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The Influence of Planets on Disk Observations (and the influence of disks on planet observations) Geoff Bryden (JPL) Doug Lin (UCSC) Hal Yorke (JPL)

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Presentation on theme: "The Influence of Planets on Disk Observations (and the influence of disks on planet observations) Geoff Bryden (JPL) Doug Lin (UCSC) Hal Yorke (JPL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Influence of Planets on Disk Observations (and the influence of disks on planet observations) Geoff Bryden (JPL) Doug Lin (UCSC) Hal Yorke (JPL)

2 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations What kind of disk features should we expect? Planetary Gaps Spiral Waves Accretional Hot Spots Shadowed Regions Large Inner Holes?

3 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Computational Method Computational requirements: 1. hydrodynamics near the planet 2. radiative transfer throughout the disk 3. detailed consideration of the surface heating  Flux-limited diffusion with stellar ray tracing This radiative hydrodynamic method is ideal for following the feedback between disk structure and stellar irradiation.

4 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Model Parameters

5 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Axisymmetric Disk (no planet) TρTρ

6 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Axisymmetric Disk (no planet) TρTρ

7 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Axisymmetric Disk (no planet) TρTρ

8 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Temperature v.s. Radius Midplane Temp. (ChiangGoldreich power-law) Surface Temp.

9 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Gap-Opening, Jupiter-Mass Planet (side view) TρTρ

10 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Temperature v.s. Radius: with/without a gap Gap No Gap

11 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Spectral Energy Distributions SED components with/without a gap v.s. Inclination

12 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Observing Gap Formation with ALMA Wolf et al. 2002 4 hour integration on ALMA Jupiter-mass planet at 5.2 AU 0.7mm images

13 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Embedded, Neptune-Mass Planet (side view) TρTρ

14 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Embedded Planet: 1AUx1AU View of the Fountain Flow TρTρ

15 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Space Interferometry Mission SIM will attempt to detect the astrometric signal of young planets just as they are forming.

16 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Sources of Astrometric Wobble 1. Planet’s Gravitational Pull 2. Disk’s Gravitational Pull 3. Disk’s Photospheric Signal (center-of-light wobble)

17 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Rotating Gap-Opening Planet

18 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Rotating Embedded Planet

19 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Inner Disk Holes Inner holes may be caused by: Photoevaporation (Clarke) Giant planet torques (Wood) Dust coagulation Planet accretion Misinterpreted SED (Boss & Yorke 1996)

20 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations SEDs for Disks with Inner Holes R_in = 0.05 AU R_in = 100 AU

21 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Spitzer IRAC color excesses v.s. Inner Hole Size

22 G. Bryden (JPL)Effect of Planets on Disk Observations Summary (yes, this is the last slide, so pay attention now) SIM will be able to observe young planets, even when surrounded by a massive disk. This will address key questions such as: 1) where & when giant planets form, 2) how their eccentricity evolves, and 3) whether their distribution evolves with time. ALMA should easily detect protoplanetary gaps for Jupiter-like planets. Evidence of embedded proto-Jupiters (hotspots/extended shadows) is much more difficult. Spitzer observations (IRAC & IRS) can be used to characterize disks in the planet-forming region around young stars. In particular, inner disk holes will be identified in this region.

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