourage strongly community input

2 APS April 2004 - Denver The Basic Process to be investigated is muon capture on the deuterium doublet state  + d  n + n + d nnnn --  W  hyperfine states: (1/2)  d  (3/2)  d  doublet capture rate:  d 1/2 ~ 400s -1 quartet capture rate:  d 3/2 ~ 10s -1 F=1/2 dd dd F=3/2  n n  DD QQ

3 APS April 2004 - Denver Why a new experiment on  d-capture ? » First precise Measurement of charge current reaction in a 2 Nucleon system » Test of 2-body currents (Axial) Meson Exchange Currents » Resolve unclear experimental situation » Determine L 1,A -> relevant for Neutrino experiments & Solar Model

4 APS April 2004 - Denver The Present Experimental Situation is unsatisfying n-measurement  =4% gas, T=40K lifetime measurement liquid D2, T=18K n-measurement H2-D2(5%) gas mixture, T=293K but only if pure 1/2 population assumed / statistical mix -> x3 n-measurement liquid H2-D2(0.32%) mixture T=18K lifetime measurement  = 5%; ultraclean D2 gas 409±40 470±29 Problems: n-method: depends on n-efficiency and energy threshold -> needs theory for extraction of . lifetime method: needs high statistics & target purity.

5 APS April 2004 - Denver SNPA 2-body nuclear system is well known  test of our description of nuclear response to weak probes at intermediate energies; two nucleon interaction.  test of MECs (  exchange / significant  isobar current) MECs are sensitive to short range effects enhanced for high energetic neutrons  a nn - final state interaction  g p dependence (similar to  p- capture) Test of the Standard Nuclear Physics Approach and of Meson Exchange Currents SNPA Tatara et al PRC42(1990) MECs 10% of total rate New Calculation Ando et al. PLB 533 (2002) EFT* (HBCPT+EFT) reduces MECs effect |1B| 2 = 370 s -1 |1+2B| 2 = 386 s -1

6 APS April 2004 - Denver The Present Experimental Situation is controvers n-measurement  =4% gas, T=40K lifetime measurement liquid D2, T=18K n-measurement H2-D2(5%) gas mixture, T=293K but only if pure 1/2 population assumed / statistical mix -> x3 n-measurement liquid H2-D2(0.32%) mixture T=18K lifetime measurement  = 5%; ultraclean D2 gas 409±40 470±29 Problems: n-method: depends on n-efficiency and energy threshold -> needs theory for extraction of . lifetime method: needs high statistics & target purity.Theory Theory cannot account for rates at 470 s -1 ! ! !

7 Test of calculational approach via Effective Field Theory APS April 2004 - Denver  EFT(  EFT* - uses a low-energy expansion scheme with a set cut-off parameter for regularization - provides independent framework with model-independent results when all low-energy coefficients in the effective Lagrangian are known a NLO calculation contains one not so well determined parameter denoted L 1,A or d R  d can be used to determine precisely the low-energy parameter within a 2-body system ( Ando-Park-Kubodera-Myhrer PLB533(2002)25 / Kammel-nucl-ex/0304019 ) ^

8 Astrophysical Interest because of the close connection between muon capture and neutrino scattering calculation APS April 2004 - Denver EFT: Class of axial current reactions related by one single low-energy parameter L 1,A ( Butler-Chen-Kong PRC63 (2001)035501 ) - pp-fusion - tritium  -decay -  d &  d scattering & breakup reactions -> SNO L 1,A can be determined from: _ _ 3-body current ? assumes standard 8B shape no solar model uncertainties included (f B,  12,  m 21 2 constraint) suggested  d capture ? ± 1.5 fm 3 Chen-Kammel  would be the most precise determination from 2-body system

9 APS April 2004 - Denver The leading two-body current parametrized by L 1,A is the dominant uncertainty of every low-energy weak interaction deuteron breakup process including SNO’s CC and NC reactions ! ( Chen-Heeger-Robertson PRC67-2003 ) We emphasize the importance of fixing the axial counter term through a direct experimental measurement ! ( Butler-Chen-Kong/PRC63-2001 ) Knowledge of L 1,A is important for a precision determination of neutrino parameters constrain  13 ! L 1,A necessary to determine absolute rates in SNO !

10 APS April 2004 - Denver Due to the complexity of muonic processes in deuterium it is very important for a precision measurement to determine the most favourable experimental conditions.

11  CF n hf population monitoring  3 He capture background ! recycling dddd Muons are subject to a Complex Chain of Processes in Deuterium APS April 2004 - Denver F=1/2 dd dd F=3/2  n n  DD QQ  hf

12 APS April 2004 - Denver Well known Variation of the Muonic Deuterium Hyperfine Populations with Temperature and Density  = 0.01 LHD T = 300K  = 0.1 LHD T = 300K — 1/2 states— 3/2 states— sum 1/2+3/2 — dd-fusion neutron

13 — 1/2 states— 3/2 states— sum 1/2+3/2 — dd-fusion neutron APS April 2004 - Denver Well known Variation of the Muonic Deuterium Hyperfine Populations with Temperature and Density  = 0.01 LHD T = 80K  = 0.1 LHD T = 80K liquid N2 - cooling possible !!!

14 APS April 2004 - Denver Comparison Hydrogen / Deuterium Experiments in D 2 easier - isotopic purity requirements less stringent in D 2 harder - muonic molecular processes - additional neutron measurement - control of hyperfine states - cooled TPC detector with higher density (smaller chamber) MuCAP  Experience with precision Lifetime Measurement in Hydrogen

15 APS April 2004 - Denver Setup Stage 1 - Lifetime Measurement ( MuCAP ) e-detectors  mu-detectors  cooled TPC D2 gas system XXXX measure at 300 K to  3% precision with present setup

16 Investigation of Energy Dependence - Dalitz Plot APS April 2004 - Denver final state interaction nn-scattering length little contribution to  because of small overlap of wavefunctions of the deuteron and the 2 neutrons  EFT  EFT ?  + d  n + n + n n  EFT*

17 APS April 2004 - Denver Setup Stage 2 -Neutron TOF deuterium gas cooled with liquid N2 with enough physics motivation

18 APS April 2004 - Denver Thanks for your attention !

19 APS April 2004 - Denver


21 F=1/2 dd dd F=3/2  n n  DD QQ

22 APS April 2004 - Denver F=1/2 dd dd F=3/2  n n  DD QQ  hf dddd  CF n hf population monitoring  3 He capture background ! recycling

23 APS April 2004 - Denver F=1/2 dd dd F=3/2  n n  DD QQ  hf

24 APS April 2004 - Denver dddd

25  CF n hf population monitoring  3 He capture background ! recycling

26 APS April 2004 - Denver dddd  CF n hf population monitoring  3 He capture background ! recycling

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