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Rectifier Circuit LAB 02. 1. Rectifier : bridge rectifier Transformer 110V/6V  calculate the peak voltage of rectifier. Find the Diode device.

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Presentation on theme: "Rectifier Circuit LAB 02. 1. Rectifier : bridge rectifier Transformer 110V/6V  calculate the peak voltage of rectifier. Find the Diode device."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rectifier Circuit LAB 02

2 1. Rectifier : bridge rectifier Transformer 110V/6V  calculate the peak voltage of rectifier. Find the Diode device.

3 3. Voltage regulator : Zener diode : determine to choose the Zener diode. 2. Filter : Capacitor depend on the ripple voltage and load.

4 金屬膜精密電阻 一般的炭膜電阻

5 線繞電阻

6 顏色第一位數第二位數第三位數倍數容許誤差 黑色 00 0 x 1(Ω)- 棕色 11 1 x 10 (Ω)± 1% 紅色 22 2 x 100 (Ω)± 2% 橙色 33 3 x 1000 (KΩ)- 黃色 44 4 x 10000 (10KΩ)- 綠色 55 5 x 100000 (100KΩ)± 0.5% 藍色 66 6 x 1000000 (1MΩ)± 0.25% 紫色 77 7 x 10000000 (10MΩ)± 0.1% 灰色 88 8 x 100000000 (100MΩ)± 0.05 白色 99 9 x 1000000000 (1000MΩ)- 金色 -- - x 0.1± 5% 銀色 -- - x 0.01± 10%

7 代碼 BCDFGHJKL MN 誤差值 1% 0.25 % 0.5 % 1% 2% 3% 5% 10% 15% 20% 30% 鉭質電解電容器 紙質電容器

8 電解質電容器

9 ABCDEFGHIJ 011.251.622.53.15456.38 11012.516202531.540506380 2100125160200250315400500630800 31000125016002000250031504000500063008000

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