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Chapter 10.

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1 Chapter 10

2 Cash Flows and Other Topics in Capital Budgeting

NPV = IO ACFt (1 + k) t n t=1 S n t=1 S IRR: = IO ACFt (1 + IRR) t

4 Capital Budgeting: the process of planning for purchases of long-term assets.
example: Our firm must decide whether to purchase a new plastic molding machine for $127,000. How do we decide? Will the machine be profitable? Will our firm earn a high rate of return on the investment? The relevant project information follows:

5 The cost of the new machine is $127,000.
Installation will cost $20,000. $4,000 in net working capital will be needed at the time of installation. The project will increase revenues by $85,000 per year, but operating costs will increase by 35% of the revenue increase. Simplified straight line depreciation is used. Class life is 5 years, and the firm is planning to keep the project for 5 years. Salvage value at year 5 will be $50,000. 14% cost of capital; 34% marginal tax rate.


7 Capital Budgeting Steps
1) Evaluate Cash Flows Look at all incremental cash flows occurring as a result of the project. Initial outlay Differential Cash Flows over the life of the project (also referred to as annual cash flows). Terminal Cash Flows

8 Capital Budgeting Steps
1) Evaluate Cash Flows Terminal Cash flow Initial outlay 1 2 3 4 5 n 6 . . . Annual Cash Flows

9 Capital Budgeting Steps
2) Evaluate the risk of the project. We’ll get to this at the end of this chapter. For now, we’ll assume that the risk of the project is the same as the risk of the overall firm. If we do this, we can use the firm’s cost of capital as the discount rate for capital investment projects.

10 Capital Budgeting Steps

11 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
a) Initial Outlay: What is the cash flow at “time 0?” (Purchase price of the asset) + (shipping and installation costs) (Depreciable asset) + (Investment in working capital) + After-tax proceeds from sale of old asset Net Initial Outlay

12 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
a) Initial Outlay: What is the cash flow at “time 0?” (127,000) + (shipping and installation costs) (Depreciable asset) + (Investment in working capital) + After-tax proceeds from sale of old asset Net Initial Outlay

13 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
a) Initial Outlay: What is the cash flow at “time 0?” (127,000) + ( 20,000) (Depreciable asset) + (Investment in working capital) + After-tax proceeds from sale of old asset Net Initial Outlay

14 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
a) Initial Outlay: What is the cash flow at “time 0?” (127,000) + ( 20,000) (147,000) + (Investment in working capital) + After-tax proceeds from sale of old asset Net Initial Outlay

15 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
a) Initial Outlay: What is the cash flow at “time 0?” (127,000) + ( 20,000) (147,000) + ( 4,000) + After-tax proceeds from sale of old asset Net Initial Outlay

16 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
a) Initial Outlay: What is the cash flow at “time 0?” (127,000) + ( 20,000) (147,000) + ( 4,000) Net Initial Outlay

17 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
a) Initial Outlay: What is the cash flow at “time 0?” (127,000) Purchase price of asset + ( 20,000) shipping and installation (147,000) depreciable asset + ( 4,000) net working capital proceeds from sale of old asset ($151,000) net initial outlay

18 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
b) Annual Cash Flows: What incremental cash flows occur over the life of the project?

19 For Each Year, Calculate:
Incremental revenue - Incremental costs - Depreciation on project Incremental earnings before taxes - Tax on incremental EBT Incremental earnings after taxes + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

20 For Years 1 - 5: Incremental revenue - Incremental costs
- Depreciation on project Incremental earnings before taxes - Tax on incremental EBT Incremental earnings after taxes + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

21 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 - Incremental costs - Depreciation on project
Incremental earnings before taxes - Tax on incremental EBT Incremental earnings after taxes + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

22 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 (29,750) - Depreciation on project
Incremental earnings before taxes - Tax on incremental EBT Incremental earnings after taxes + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

23 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 (29,750) (29,400) Incremental earnings before taxes - Tax on incremental EBT Incremental earnings after taxes + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

24 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 (29,750) (29,400) 25,850 - Tax on incremental EBT Incremental earnings after taxes + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

25 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 (29,750) (29,400) 25,850 (8,789) Incremental earnings after taxes + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

26 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 (29,750) (29,400) 25,850 (8,789) 17,061 + Depreciation reversal Annual Cash Flow

27 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 (29,750) (29,400) 25,850 (8,789) 17,061 29,400 Annual Cash Flow

28 For Years 1 - 5: 85,000 Revenue (29,750) Costs (29,400) Depreciation
25,850 EBT (8,789) Taxes 17,061 EAT 29,400 Depreciation reversal 46,461 = Annual Cash Flow

29 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
c) Terminal Cash Flow: What is the cash flow at the end of the project’s life? Salvage value +/- Tax effects of capital gain/loss + Recapture of net working capital Terminal Cash Flow

30 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
c) Terminal Cash Flow: What is the cash flow at the end of the project’s life? 50, Salvage value +/- Tax effects of capital gain/loss + Recapture of net working capital Terminal Cash Flow

31 Tax Effects of Sale of Asset:
Salvage value = $50,000 Book value = depreciable asset - total amount depreciated. Book value = $147,000 - $147,000 = $0. Capital gain = SV - BV = 50, = $50,000 Tax payment = 50,000 x .34 = ($17,000)

32 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
c) Terminal Cash Flow: What is the cash flow at the end of the project’s life? 50, Salvage value (17,000) Tax on capital gain Recapture of NWC Terminal Cash Flow

33 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
c) Terminal Cash Flow: What is the cash flow at the end of the project’s life? 50, Salvage value (17,000) Tax on capital gain 4, Recapture of NWC Terminal Cash Flow

34 Step 1: Evaluate Cash Flows
c) Terminal Cash Flow: What is the cash flow at the end of the project’s life? 50, Salvage value (17,000) Tax on capital gain 4, Recapture of NWC 37, Terminal Cash Flow

35 Project NPV: CF(0) = -151,000 CF(1 - 4) = 46,461
Discount rate = 14% NPV = $27,721 IRR = 21% We would accept the project.

36 Incorporating Risk into Capital Budgeting
Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate

37 How can we adjust this model to take risk into account?
NPV = IO ACFt (1 + k) t n t=1 S

38 How can we adjust this model to take risk into account?
NPV = IO ACFt (1 + k) t n t=1 S Adjust the discount rate (k).

39 Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate
Simply adjust the discount rate (k) to reflect higher risk. Riskier projects will use higher risk-adjusted discount rates. Calculate NPV using the new risk-adjusted discount rate.

40 Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate
NPV = IO ACFt (1 + k*) t n t=1 S

41 Risk-Adjusted Discount Rates
How do we determine the appropriate risk-adjusted discount rate (k*) to use? Many firms set up risk classes to categorize different types of projects.

42 Risk Classes Risk RADR Class (k*) Project Type
% Replace equipment, Expand current business % Related new products % Unrelated new products % Research & Development

43 Practice Problems: Cash Flows & Other Topics in Capital Budgeting

44 Problem 1a Project Information: Cost of equipment = $400,000
Shipping & installation will be $20,000 $25,000 in net working capital required at setup 3-year project life, 5-year class life Simplified straight line depreciation Revenues will increase by $220,000 per year Defects costs will fall by $10,000 per year Operating costs will rise by $30,000 per year Salvage value after year 3 is $200,000 Cost of capital = 12%, marginal tax rate = 34% Problem 1a 3

45 Problem 1a Initial Outlay: (400,000) Cost of asset
+ ( 20,000) Shipping & installation (420,000) Depreciable asset + ( 25,000) Investment in NWC ($445,000) Net Initial Outlay 3

46 For Years 1 - 3: Problem 1a 220,000 Increased revenue
10,000 Decreased defects (30,000) Increased operating costs (84,000) Increased depreciation 116,000 EBT (39,440) Taxes (34%) 76,560 EAT 84,000 Depreciation reversal 160,560 = Annual Cash Flow 5

47 Problem 1a Terminal Cash Flow: Salvage value
+/- Tax effects of capital gain/loss + Recapture of net working capital Terminal Cash Flow 6

48 Problem 1a Terminal Cash Flow: Salvage value = $200,000
Book value = depreciable asset - total amount depreciated. Book value = $168,000. Capital gain = SV - BV = $32,000 Tax payment = 32,000 x .34 = ($10,880) 7

49 Problem 1a Terminal Cash Flow: 200,000 Salvage value
(10,880) Tax on capital gain 25, Recapture of NWC 214, Terminal Cash Flow 9

50 NPV = $93,044. Accept the project!
Problem 1a Solution: NPV and IRR: CF(0) = -445,000 CF(1 ), (2), = 160,560 CF(3 ) = 160, ,120 = 374,680 Discount rate = 12% IRR = 22.1% NPV = $93, Accept the project! 10

51 Problem 1b Project Information:
For the same project, suppose we can only get $100,000 for the old equipment after year 3, due to rapidly changing technology. Calculate the IRR and NPV for the project. Is it still acceptable? 3

52 Problem 1b Terminal Cash Flow: Salvage value
+/- Tax effects of capital gain/loss + Recapture of net working capital Terminal Cash Flow 6

53 Problem 1b Terminal Cash Flow: Salvage value = $100,000
Book value = depreciable asset - total amount depreciated. Book value = $168,000. Capital loss = SV - BV = ($68,000) Tax refund = 68,000 x .34 = $23,120 7

54 Problem 1b Terminal Cash Flow: 100,000 Salvage value
23, Tax on capital gain 25, Recapture of NWC 148, Terminal Cash Flow 9

55 NPV = $46,067. Accept the project!
Problem 1b Solution NPV and IRR: CF(0) = -445,000 CF(1 ), (2), = 160,560 CF(3 ) = 160, ,120 = 308,680 Discount rate = 12% IRR = 17.3% NPV = $46, Accept the project! 10

56 Problem 2 Automation Project: Cost of equipment = $550,000
Shipping & installation will be $25,000 $15,000 in net working capital required at setup 8-year project life, 5-year class life Simplified straight line depreciation Current operating expenses are $640,000 per yr. New operating expenses will be $400,000 per yr. Already paid consultant $25,000 for analysis. Salvage value after year 8 is $40,000 Cost of capital = 14%, marginal tax rate = 34% Problem 2 3

57 Problem 2 Initial Outlay: (550,000) Cost of new machine
+ (25,000) Shipping & installation (575,000) Depreciable asset + ( 15,000) NWC investment (590,000) Net Initial Outlay 58

58 Problem 2 For Years 1 - 5: 240,000 Cost decrease
(115,000) Depreciation increase 125,000 EBIT (42,500) Taxes (34%) 82,500 EAT 115,000 Depreciation reversal 197,500 = Annual Cash Flow 59

59 Problem 2 For Years 6 - 8: 240,000 Cost decrease
( ) Depreciation increase 240,000 EBIT (81,600) Taxes (34%) 158,400 EAT 0 Depreciation reversal 158,400 = Annual Cash Flow 59

60 Problem 2 Terminal Cash Flow: 40,000 Salvage value
(13,600) Tax on capital gain 15, Recapture of NWC 41, Terminal Cash Flow 62

61 We would accept the project!
Problem 2 Solution: NPV and IRR: CF(0) = -590,000 CF(1 - 5) = 197,500 CF(6 - 7) = 158,400 CF(10) = 158, ,400 = 199,800 Discount rate = 14% IRR = 28.13% NPV = $293,543 We would accept the project! 63

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