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TRB – Omaha, NE National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation October 20, 2008 Connecting The Dots Northwestern Trailways – Bill Brannan.

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Presentation on theme: "TRB – Omaha, NE National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation October 20, 2008 Connecting The Dots Northwestern Trailways – Bill Brannan."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRB – Omaha, NE National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation October 20, 2008 Connecting The Dots Northwestern Trailways – Bill Brannan NBTA – Brandon Buchanan Greyhound Lines, Inc – Tim Lukes

2 The National Bus Traffic Association is: A non-profit association headquartered in Washington, DCA non-profit association headquartered in Washington, DC Founded in 1933Founded in 1933 Home of the Interline Revenue Clearing HouseHome of the Interline Revenue Clearing House A nexus point for 54 intercity scheduled service carriers located throughout North AmericaA nexus point for 54 intercity scheduled service carriers located throughout North America Shared staff resources with the American Bus Association (900 bus operator members, 130 fixed route operators)Shared staff resources with the American Bus Association (900 bus operator members, 130 fixed route operators) Legislative and regulatory service provider for the private motorcoach industryLegislative and regulatory service provider for the private motorcoach industry

3 Map of US NBTA Members

4 Interline Revenue Clearing House Simplified monthly settlement of credit and debit accounts electronically Simplified monthly settlement of credit and debit accounts electronically Carriers submit billing invoices to other carriers online Carriers submit billing invoices to other carriers online Ticket revenues are reclaimed through apportioned miles Ticket revenues are reclaimed through apportioned miles 1.Passenger travel 500 miles for $60.00 2.Company A carried them 180 miles, Company B carried them 250 miles, Company C carried them 70 miles 3.Company A receives $21.60, Company B receives $30, Company C receives $8.40 Net payments are deposited and credited to accounts Net payments are deposited and credited to accounts $170 million per year in transactions

5 Characterizing Private Intercity Fixed Route Carriers How many scheduled service companies exist? How many scheduled service companies exist? 100-200 carriers100-200 carriers Approximately 70 carriers nationwide are listed in the Russell’s Guide and 54 carriers belong to the National Bus Traffic Association.Approximately 70 carriers nationwide are listed in the Russell’s Guide and 54 carriers belong to the National Bus Traffic Association. How many scheduled service stops are served by private carriers? How many scheduled service stops are served by private carriers? Nearly 3,200 bus stations, serving over 4,200 destination pointsNearly 3,200 bus stations, serving over 4,200 destination points How many rural intercity passengers are served by private carriers ? How many rural intercity passengers are served by private carriers ? Able to reach 72.9 million passengers, serving over 31 million in 2001 (as reported by 12 of the 203 identified carriers in 2001)Able to reach 72.9 million passengers, serving over 31 million in 2001 (as reported by 12 of the 203 identified carriers in 2001) An estimated 14.4 million rural residents don’t have access to anything beyond bus transportationAn estimated 14.4 million rural residents don’t have access to anything beyond bus transportation

6 Decline of Communities Served by National Intercity Bus Service 1956 - 2005

7 Network Transformation: Before and After Route Network Retained Eliminated Transcontinental Pipe * * Transcontinental pipes had frequency reductions

8 Opportunities for Intercity Service Opportunities have never been greater due to federal funds! Opportunities have never been greater due to federal funds! There is room for improvement, 61% usage rate of $. There is room for improvement, 61% usage rate of $.

9 Opportunities for Intercity Service An average of 21 states per year opt to certify the 5311(f) funds An average of 21 states per year opt to certify the 5311(f) funds A top down approach is not the answer! A top down approach is not the answer! A grassroots approach may give us the results that we desire. A grassroots approach may give us the results that we desire.

10 NBTA Board 2008-2010 Goals Staff and Industry Led Outreach Staff and Industry Led Outreach Increase Awareness & AccessibilityIncrease Awareness & Accessibility Increase Networking & Partnership OpportunitiesIncrease Networking & Partnership Opportunities Improve Channels of CommunicationImprove Channels of Communication Increase Diversity & CoordinationIncrease Diversity & Coordination

11 Outreach Action Plan Identify potential transportation partners and service coordination targets Identify potential transportation partners and service coordination targets Metropolitan Planning OrganizationsMetropolitan Planning Organizations State Departments of TransportationState Departments of Transportation Public Transportation AssociationsPublic Transportation Associations Community Transportation Service ProvidersCommunity Transportation Service Providers Direct NBTA members to information resources and key contacts Direct NBTA members to information resources and key contacts Develop partnership recruitment tools for NBTA members to utilize in building relationships Develop partnership recruitment tools for NBTA members to utilize in building relationships

12 Staff & Industry Outreach Mandate Membership Meeting in 2007 (bi-annual) Membership Meeting in 2007 (bi-annual) Board priority to increase outreach and communication efforts Board priority to increase outreach and communication efforts Fixed route service locations are decreasing Fixed route service locations are decreasing Passengers are losing through bus service Passengers are losing through bus service Disconnect in customer information available at the community level Disconnect in customer information available at the community level Online trip planning and customer confidence are emerging priorities Online trip planning and customer confidence are emerging priorities

13 Increase Awareness & Accessibility Raise awareness of transportation planners to the services and resources provided by NBTA member carriers and the National Intercity Bus Transportation Network Raise awareness of transportation planners to the services and resources provided by NBTA member carriers and the National Intercity Bus Transportation Network Involve NBTA member carriers in planning process to introduce new or failed routes and/or develop terminal facilities Involve NBTA member carriers in planning process to introduce new or failed routes and/or develop terminal facilities Improve the perception of the modern applications of fixed route service Improve the perception of the modern applications of fixed route service Provide expanded access to federal, state and local transportation funding. Provide expanded access to federal, state and local transportation funding. Legislative processLegislative process Operating subsidiesOperating subsidies Capital subsidiesCapital subsidies Marketing subsidiesMarketing subsidies Pilot programs/experimental routesPilot programs/experimental routes

14 Increase Networking & Partnership Opportunities Help establish links among groups with shared interests and goals Help establish links among groups with shared interests and goals Transit agenciesTransit agencies Non-profitsNon-profits Van poolsVan pools Other motorcoach operatorsOther motorcoach operators Increase public-private collaborations Increase public-private collaborations Pool limited resources Pool limited resources Provide expanded access to funding Provide expanded access to funding Encourage partnership to become a sub- recipient in federal programs:Encourage partnership to become a sub- recipient in federal programs: 5307 5307 5310 5310 JARC JARC New Freedom New Freedom

15 Improve Channels of Communication Market scheduled bus service beyond current service areas Market scheduled bus service beyond current service areas Provide a forum for non-traditional partners to meet and communicate Provide a forum for non-traditional partners to meet and communicate Reduce barriers for efficiently implementing transportation plans and utilizing available funds Reduce barriers for efficiently implementing transportation plans and utilizing available funds Facilitate information sharing and lessons learned Facilitate information sharing and lessons learned

16 Increase Diversity & Coordination Introduce new interline partners to intercity bus service Introduce new interline partners to intercity bus service Improve the transportation of special needs passengers Improve the transportation of special needs passengers ADA coordinationADA coordination Demand response schedulingDemand response scheduling Educate private bus operators not currently providing intercity fixed route service to the service options available for them and their passengers Educate private bus operators not currently providing intercity fixed route service to the service options available for them and their passengers Facilitate the assessment of transportation needs Facilitate the assessment of transportation needs Rural systemsRural systems Urban systemsUrban systems Underserved communitiesUnderserved communities

17 Evaluating Outreach Results Quantitative Benchmarks Formation of new interline partnerships or expanded routes Formation of new interline partnerships or expanded routes # of new members # of new members Associate MembersAssociate Members Operator MembersOperator Members Sponsored CarriersSponsored Carriers # of identified target groups/organizations/affiliates for partnership # of identified target groups/organizations/affiliates for partnership Feedback from Member carriers Feedback from Member carriers Service InformationService Information # of states served # of states served # of station stops # of station stops Amount of grant monies received Amount of grant monies received PartnershipsPartnerships Current Current Pending Pending Past Past Increased ridership Increased ridership

18 Other Industry Resources State Motorcoach Associations ALAL CACA FLFL GAGA MDMD MNMN NCNC New EnglandNew England Northwest (WA, OR, ID)Northwest (WA, OR, ID) NJ NY PA SC South Central (LA, MS, AR, TX) TN TX VA WI National Motorcoach Associations American Bus AssociationAmerican Bus Association United Motorcoach AssociationUnited Motorcoach Association International Motorcoach GroupInternational Motorcoach Group Trailways, Inc.Trailways, Inc.

19 What is Next? Evaluate success of federal funds in maintaining service levels and customer access Evaluate success of federal funds in maintaining service levels and customer access Facilitate the communication of intercity transportation locations Facilitate the communication of intercity transportation locations Improve passenger interface and exposure with intercity services Improve passenger interface and exposure with intercity services

20 Let’s Work Together! National Bus Traffic Association Eric Braendel or Brandon Buchanan 700 13 th Street, NW, Suite 575 Washington, DC 20005 (800) 283-2877 (202) 898-2700

21 The National Intercity Bus Network: Truly Transcontinental Transportation

22 Interlining with Intercity (ICB): Expanding Your Service Horizons Rural Feeders connect with National Services Rural Feeders connect with National Services Coordinating carriers means connecting customers Coordinating carriers means connecting customers Shared terminals facilitate customer transfers Shared terminals facilitate customer transfers Coordinating services can cover your match Coordinating services can cover your match

23 Regular NBTA Membership vs. Sponsored NBTA Membership

24 Existing, Meaningful Rural Feeder Services 1.SCAT- South Central Arkansas Transit in AR 2.Ride Solutions in FL 3.WAPT –West AL Public Transit in AL 4.Grapeline, Dungeness & Apple Lines in WA 5.Sage Stage & Delta Breeze in CA States With New Meaningful Feeder Services Being Planned CA, NC, OH, OR, TN, WV States Subsidizing (Interlined) Private ICB Services IA, MI, MN, MT, PA, TX States Studying or Planning ICB Needs Assessments AL, FL, IN, KS, MO, MN, OH

25 Greyhound Changes Greyhound has developed and improved a number of technology solutions that make rural feeder service much more meaningful, such as: Greyhound has developed and improved a number of technology solutions that make rural feeder service much more meaningful, such as: An industry-wide ticketing system (TRIPS/MAX)An industry-wide ticketing system (TRIPS/MAX) An improved website offering real-time fare and schedule information and online ticket purchasing WWW.Greyhound.comAn improved website offering real-time fare and schedule information and online ticket purchasing Ticketing by phone and mail (800-231-2222)Ticketing by phone and mail (800-231-2222) No-cost ticketing software (MAX) and equipment that requires only a standard PC and high-speed internet connection (For Sponsored Carriers)No-cost ticketing software (MAX) and equipment that requires only a standard PC and high-speed internet connection (For Sponsored Carriers) Simple, no cost operating and terminal access agreements (BTL) to not-for-profit operatorsSimple, no cost operating and terminal access agreements (BTL) to not-for-profit operators

26 Sponsored Transit Agencies and Not-for-Profits Operators May enter into a sponsorship arrangement with an NBTA member carrier, who will assist in securing a membership application May enter into a sponsorship arrangement with an NBTA member carrier, who will assist in securing a membership application Pay a nominal annual membership fee of $100.00 to the NBTA Pay a nominal annual membership fee of $100.00 to the NBTA Sell tickets to intercity destinations on the sponsoring carrier’s ticket stock from destinations originating on the sponsored carrier’s operating lines Sell tickets to intercity destinations on the sponsoring carrier’s ticket stock from destinations originating on the sponsored carrier’s operating lines Sponsoring NBTA member carrier will secure all applicable reclaims Sponsoring NBTA member carrier will secure all applicable reclaims Honor tickets of NBTA member carriers from intercity points of origin terminating on the sponsored carrier’s operating lines…”Interlining” Honor tickets of NBTA member carriers from intercity points of origin terminating on the sponsored carrier’s operating lines…”Interlining”

27 Interlining tickets with other companies 50% of passengers use 50% of passengers use more than one carrier Each carrier is independent Each carrier is independent Each carrier markets locally to their customers Each carrier markets locally to their customers Share the revenue from ticket based on miles Share the revenue from ticket based on miles One ticket for entire trip

28 Bus Terminal License (BTL) agreements Terminal access process: Terminal access process: Sponsored transit agency = no-chargeSponsored transit agency = no-charge For Profit, non-sponsored transit agency = prevailing rateFor Profit, non-sponsored transit agency = prevailing rate Greyhound staff can help with development and execution of the proper agreements and training Greyhound staff can help with development and execution of the proper agreements and training

29 Greyhound Insurance Requirements For interlined feeder services, we require a combined Single Limit for injury or damage in any one accident of For interlined feeder services, we require a combined Single Limit for injury or damage in any one accident of $1.5m for vehicles with a seating capacity of 15 passengers or less,$1.5m for vehicles with a seating capacity of 15 passengers or less, $2.0m for vehicles with seating capacity of 16- 30 and$2.0m for vehicles with seating capacity of 16- 30 and $5.0m for vehicles that seat more than 30$5.0m for vehicles that seat more than 30 For terminal access, we require a General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of not less than $1.0 Million For terminal access, we require a General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of not less than $1.0 Million Greyhound must be an additional named insured in policy Greyhound must be an additional named insured in policy

30 Local In-Kind Match Option Feeder Service (Point A to Point B) Net Operating Cost (Actual Costs less Farebox) =$ 10,000 Connecting Intercity Bus Service (Point B to Point C) # Point B to C Miles x 50% of Fully Allocated Costs =$ 10,000 Total Project (Point A to Point B to Point C) Net Operating Cost Deficit =$ 10,000 + Local In-Kind (From Greyhound) =$ 10,000 Total Project Costs Total Project Costs =$ 20,000 50% 5311(f) Reimbursement =$ 10,000

31 Commission Ticket Agency A rural transit agency can become an agent and sell Greyhound tickets and receive a commission on each ticket sold or package shipped A rural transit agency can become an agent and sell Greyhound tickets and receive a commission on each ticket sold or package shipped Commissions for rural feeder operators are 9% Commissions for rural feeder operators are 9% Commissions are applied to both feeder and Greyhound trip segments: total trip accounting Commissions are applied to both feeder and Greyhound trip segments: total trip accounting Commissions paid in addition to feeder service fares Commissions paid in addition to feeder service fares Commission revenue eligible for use as local cash match against feeder service operator FTA grants Commission revenue eligible for use as local cash match against feeder service operator FTA grants

32 Sponsored Carrier – Accounting Process 1.Greyhound will establish a Corporate Account for the Rural Feeder 2.The Rural Feeder can accept any of the following as an FOP a)Credit Card – All CC processing fees paid by GLI b)Corporate Account – GLI handles all billings and collections c)Check d)Cash e)Wampum Bucks e)Wampum Bucks 3.However, when they accept either cash, check or wampum bucks as the FOP, they use the corporate account established for them

33 Accounting Process (Continued) 1.At the end of each month an invoice is created by accounting. a)All credit card purchases are settled by GLI b)All corporate accounts are settled by GLI c)Remittance = sales activity x commission rate, minus credit card and charge account activity. Difference is the commission $ earned 2.The invoice is e-mailed to the Rural Feeder and payment is expected within ten working days.

34 The End Result – Reconnect the Dots: Expand the service network of rural communities Expand the service network of rural communities Provide consistent and sustainable high quality service Provide consistent and sustainable high quality service Increase community awareness of services Increase community awareness of services Support more regional interconnectivity Support more regional interconnectivity Increase coordination among interstate and regional providers Increase coordination among interstate and regional providers

35 Greyhound Contacts Randy Isaacs, State Government Affairs (615) 338-0847 Tim Lukes, (Manager, Field Operations) (214) 849-7096

36 Interlining with Intercity Bus Service Connectivity Connectivity Selling Intercity Bus Tickets Selling Intercity Bus Tickets Nationwide Nationwide Earn Commission Earn Commission Part of Information Network Part of Information Network Community Public Service Community Public Service Increased Ridership Increased Ridership Bill Brannan Chairman - National Bus Traffic Association

37 Decline in Washington State Intercity Bus Service -1982

38 New Intercity Funding Approach

39 Project funded with FTA 5311(f) funding and local “in- kind” match provided by Greyhound’s unsubsidized capital costs Project funded with FTA 5311(f) funding and local “in- kind” match provided by Greyhound’s unsubsidized capital costs Definition includes rural feeder service segments to interstate trunk-line Greyhound service in Washington. Definition includes rural feeder service segments to interstate trunk-line Greyhound service in Washington. The service schedules will help meet regional travel needs in addition to making the Greyhound connections. The service schedules will help meet regional travel needs in addition to making the Greyhound connections. Initial three rural feeder routes are: Initial three rural feeder routes are: Travel Washington Intercity Bus Travel Washington Grapeline- Walla Walla to Tri-Cities Travel Washington Dungenessline- Port Angeles to SeaTac Travel Washington Appleline- Omak to Ellensburg (October 2008)

40 RFP Process No Grant Applications RFP’s Issued on Corridor Basis RFP’s Issued on Corridor Basis Gives More Control Gives More Control Sets Expectations in Advance Sets Expectations in Advance Makes Sure we Tie in with Greyhound Schedule Makes Sure we Tie in with Greyhound Schedule


42 Manual tickets MAX M anual A gent EXpiration Developed by Greyhound Developed by Greyhound Provides on-line ticketing at agencies Provides on-line ticketing at agencies Automatic reporting and statistics Automatic reporting and statistics

43 We would like to take a moment to give you a brief demonstration of a MAX sale.

44 Sponsorship Advantages for Transit Agencies and Non-Profits Nationwide visibility and quotation of the services offered by sponsored transit agencies Nationwide visibility and quotation of the services offered by sponsored transit agencies Increased ridership Increased ridership Convenience of through ticketing for customers Convenience of through ticketing for customers Expanded access for rural residents to the national transportation network Expanded access for rural residents to the national transportation network A more seamless and coordinated national ground transportation system A more seamless and coordinated national ground transportation system Access to additional funding sources Access to additional funding sources Ticket Sales CommissionsTicket Sales Commissions 53115311 5311 (f) 35311 (f) 3 Decreased paperwork Decreased paperwork

45 Payment Through the Interline Revenue Clearing House The Association operates the interline revenue clearing house which provides for the monthly settlement of credit and debit accounts electronically. The Association operates the interline revenue clearing house which provides for the monthly settlement of credit and debit accounts electronically. Each month the carriers submit billing invoices to reclaim their portions of the thru ticket revenue, in addition to other categories of charges aligned with bus operations, such as: facilities rents, fuel, maintenance, etc. Each month the carriers submit billing invoices to reclaim their portions of the thru ticket revenue, in addition to other categories of charges aligned with bus operations, such as: facilities rents, fuel, maintenance, etc. Carriers can submit their invoices requesting payment from other carriers online through the Association’s website, as well as view the amounts that they owe. Carriers can submit their invoices requesting payment from other carriers online through the Association’s website, as well as view the amounts that they owe. Net payments are deposited and credited to the appropriate accounts through an electronic funds transfer. Net payments are deposited and credited to the appropriate accounts through an electronic funds transfer.

46 Computerized MAX ticket

47 Northwestern Trailways Number of Passengers Continue to Grow Passengers

48 What’s in your future

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