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The 31 st Meeting of the CERN-Russia Committee Participation of Russian Institutions in the LHC Experiments 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin LHC in RUSSIA
2 ATLAS 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin LHC in RUSSIA The 31 st Meeting of the CERN-Russia Committee
3 Inner detector TRT commissioning and ATLAS runs: (MEPhI, PNPI, SINP MSU, LPI) The major effort was dedicated to commission the entire TRT as a complete part of the ATLAS detector and prepare for stable operation with the beam. 14 combined and semi combined runs have been done during this year before start of the continues ATLAS operation. Gas system: From Sept 25th TRT operates with the CO 2 cooling system in a standard mode. A technique of the gas gain stabilization across the detector finalized and used as the standard operation mode of the TRT. 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
4 BNPI Monitoring of temperature inside of LAr calorimeters. In July 2009 the codes for temperature monitoring was finally tested and implemented in ATLAS DCS. ITEP Monitoring of FCal readout and HV channels: - no dead channels, only two channels with high noise, time alignment better than 2 ns Analysis of FCal testbeam data: - shower profiles: agreement with MC, performance well within requirements LPI Study of LVPS failures IHEP Beam tests of LAr calorimeters 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin Calorimeters LAr
5 Calorimeters TileCal Combined runs: Taken in April, May-June, Jul-August, September including TileCal + L1Calo + LAr + TRT + Muon system Cs scan : every 2 weeks. PMT voltage adjustments to keep gain to the level established with test beam Test of optic fibers & scintillators. Test modules at bld 175 Fully operational LB and EB wedge. Digitizer test-bench. LVPS and ROD labs. Cs scan system. HV monitoring. Cooling. Muon scope. TileCal software Response of LB65 (in B.175) to the Cs source. 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
6 Muon detectors EEL/EES chambers: 62 pcs Number of tubes: ~ 16’128 pcs All EE chambers were equipped with electronics, certified and CR tested. Few results below: ASD noise allowed– 40kHz single tube, less 3 tubes with more than 20 kHz in singe chip; dp/dt – cut 10 mbar/day 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
7 Muon detectors EE Installation IHEP should finish preparation of remaining 52 chambers before installation 10 chambers were installed 52 → installation at shutdown 2010 Sector 15 C Sector 13 C 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
8 Muon detectors Commissioning 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
10 ITEP Validation of Tower and Top jet algorithms Jet tagging and veto in VBF Higgs production BNPI Search for heavy LRSM neutrino in electron-muon-dijet final state PNPI e/ performance Search for the “best” jet algorithm for Top IHEP Underlying events and MPT in events with Z bosons Deviations from DY due to unparticle exchange and ED SINP MSU Rare B-decays B±→J/ΨK± Bs→μμ Validation of Fast ATLAS Monte Carlo Simulation Measurement of charm and beauty production using lepton trigger and D-meson reconstruction Associated W and charm production MEPhI Search for heavy metastable quarks Search for AC leptons (τ’++, τ’--) Y and J/ψ in HI Physics analysis 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
11 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin The prototypes of the real time ATLAS remote monitoring system are operational at Dubna and Protvino MOTIVATION Monitoring of the detector and data flows at any time Participation of the subsystem experts in the shifts and data quality checks remotely Training the shifters before they come to CERN Teaching Outreach Control Room at CERN at JINR at IHEP
12 CMS The 31 st Meeting of the CERN-Russia Committee LHC in RUSSIA 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
13 On Saturday 7 November protons went halfway around the LHC before being dumped as planned into a collimator, producing so-called "splash events" of muons which were recorded by CMS. Previous to this, the October Exercise by the Physics Object and Physics Anaysis Groups, with CMS Computing, readied the CMS Tier2 system for the first LHC collisions. 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin New Splash!
14 ECAL EE Installation Highly complex and delicate installation: done in 2 weeks against the 6 weeks initially planned 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
15 ME4/2 and Castor Installation CASTOR: 223/224 ch working Exposed to test beam before installation – results being analyzed 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
16 CMS ready for data taking 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
17 Cosmic Runs At Four Tesla (CRAFT, Oct-Nov 2008 and Aug 2009): Continuous Global Cosmic Runs with CMS at operating B field (3.8T) 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
18 24 papers with CRAFT results sent to publication in Journal for Instrumentation 1. Performance of the CMS Pixel detector with cosmic ray data, CFT-09-001 2. The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Operation and Performance With Cosmic Rays in 3.8 T Magnetic Field, CFT-09-002 3. Alignment of the CMS Tracker with CRAFT data, CFT-09-003 4. Performance and Operation of the CMS Crystal Electromagnetic Calorimeter, CFT-09-004 5. Measurement of the muon stopping power in PbWO, CFT-09-005 6. Time reconstruction and performance of Crystal ECAL, CFT-09-006 7. From Detector to Analysis: CMS Data Processing Workflows During an Extended Cosmic Ray Run, CFT-09-007 8. The CMS CRAFT Exercise, CFT-09-008 9. Performance of CMS Hadron Calorimeter Using Cosmic Muons and the Proton Beam From the LHC, CFT-09-009 10. Measurements of RPC performance in CMS with cosmic rays, CFT-09-010 11. Summary of the performance of the CSC's from CRAFT Data, CFT-09-011 12. Results On Local Muon Reconstruction in DT Chambers From Analysis of Cosmic Muon Data, CFT-09-012 13. L1 Trigger Performance, CFT-09-013 14. Muon Reconstruction Performance, CFT-09-014 15. Magnetic Field Studies, CFT-09-015 16. Muon Track-based alignment, CFT-09-016 17. Muon hardware-based alignment, CFT-09-017 18. HCAL Timing, CFT-09-018 19. Anomalous signals in HCAL, CFT-09-019 20. Performance of the High Level Trigger, CFT-09-020 21. Characterization of Beam Halo Data, CFT-09-021 22. DT Local Trigger Performance, CFT-09-022 23. DT Calibration, CFT-09-023 24. Fine Synchronization of the muon Drift-Tubes local trigger, CFT-09-025 24 papers with CRAFT results sent to publication in Journal for Instrumentation 1. Performance of the CMS Pixel detector with cosmic ray data, CFT-09-001 2. The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Operation and Performance With Cosmic Rays in 3.8 T Magnetic Field, CFT-09-002 3. Alignment of the CMS Tracker with CRAFT data, CFT-09-003 4. Performance and Operation of the CMS Crystal Electromagnetic Calorimeter, CFT-09-004 5. Measurement of the muon stopping power in PbWO, CFT-09-005 6. Time reconstruction and performance of Crystal ECAL, CFT-09-006 7. From Detector to Analysis: CMS Data Processing Workflows During an Extended Cosmic Ray Run, CFT-09-007 8. The CMS CRAFT Exercise, CFT-09-008 9. Performance of CMS Hadron Calorimeter Using Cosmic Muons and the Proton Beam From the LHC, CFT-09-009 10. Measurements of RPC performance in CMS with cosmic rays, CFT-09-010 11. Summary of the performance of the CSC's from CRAFT Data, CFT-09-011 12. Results On Local Muon Reconstruction in DT Chambers From Analysis of Cosmic Muon Data, CFT-09-012 13. L1 Trigger Performance, CFT-09-013 14. Muon Reconstruction Performance, CFT-09-014 15. Magnetic Field Studies, CFT-09-015 16. Muon Track-based alignment, CFT-09-016 17. Muon hardware-based alignment, CFT-09-017 18. HCAL Timing, CFT-09-018 19. Anomalous signals in HCAL, CFT-09-019 20. Performance of the High Level Trigger, CFT-09-020 21. Characterization of Beam Halo Data, CFT-09-021 22. DT Local Trigger Performance, CFT-09-022 23. DT Calibration, CFT-09-023 24. Fine Synchronization of the muon Drift-Tubes local trigger, CFT-09-025 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin In total, 178 authors from RDMS out of 2432
19 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin RDMS contributed significantly into POG and DPG: - HF, НЕ, EE, CSC calibration, HF and HE+EE+ES test beams, DQM, overall detector performance with both Monte-Carlo and Cosmic Test data - core software development - development, optimization and validation of algorithms and event processing software: to reconstruct and to analyze muons, jets, electrons, MET etc, high-mass objects (di-muons, di-jets), decay chains to study reconstruction efficiency of physics objects from data, trigger performance, misalignment effect RDMS contributed significantly into POG and DPG: - HF, НЕ, EE, CSC calibration, HF and HE+EE+ES test beams, DQM, overall detector performance with both Monte-Carlo and Cosmic Test data - core software development - development, optimization and validation of algorithms and event processing software: to reconstruct and to analyze muons, jets, electrons, MET etc, high-mass objects (di-muons, di-jets), decay chains to study reconstruction efficiency of physics objects from data, trigger performance, misalignment effect
20 RDMS CMS Selected Physics Tasks Forward Physics Study of 2 jet production in hard single diffraction IHEP, SINP MSU, Erevan Study of 2 jet production in central diffraction IHEP, ITEP, SINP, Erevan Higgs Search for Higgs bosons in decays into 2 photons, 4 leptons, 2 leptons and 2 jets, 2 leptons and 2 neutrinos JINR, ITEP, MSU, Kharkov QCD Measurement of the gamma+jet cross-sections JINR, ITEP, SINP Measurements of jet inclusive cross-section JINR Search for BFKL effects at jet production PNPI, ITEP Study of jet shapes ITEP, SINP Study of jet fragmentation SINP MSU EWK Measurement of DY muon pair production JINR, Minsk, Gomel Measurement of forward-backward asymmetry JINR in muon pair production Measurement of triple boson couplings Minsk Bose-Einstein correlations of gauge bosons (WW, ZZ) JINR Forward Physics Study of 2 jet production in hard single diffraction IHEP, SINP MSU, Erevan Study of 2 jet production in central diffraction IHEP, ITEP, SINP, Erevan Higgs Search for Higgs bosons in decays into 2 photons, 4 leptons, 2 leptons and 2 jets, 2 leptons and 2 neutrinos JINR, ITEP, MSU, Kharkov QCD Measurement of the gamma+jet cross-sections JINR, ITEP, SINP Measurements of jet inclusive cross-section JINR Search for BFKL effects at jet production PNPI, ITEP Study of jet shapes ITEP, SINP Study of jet fragmentation SINP MSU EWK Measurement of DY muon pair production JINR, Minsk, Gomel Measurement of forward-backward asymmetry JINR in muon pair production Measurement of triple boson couplings Minsk Bose-Einstein correlations of gauge bosons (WW, ZZ) JINR 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
21 RDMS CMS Selected Physics Tasks Top physics Observing the t-channel single top production IHEP, SINP SUSY Search for sleptons and lepton flavor number violation INR Exotics Search for heavy neutrino and W R INR Search for new resonances (extra dimensions and Z’) in DY JINR Search for non-resonant di-muon signals from ADD JINR and compositeness Heavy Ion QGP hard probes (heavy quarkonia and jets) SINP MSU and soft probes (eliptic flow) Top physics Observing the t-channel single top production IHEP, SINP SUSY Search for sleptons and lepton flavor number violation INR Exotics Search for heavy neutrino and W R INR Search for new resonances (extra dimensions and Z’) in DY JINR Search for non-resonant di-muon signals from ADD JINR and compositeness Heavy Ion QGP hard probes (heavy quarkonia and jets) SINP MSU and soft probes (eliptic flow) 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
22 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin Example: JINR Remote Operation Centre Monitoring of detector systems Data Monitoring / Express Analysis Shift Operations (except for run control) Communications of JINR shifter with personal at CMS Control Room (SX5) and CMS Meyrin centre Communications between JINR experts and CMS shifters Coordination of data processing and data management Training and Information
23 ALICE LHC in RUSSIA The 31 st Meeting of the CERN-Russia Committee 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
24 Photon spectrometer (PHOS) KI, Sarov, IHEP, JINR, Bergen, Oslo, Hiroshima, Wuhan, Warsaw, Prague February – July, 2009 3 new air – tight casings produced and tested (design and production started in 2008) March – August, 2009 3 PHOS modules assembled in the new casings and tested in the lab July 2, 2009 one PHOS module installed August 13 – 14, 2009 two more PHOS modules installed Current PHOS status Commissioning of the PHOS is ongoing Slow cooldown started in end September currently at about 0 o C ( final operation temperature 25 o C) humidity is stable and far below dew point 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
25 Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) 1 2 3 PHOS installation (August, 14) 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
26 The first heavy ion beam going through ALICE was registered by PHOS on 23 October 17 events have been registered: 5-6 particles (muons) go through PHOS in the beam direction, i.e. transversely to crystals, synchronizing with the ion beam in ALICE and releasing the energy of 20-50 MeV per crystal. One of the events Some samples of events in the PHOS detector channels 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
27 PHOS in cosmic run HLT event display shows a large shower with some its fraction in PHOS. Analysis is in progress. Examples of cosmic events in PHOS: Spectrum of cell energies in cosmic run 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
28 Trigger detector T0 MEPhI, INR, KI, Jyvaskyla July, 2009 T0&TRD test. Verification of proper operation of the interface between the T0 detector and the pre-trigger system for TRD The new type of the amplifier approved and installed July 11 – 12, 2009 Participation in the injection test Sensitivity of the T0 detector to the injection particles was demonstrated The T0 detector operated as a trigger The calibration with the laser was confirmed to be correct, though, as expected, the amplitude resolution with the injection particles was slightly worse as compared to that with the laser. 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
29 Dimuon spectrometer PNPI Commissioning of the muon tracking chambers Many sources of electronics noise identified and fixed Fixing of poor connections and gas leak is underway Cosmic run Stable and efficient data taking More than 400000 events are recorded in various configurations of the magnetic fields Commissioning of the muon tracking chambersAn example of event triggered with MTR 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
30 Detector TOF ITEP Cosmic run TOF – one of the main trigger detectors for cosmic run. Very stable trigger rate (back-to-back quasi vertical tracks) Preliminary time resolution 200 ps for “self-triggering” mode 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
31 Physics Physics of direct photons, neutral mesons, and jets with the PHOS spectrometer. RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, IHEP, JINR, Sarov Feasibility of measurement of short-lived resonances. PNPI, ITEP, JINR Study of long range correlations for pp and AA collisions in the framework of String Fusion Model. St.PSU Multiplicity measurement with T0 INR Femtoscopy (HBT correlations) RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, IHEP, JINR RRC “KI”, JINR, IHEP, ITEP, INR, StPGU, PNPI, MEPhI, Sarov Development of soft-ware for data analysis, MC study of feasibility of measurements of various signals with the ALICE detector. 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
32 LHCb The 31 st Meeting of the CERN-Russia Committee LHC in RUSSIA 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
33 Calorimeters: ECAL development, installation, commissioning HCAL development, installation, commissioning IHEP / ITEP / INR / BINP PS/SPD development, installation, commissioning Muon installation, commissioning: chambers + PNPI/MSU VELO HV system commissioning MSU Common efforts of the groups from various Russian institutions Currently, all groups are deeply involved in the preparation for the data taking and physics analysis 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
34 CALO System ECAL channels are aligned in time within 3 ns The intermodule calibration of the ECAL PMTs better than 10% at the start-up final calibration to be done with RD HCAL – time aligned to 3 ns The HCAL calibration system with 137 Cs source is used regularly to monitor gain calibration PRS/SPD – time aligned to 3-4 ns General status – READY for data taking PMTs are performing very well show the expected stability 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
35 MUON system MWPCs M1 station installation has been completed by June 7 th and closing procedure has been successfully tested M1 has been included in the global LHCb DAQ system M2-M5 completely debugged. As of mid June no missing readout channels were observed M2-M5 are now closed and aligned M1 station 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
36 HV system All chambers have been set to 2.65 kV (working point) The HV control system has been upgraded and reviewed Ready to be configured for data taking A software package for recalibration of voltage sensors of PNPI HV-system has been implemented Replacing of 1 G resistors in voltage sensors 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
37 Upgrade activities (CALO) Modification for the Calorimeter Electronics: fast electronics (40 MHz) Modification for the Inner part of the ECAL: Inner region replaced by a more radiation tolerant medium PWO crystals ? 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin “Shashlyk” technology
38 Upgrade activities (VELO) ? Upgrading the VELO to 40 MHz implies complete replacement of all modules and FE electronics Two major challenges data rate of 1300 Gbit/s radiation levels and hence thermal management of modules Important to maintain current performance by keeping material low 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin pixelstrip
39 Physics analysis ITEP, MSU – radiative penguin decays B → K* γ, γ BINP – determination of the CKM angle γ using Dalitz plot analysis of B → D K decays IHEP - determination of the CKM angle using B → , B → ITEP, MSU – electroweak penguin decays B → ITEP – search for FCNC decay D → PNPI, IHEP – search for rare decay → 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
40 LHCb detector READY for Physics The installation of LHCb is fully completed, including M1 station All detector elements are commissioned and ready for data taking Strategy for trigger and physics analysis of 2010 Run is prepared LHCb is fully operational for Physics Run in 2010 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
41 Summary of Main Activities in 2009 Commissioning, testing and calibration with cosmic rays and radioactive sources Analysis of events from the first beam splashes in various subsystems Preparation to the first LHC beam collisions Furbishing and upgrade of the detector subsystems Development of the computing tools for data taking and analysis Event simulation and reconstruction for principal processes to be observed at LHC collisions including new physics 21 November 2009, Geneva Victor Savrin
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