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Prokaryotic Diversity 18 Phyla? 80Phyla – uncultured Aquiflex – most phylogenetic ancient Thermophiles – ancient?

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Presentation on theme: "Prokaryotic Diversity 18 Phyla? 80Phyla – uncultured Aquiflex – most phylogenetic ancient Thermophiles – ancient?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prokaryotic Diversity 18 Phyla? 80Phyla – uncultured Aquiflex – most phylogenetic ancient Thermophiles – ancient?

2 Fig. 15-1 Aquifex Thermodesulfobacterium Thermotoga Green nonsulfur bacteria Deinococci Green sulfur bacteria Green sulfur bacteria Spirochetes Flavobacteria Deferribacter Cytophaga Planctomyces/ Pirellula Verrucomicrobia Chlamydia Cyanobacteria Actinobacteria Gram-positive bacteria Nitrospira Proteobacteria     

3 Largest and most metabolically diverse

4 Purple Sulfur Bacteria Use Hydrogen sulfide α, β, γ subdivisions

5 Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria Photoheterotrophy Aerobic respiration

6 Nitrifying bacteria Chemolithotrophs Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter

7 Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria Thiobacillus, Beggiatoa Sulfuric acid produced

8 Methanotrophs Anaerobic Archaea –not bacteria

9 Aerobic Chemoorganotrophs Pseudomonas and pseudomonads

10 Pseudomonads Common genera: Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Burkholderia, Gluconobacter Metabolically diverse -100 substrates Plant and human pathogens Fluorescent - burn patients Burkholderia - ganders Xanthomonas – soft root vegetables Zymomonas Ferments Alcohol production in the tropic

11 Acetic Acid Bacteria Acetobacter, Gluconobacter Alcohol → Acetic acid and Cellulose?

12 Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Azotobacter, Beijerinckia Nitrogenase is oxygen sensitive Cysts, capsule, and poly-β-hydroxybuytrate

13 Neisseria and Relatives Neisseria, Acinetobacter, Chromobacterium, Moraxella Some human pathogens Most oxidase positive

14 Enteric Bacteria Escherichia, Salmonella, Proteus, Enterobacter Facultative anaerobes, peritrichous flagella, Gut flora, human pathogens

15 Escherichia Universal inhabitant of warm blooded animals Vitamin synthesis Rarely pathogenic Salmonella and Shigella Usually pathogenic Salmonella found in some cold blood animals

16 Proteus swarming Butandiol fermenters Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Serratia

17 Vibrio and Photobacterium Oxidase positive Polar flagella Fermentative Aquatic Bioluminescent

18 Rickettsia Small intracellular parasites Human diseases Arthropod vectors

19 Morphologically Unusual Proteobacteria Spirillum, Budding Bacteria, Sphaerotilus, Bdellovibrio

20 Gliding Myxobacteria Form multicellular fruiting bodies Glide with slime trails

21 Sulfate Reducing Bacteria 40 genera Anaerobes Anaerobic respiration Desulfovibrio

22 Epsilonproteobacteria Human Pathogens Campylobacter, Helicobacter Abundant in the environment Hydrothermal vents Epibionts of tube worm and shrimp

23 Word List Aquiflexus 18-80 phyla Proteobacteria Purple sulfur bacteria Purple non-sulfur bacteria Nitrifying bacteria Sulfur oxidizing bacteria Methanotrophs Pseudomonads Pseudomonas Fluorescent Xanthomonas Zymomonas Acetic acid bacteria Nitrogen fixing bacteria Azotobacter Beijerinckia Neisseria Enteric Escherichia Salmonella Shigella Proteus Vibrio Rickettsia

24 Word list 2 Sphaerotilus Bdellovibrio Myxobacteria Desulfovibrio Epsilonproteobacteria Epibionts

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