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M ADHESH, NGO S /CSO S, C RITICAL M ASS AND D EVELOPMENT Anirudh Pd Sah Programme Coordinator Nepal Madhesh Foundation (NEMAF) 1.

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Presentation on theme: "M ADHESH, NGO S /CSO S, C RITICAL M ASS AND D EVELOPMENT Anirudh Pd Sah Programme Coordinator Nepal Madhesh Foundation (NEMAF) 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 M ADHESH, NGO S /CSO S, C RITICAL M ASS AND D EVELOPMENT Anirudh Pd Sah Programme Coordinator Nepal Madhesh Foundation (NEMAF) 1

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10 D ONORS /INGO S ’ P ERSPECTIVE Mr. Robert Piper, UN Ambassador : Need of transparent, system based operated CSOs/NGOs Question of credibility on Madhesh based NGOs Effective implementation of the project/programme by Madhesh based NGOs 10

11 Dr. Spachis, Ambassador, European Union Delegation to Nepal: Advocacy is must for developing Madhesh Monitoring and Evaluation is inevitable P ERSPECTIVE COND …. 11

12 Mr. Upadhaya, a delegate from World Bank: Perception of the state and other regarding the depth of CORRUPTON in Madhesh. P ERSPECTIVE COND …. 12

13 W HAT IS AT GROUND ? BLACK BUDDHA: Ignored Hospitals Empty colleges Locales not get tired of blaming the leaders Funds/Aids do not reach to actual beneficiaries 13

14 W HAT IS AT ……….. C OND According to The Economist, the misuse of developmental Fund (60 to 90%) At DDC, NGOs/CSOs and Users’ group pay commissions of up to 50%. Rest of the fund is misused at VDC Level 14

15 W HAT IS AT ……….. C OND Misuse of developmental Fund (65 to 85%) At DDC, NGOs/CSOs and Users’ group pay commissions of up to 40%. Rest of the fund is misused at VDC Level 15

16 Lack of proper development activities Lawlessness Lack of Madheshis voice in the media Lack of political concentration towards the real issues of Madhesh Worse situation of Water and Sanitation Corruption in Management Committee of School State and stakeholders not accountable to & responsible towards community 16 W HY IN M ADHESH ONLY ??

17 A BSENCE OF C RITICAL M ASS This critical mass nowadays simply called as Civil Society If there is vibrant and critical mass of civil society in place, there will be less chance of existence of malpractices in the society 17

18 W HAT D OES C IVIL S OCIETY D O ? civil society raises : questions, prescribes constructive suggestions and exerts pressure on the concerned stakeholders to be accountable to people Recent Anna Hazare civil society movement is an example. 18

19 C IVIL S OCIETY IN M ADHESH ?? Few and mainly Kathmandu Centric Almost void of vibrant and critical mass of civil society at local level in Madhesh 19

20 Need to create mass of vibrant and critical civil society Strengthen them with proper information and Train them for proper act of activism 20 W HAT CAN BE DONE THEN ?

21 H OW THE VOID CAN BE FILLED ? Strengthen the local NGOs by Enabling their offices SYSTEM BASED OPERATED Financial Administration Regulation/policy Staff Management Regulation/policy Institutional Good Governance Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Other related policies that help to run organization smoothly 21

22 Training them to manage organization as well as programme effectively and efficiently Engaging them in civil society strengthening activities (FOCUSING YOUTH OF MADHESH) at local level 22 H OW THE VOID ……….. CONTD

23 C HALLENGES Reluctance of Madhesh led NGOs and Madheshis to change Presence of same old genre of political local leaders in all party mechanism Very low turn out at awareness and such programmes Reluctance to own the public infrastructure Low level of understanding about their rights and at the same time their strengths to be in group Want to have prompt gain The strengthening process will be very slow but GRADUAL 23


25 Thank you for your patience 25

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