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Finding Information for Education Studies October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Information for Education Studies October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Information for Education Studies October 2007

2 Aims of the session To help you to: Identify and find material on your reading lists in the library and online Identify keywords for your assignments Use print and electronic journals Find information relevant to your needs from the Library’s web pages Know where to go for help

3 Search strategy Assignment topic – How do children learn? –What information are you looking for? –Alternative terms –What date range? –Primary or secondary?

4 Keywords / search terms Child development Verbal ability Social interaction Reading Cognitive skills Language development Memory Language acquisition Writing Parental behaviour Piaget Play

5 Types of resources

6 Resources Ofsted reports Surveys Statistics Official publications Organisations Discussion groups E-prints Legislation Books & e-books Directories Journals & e-journals Conference proceedings Theses Academics & librarians

7 Library basics –Using the library University Library - 4 libraries Opening hours Loan entitlements Durham University email Contacts / support

8 Library home page Library catalogue Subject pages

9 Effective searching Synonyms e.g. mentoring, reflective practice, teacher development Truncation e.g. ment* will find: mentors, mentoring, mentees Wildcards e.g. behavio*r Combining terms Eg. (dyslexia OR dyspraxia) AND primary

10 Effective searching Boolean operators: AND, OR & AND NOT Child development AND NOT Piaget Child development AND Piaget Child development OR Piaget

11 Book References Arnold, C. (2001) Child development and learning, 2-5 years: Georgia’s story. London: Paul Chapman. Siegler, R. (2002) ‘The rebirth of children’s learning.’ in Desforges, C and Fox, R (ed.) Teaching and learning: the essential readings. Oxford: Blackwell, pp 63-83.. Demonstration

12 Using the Library CatalogueLibrary Catalogue

13 Library catalogue – book details

14 Shelfmarks Books on similar topics shelved together (Prefix) - Class number – Suffix Examples: 301.2 KENRegular size books + 301.01 ABR Oversize Pam 370.152 SIMPamphlet

15 Journals Regular publications Peer reviewed Information on very specific topics Up-to-date information, news, reviews etc; Print and/or electronic versions Databases search multiple journals White, J. (2004) ‘Should religious education be a compulsory school subject? ’ British Journal of Religious Education, 26(2) pp. 151-164. Demonstration


17 Printed journal

18 Online journal (1)

19 Online journal (2)

20 Online journal (3)

21 Online journal (4)

22 References and Bibliographies ALWAYS keep a full and accurate record of your information sources E-mail references for saving from Library catalogue or databases Make sure you refer correctly to other authors within your work Avoid plagiarism

23 Library web pages Subject Information Using the Library Effective searching

24 Wider access Local universities e.g. Newcastle and Northumbria Access to other libraries (reference use) – SCONUL Access Scheme Document Delivery Service

25 Websites Gateways via Subject Information Pages eg. Google Scholar or edu sites Why evaluate? Anyone can be a web author No controls over what is posted on the web Very little material is peer-reviewed or edited Much of the information may be out of date

26 What to do next Using the library catalogue – –Library catalogue interactive tutorial –Understanding references New students resources Explore your subject information pages –

27 Where to get help Education Library – Issue Desk Main Library - Enquiries Desk Level 2 On-line enquiry service: Academic Support Team: Suzie Kitchin Christine Purcell

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