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BIOS E-162B Undergraduate Review: Neuropathophysiology II September 27, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOS E-162B Undergraduate Review: Neuropathophysiology II September 27, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOS E-162B Undergraduate Review: Neuropathophysiology II September 27, 2010

2 Words that will haunt you in physiology Afferent=towards the brain vs. Efferent=away from the brain Agonist=activates a receptor vs. Antagonist=inactivates a receptor

3 Neural Pathways Scenario: –You just touched a hot stove, and need to move your hand away before it gets burned!

4 HOT! Afferent pathway (sensory)

5 The CNS: interneurons, convergence, and divergence HOT! Via association cortex

6 Efferent Pathway (motor) MOVE! SLOW AND STEADY! REFINE! MOVE!

7 How movement occurs: The neruomuscular junction 1. _________ 2. Ca2+ enters 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________ 6. _______________

8 Curare 1.What part of the neural pathway does it affect? 2.How does it work?

9 Myathenia gravis 1.What part of the neural pathway does it affect? 2.What happens?

10 Botulinum toxin 1.What part of the neural pathway does it affect? 2.How does it work?

11 Parkinson’s Disease 1.What part of the neural pathway does it affect? 2.What happens? MOVE! SLOW AND STEADY! REFINE!

12 Multiple sclerosis 1.What part of the neural pathway does it affect? 2.What happens? HOT! Via association cortex

13 Amotrophic lateral sclerosis 1.What part of the neural pathway does it affect? 2.What happens? SLOW AND STEADY ! REFINE! MOVE!

14 Mechanisms of Pathogenesis GeneticsInjury/ Toxicity InfectionImmune Curare Myathenia gravis Botulism toxin Parkinson’s MS ALS

15 Answers to 1-6 1.Action potential reaches motor neuron terminal 2.Ca2+ 3.Acetylcholine diffuses across synaptic cleft 4.Motor end plate 5.Acetylcholine binds to nicotinic receptors 6.Na+ enters cell, causing muscle contraction

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