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The United States and Venezuela: A Struggle with Anti- Democratic Tendencies.

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Presentation on theme: "The United States and Venezuela: A Struggle with Anti- Democratic Tendencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The United States and Venezuela: A Struggle with Anti- Democratic Tendencies

2 Outline of Presentation  Foreign policy of Venezuela  Relations US-Venezuela  US Interests in Latin America  Influence of Chavez in Latin America  Policy Recommendations

3 Foreign Policy  Counter US Influence in Latin America  Petrodiplomacy  Defend Bolivarian Revolution  Leadership in Latin America  Oppose Neoliberalism

4 Venezuela – United States  Traditionally good, bad with Chavez  Fourth largest Oil Supplier to US  Anti-US Rhetoric  Iran, Libya, China, Russia, India

5 US Interests in Latin America  Guarantee Supply of Energy  Counter Cuban Influence  Promote Democracy and Good Governance  Free Trade  All Interests are Challenged by Venezuela

6 Influence of Chavez 1.Security and Energy Build a regional gas pipeline to create an export market to Asia. Chavez made Argentina and Brazil support him 2. Democracy Undermines democracy by intervening in national elections of other Latin American countries

7 Influence of Chavez 3. Governance Expanded state-owned media by creating TELESUR as an alternative to CNN 4. Economy Promote integration under his conditions, including the creation of ALBA as an alternative to US controlled FTAA, by criticizing the Washington consensus

8 Policy Recommendations General Comprehensive approach that involves neo-liberal incentives coupled with transformational diplomacy and constructivist morale

9 Policy Recommendations Energy and Security The US needs to improve the bilateral relationship with Bolivia, Peru and Colombia regarding the anti-drug initiative. This will improve the bilateral relationship with these countries and weaken the influence of Chavez

10 Policy Recommendations Democracy and good governance  The US must use the instruments of the OAS forum to promote democratization process of the Venezuelan government.  Through USAID, the US needs to increase its support for social development projects in the region and activities that promote good governance

11 Policy Recommendations Economy  The United States must encourage the free trade agreements with Colombia and Ecuador  Encourage the leadership of the Brazilian president in Latin America

12 Thank you for Your Attention and Time Questions?

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