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How effective is Natural Selection? Micro-evolution small evolutionary changes within species Macro-evolution large evolutionary changes that result in.

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Presentation on theme: "How effective is Natural Selection? Micro-evolution small evolutionary changes within species Macro-evolution large evolutionary changes that result in."— Presentation transcript:

1 How effective is Natural Selection? Micro-evolution small evolutionary changes within species Macro-evolution large evolutionary changes that result in classification as a new species

2 Agricultural Pests Alternating Crops Farmers alternate corn & soy; corn-borers have evolved to remain dormant one season….or more

3 Agricultural Pests Winnowing & Sieving Weed seeds have evolved sizes & shapes of the predominant crop Weeding Weed leaf shape & color has evolved to match the crop where it grows

4 Vetch (weed) Lentil Rice Barnyard Grass (weed)

5 Agricultural Pests Pesticides Insects rapidly evolve tolerance, via many mechanisms….. 1960 - 100 species tolerant 1970 - 313 species tolerant 1980 - 829 species tolerant

6 Tolerance to Heavy Metals Agrostis grass Small strip mines abandoned for fifty years Iron, copper, zinc, lead: greater than 2000 ppm – (normal is less than 10 ppm) Each mine with its own mix of metals Only 3 plants per 1000 could tolerate these conditions

7 Tolerance to Heavy Metals Agrostis grass Mine plants’ offspring tolerant of metals - particularly those of the mine of origin Mine plants also grow well in unpolluted soil However, mine plants are displaced when competing against non-mine plants in unpolluted soil Mine plants have evolved earlier flowering times - effectively avoid crossing with non-mine plants!

8 Protective Coloration The Pepper moth All populations originally whitish In polluted areas, black moths increases from 1% to 95% in 50 years

9 Protective Coloration The Pepper moth


11 Kettlewell’s experiment Release marked white and black moths Capture moths after a period of time Is the proportion of recaptures different between the two forms?



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