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Pirating and Copyrights of Robert Gardner. The Lowdown... VIACOM, the all owning evil giant of media today, sued YouTube for $1B in 2006 for the use of.

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Presentation on theme: "Pirating and Copyrights of Robert Gardner. The Lowdown... VIACOM, the all owning evil giant of media today, sued YouTube for $1B in 2006 for the use of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pirating and Copyrights of Robert Gardner

2 The Lowdown... VIACOM, the all owning evil giant of media today, sued YouTube for $1B in 2006 for the use of copyrighted materials. YouTube creates a filtering program to block out all of the copyrighted materials. Owners of the copyrighted material can choose what to do.

3 User Content and Copyright The original Author of the material sees his/her work on a site Author refers to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and asks for takedown. The DMCA has set up rules stating that it is the uploader, not the site itself that is responsible if the material is taken down. YouTube is not responsible for the copyright infringement, but those who re-use copyrighted material without permission.

4 What is a filter? A program that will weed out all of the pirated videos on YouTube. These programs are especially hard to write and develop because a video is so compressed and degraded already. All knowing Wikipedia says: Filtration is the process of using a filter to mechanically separate mixtures. Coffee Filter

5 Video Filtering One of the hardest filters to write a program code for. Videos can be changed slightly and the entire video is different. The YouTube system works by creating a enormous database of abstract images, then matching those with the videos.

6 Watermark and Acoustic Fingerprint Videos and songs today have digital watermarks in them, allowing copyrighted material to be tracked. Verizon Wireless phones can now recognize digital watermarks in music. YouTube used an acoustic fingerprint that can track infringed material. Copyright owners wanted more protection.

7 Video Abstract Image Copyright Infringment!

8 The New System This system is paid for by both YouTube and the copyright owners. YouTube instated the filtering system, which runs on the basis that the copyright owners will provide material for the video filtering process. YouTube then runs all the videos in the system through the filters. When a copyrighted video is found, the copyright owners are contacted.

9 The New System Cont.... Because YouTube itself acts as a free advertising agent, the copyright owners are forced to decide if keeping the video online or taking it off is more beneficial. The copyright owners can decide to provide an ad on the site with the video, generating revenue for both YouTube and the Copyright owners.

10 Problems Fair use is one of the biggest issues coming from this. Misidentifying a video is another problem. Exaple:

11 / Dot Comment Time! “I feel especially sorry for the people who build movie montages...I still view that as original art & innovative.” -eldavojohn “Copyright holders aren't going to provide decades of anything since it's up to google to keep copyrighted content off youtube. no reason why a copyright holder needs to go through this when someone else is infringing on their rights” -alen

12 What do you think? Is VIACOM being stupid? Does YouTube have a moral obligation to the user? Should copyright holders be burdened by assisting the filter programs?


14 Cited Sources 1&threshold=1 copyrighted-clips-on- YouTube/2007/10/16/1192300732429.html bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/10/16/BU1GSQC0V.DT L

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