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GUIDELINES FOR GOAL SETTING. Check this out!  You can find and claim that pot of gold – a successful and happy future.  Make goals that are clearly.

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Presentation on theme: "GUIDELINES FOR GOAL SETTING. Check this out!  You can find and claim that pot of gold – a successful and happy future.  Make goals that are clearly."— Presentation transcript:


2 Check this out!  You can find and claim that pot of gold – a successful and happy future.  Make goals that are clearly stated, carefully planned, and “hit the nail on the head.”

3 Avoid “fuzzy” goals. How will I know one when I see one?

4 Good goals can lead to success.  Effective goals have the following qualities:

5 CONCEIVABLE  You must be able to conceive the goal so that it is understandable and then be able to identify clearly what the first step or two would be.

6 BELIEVABLE  You must believe you can reach the goal.  This relates to the need to have a positive, affirmative feeling about yourself.

7 ACHIEVABLE  The short term goals you set must be accomplishable with your given strengths and abilities.  For example, if you were a rather obese 45-year-old, it would be foolish for you to set the goal of running the four-minute mile in the next six months.

8 CONTROLLABLE  It is important to know that you have some level of control over situations surrounding your goal.  So you need to set Short Term Goals that lead toward your Long Term Goals.

9 CONTROLLABLE cont’d  For instance, if your Long Term Goal includes the involvement of anyone else, you should first obtain the cooperation of the other person or persons that would be affected or involved.  You could do this by stating your goal as an invitation.

10 CONTROLLABLE cont’d  An example would be if your Long Term Goal were to take your girlfriend to a movie on Saturday night.

11 CONTROLLABLE cont’d  The goal would need to involve a Short Term Goal because it involves the possibility that she might turn you down.

12 CONTROLLABLE cont’d  However, if you said your Short Term Goal was merely to invite your girlfriend to the movie, it would be more realistic and achievable.  Then you would have more control over the situation.

13 MEASURABLE  Your goal must be stated so that it is measurable in time and quantity.

14 MEASURABLE cont’d  For example, suppose your goal were to work on your term paper this week.  You would specify your goal by saying, “I am going to write twenty pages by 3:00 p.m. next Monday.”

15 MEASURABLE cont’d  That way, the goal can measured.  Then when Monday comes, you know whether or not you have achieved it.

16 DESIRABLE  Your goal should be something you want to do.  Whatever your ambition, it should be one that you want to fulfill, rather than something you feel you should do.

17 DESIRABLE cont’d  We are well aware that there are many things in life a person has to do.  But if he is to be highly motivated, he must commit a substantial percentage of his time to doing things he wants to do.

18 DESIRABLE cont’d  In other words, there should be a balance in life, but the “want” factor is vital to changing your style of being and living.

19 STATED WITH NO ALTERNATIVE  You should set one goal at a time.

20 STATED WITH NO ALTERNATIVE cont’d  Research has shown that a person who says he wants to do one thing or another – giving himself an alternative – seldom gets beyond the “or.”  He does neither.

21 STATED WITH NO ALTERNATIVE cont’d  This does not imply inflexibility.  Flexibility in action implies an ability to be able to make a judgment that some action you are involved in is either inappropriate, unnecessary, or the result of a bad decision.

22 STATED WITH NO ALTERNATIVE cont’d  Even though you may set out for one goal, you can stop at any time and drop it for a new one.  But when you change, you again state your goal without an alternative.

23 GROWTH- FACILITATING  Your goal should never be destructive to yourself, to others, or to society.

24 GROWTH- FACILITATING cont’d  For example, one student set a goal to get into two fights before 9:00 a.m. the next day.  Obviously such a goal cannot be supported.

25 GROWTH- FACILITATING cont’d  If someone is seeking potentially destructive goals, an effort to encourage him to consider a different goal should be made.

26 GROWTH- FACILITATING cont’d  Instead seek goals that support your individual growth, happiness, and success.  Then your actions will be supported by others, and you will have a much higher opportunity for success.

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