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Oral cavity Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Ingestion Digestion Absorption Compaction Defecation.

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2 Oral cavity Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Ingestion Digestion Absorption Compaction Defecation


4 Palatine tonsils Lingual tonsils Uvula Taste: CN VII & IX Motor to tongue: CN XII Mouth – mechanical breakdown & chemical digestion Stratified squamous epithelium

5 Intrinsic salivary glands in tongue, lips & cheeks secrete saliva 98% water amylase - starch lipase - fats mucus – binds & lubricates lysozyme - bacteria Extrinsic salivary glands parotid gland submandibular gland sublingual gland parotid submandibular sublingual Salivary glands

6 Esophagus stratified squamous epithelium skeletal – mixed – smooth esophageal hiatus – T7 gastrointestinal reflux Diaphragm Lower esophageal sphincter

7 Constriction spots: where aorta arches over where left bronchus crosses over where it passes through diaphragm Barium swallow

8 Mucosa: epithelium, CT, smooth mm, nodules Submucosa: CT, BV, nerves glands, nodules Muscularis externa inner circular outer longitudinal oblique (stomach only) Serosa (visceral peritoneum) Layers of the digestive tract

9 Parasympathetic: vagus & S2-4 Sympathetic Enteric nervous system symp postganglionic fibers parasymp ganglia parasym postganglionic fibers Innervation of the gut

10 spleen Kidney & adrenal gland Transverse colon Stomach

11 Fundus Body Pylorus Pyloric sphincter smooth mm Rugae Stomach anatomy Greater curvature Lesser curvature

12 Gastric pit cardiac & pyloric glands gastric glands mucous cell (c & p) = mucus parietal cell (g) = HCl, intrinsic factor chief cell (g) = pepsinogen, lipase enteroendocrine cell (all) = gastrin stem cell (all) Peptic ulcers bacteria, aspirin, NSAID smoking Tagamet, antibiotics mucosa submucosa Muscularis externa (Long., circular, oblique) Visceral peritoneum Muscularis mucosa Stomach histology


14 Small intestine duodenum jejunum ileum Chemical digestion Absorption

15 Relationship of duodenum to pancreas and gallbladder gallbladder = stores bile (emulsifies fats) Pancreas = bicarb & enzymes

16 Circular folds (variable) Peyer’s patches

17 Villi absorptive cells microvilli goblet cells largest in duodenum Intestinal crypts goblet cells stem cells Paneth cells (lysozyme) enteroendocrine cells Duodenal glands submucosa alkaline mucus Peyer Patches lymph nodules lacteal lymph capillary chyle (fatty lymph) Microscopic anatomy of the small intestine

18 Gastric bypass Distal bypass (RGB) Most common


20 Ileocecal junction Ileocecal valve Cecum appendix Teniae coli – muscularis externa Haustra – pouches Epiploic appendages - fatty peritoneal pouches

21 Ascending colon Right colic (hepatic) flexure rectum Left colic (splenic) flexure Absorbs water & salt Eliminates feces Anatomy of the colon

22 Ileocecal valve Appendix Rectum Anal canal Sigmoid colon Epiploic appendages Tenia coli Haustrum

23 rectum Rectal valve Anal canal External anal Sphincter (skeletal mm) Internal anal Sphincter (smooth mm) Anal sinuses Hemorrhoidal veins Levator ani Anatomy of the anal canal

24 Abdominopelvic cavity Lined with peritoneum visceral parietal

25 Mesentery: double layer of parietal peritoneum that suspends digestive organs from abdominal wall provides passageway for blood, nerves & lymph Intraperitoneal Retroperitoneal

26 Intraperitoneal Retroperitoneal

27 Lesser omentum: extends from stomach to liver Greater omentum: extends from greater curvature of stomach

28 Branches of the abdominal aorta

29 Stomach & intestines sup. & inf. mesenteric veins Hepatic portal vein Liver sinusoids Hepatic veins Inferior vena cava Hepatic portal system – 70% of blood


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