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Initial Step to go beyond 200E30 Ted TDWG, Sept 1st 2006.

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1 Initial Step to go beyond 200E30 Ted TDWG, Sept 1st 2006

2 The Sunday night phone call… Last Sunday night, Ted got a call from control room:  “Ted, where are you? We have 40% dead time here!!!”  “well, I am home. what’s the luminosity?”  “200 E30”  “OK! Relax, that is expected... Thanks for the call though” Have been waiting for this phone call since Jan. 2006 when 1st GUT table was commissioned…  Back then, had plan for 200E30 (see TDWG talk on Jan 20th)  But needed high lumi data points to guide us the details…  Machine folks tried ~200E30 on Feb. 14th with 418E10 pbars, but failed badly: The “Valentine’s day massacre of pbars!”  Now > 200E30 is here! Yesterday morning: 223E30!  And we were hit really badly, had to drive the system “by hand”: hand prescaled a few high rate triggers! (high Pt CMX and MET+2JETs by PS200 etc!) …

3 People are extremely supportive: Thanks! Our ass has been kicked, 1st time in the past year!  GUT table got burned at high luminosity ~ 200E30  Many people came talk to me to show their full support! Willis/Peter, Jonathan, Rob/Jaco, Henry, Beate,Vadim, Larry,Tom, Mary, Oscar, Viktor, Cheng-Ju, Marcel/Ankush/Ulrich…  Received LOTs emails in the past few days about this… from many. Time to fight back…  Can we handle this? You bet!  Key to success: work together as a coherent team!  TDWG/Physics Groups/Trigger Hardware&Software/DAQ/Offline/OPS/…  Next: Some details

4 CDF Trigger Performance in 24 seconds… L1A bandwidth: ~ 30KHz, no longer a bottleneck for RunIIb  L2 Decision crate and SVT upgrade  XFT upgrade will also improve the L1 purity L2A bandwidth: ~1 KHz, not enough for RunIIb  Tons of work went into EVB/L3 upgrade, DAQ improvements …  Significant improvements from ~ 300 Hz to ~1 KHz  Still not “enough”: 40% deadtime at 200E30  The problem: L2A cross section grows rapidly with luminosity  Why? Mostly JUNK

5 Last Sunday run (4928, Aug 27, 2006). Slope: > ~150Hz/10E30

6 . Soft Readout deadtime wall Hard Busy deadtime wall The two great Walls competing for attention…

7 Last Sunday run (4928, Aug 27, 2006). Slope: ~190Hz/10E30 after dead time correction

8 L2 triggers with high growth term: two types of L2 triggers gone wild…. Track/mu related: e.g. CMX etc L2CAL related: e.g. MET+2JETs Why? Probably Bad names… JET: JUNK Enhanced Trigger MET: MESS Enhanced Trigger CMX: Could Match beamX

9 L2A rate increase from 160 to 200E30 High rate L2 triggers:  CMX6_PT8_TRK5/CMX6_PT15: 100/340 Hz@160/200E30, 240 Hz jump !  CJET10_JET10_L1_MET25: 100/180 Hz @ 160/200E30, 80 Hz jump  TWO_CMU1.5_PT2_DPHI120_OPPQ_PS2: 50/120Hz, 70 Hz jump CMU1.5_PT2_CMX1.5_PT2_DPHI120_OPPQ_PS2: 30/140 Hz, 110 Hz jump  BJET15_D120_JET10_ETA1.8: 24/64 Hz @160/200E30, 40 Hz jump  Sum of all 5 triggers above: 300/840 Hz @ 160/200E30, 540 Hz jump  The slope is: 540 Hz/ 40E30 or ~130 Hz / 10E30 for the 5 triggers above  The overall L2A slope for current table: ~200 Hz/10E30 around 180E30  The slope gets bigger at higher luminosity ! Conclusion:  The 5 triggers fill up the bandwidth at 200E30 (840Hz)  their growth or slope dominates (130Hz/10E30 vs 200Hz/10E30 total)  At 220E30, had to prescale away four of them (except J/Psi CMU) in order to keep deadtime below 30%… run 222413

10 Initial step to go beyond 200E30: next table (v7) next week CMX6_PT8_TRK5/CMX6_PT15:  Add new CMX trigger with SLAM confirmation at L2 (not at L1 yet), test version first with a PS  Physics groups should help XFT folks to validate the new triggers as soon as we have the data  Keep the existing one at low luminosity, as it is more efficient, either by DPS or lumi_enable  Can keep a copy of the existing one with heavy PS, to higher luminosity (for normalization etc) CJET10_JET10_L1_MET25:  Add a test version with PS for: CJET10_JET10_L2_MET27  Add a test version with PS for: CJET25_JET10_L1_MET25  Keep the existing one, with DPS or lumi_enable at L2 J/Psi CMU and CMX version with PS2:  Switch over to the new J/Psi triggers with MT and asym Pt (already tested), with DPS  For the existing ones, change PS2 to PS50  (near future: Work with B group to implement new J/Psi triggers for higher luminosity) BJET15_D120_JET10_ETA1.8: DPS or lumi_enable Change to MET_BJET_DPS: currently L1 fully enabled while L2 DPSed  L2 DPSed started to relax only below 150E30  L1 is at 9KHz @ 220E30, and only 2.5KHz at 150E30  Lumi_enable L1_MET15_JET15_TWO_TRK5 below150E30 for next table

11 Fresh high lumi data for trigger studies: Run 222413, lumi 170-220E30! Taken yesterday with table v6  High PT CMX triggers prescaled by PS200, as agreed back in Jan. for a test run (as agreed, CMX was marked bad)  MET+2JETs trigger prescaled by PS200  J/PSI CMX version prescaled by PS50  New muon phi-gap trigger disabled at L1 (was at 6.8KHz at 220E3)  Deadtime was about 20% at 210E30 Also has new test triggers with SLAM confirmation in this data  Under trigger paths: TETS_ELECTRON_CENTRAL_L13D, L23D etc…  Physics groups: please help the XFT folks to look at the data! This run is perfect data sample for all other trigger studies!

12 Future Plan Only focused on next table at this meeting, more work ahead of us in the near future  More triggers will be on DPS/lumi_enable in the near future, as we move into higher luminosity  This next table is good up to 210E30. This is just the 1st step  More changes coming very soon! Will be BUSY this fall…. It’s fun time, Join us! Need help from Physics Groups to validate/commission the new XFT  The new capabilities likely available at different times  Needs careful planning on how to commission/integrate new triggers into trigger table  Use common sense: Do and push for what we need most first, e.g. high Pt then low Pt… DPS accounting and accounting: we need it NOW  Core software work done… Jonathan needs physics groups to help for validation…  (near future: Work with B group to implement new J/Psi triggers for higher luminosity) Push for L1 MET improvement  Feasibility study already done by Peter… time to make it work in system. Needs help here Continue to improve the bandwidth: EVB/READOUT/L3/CSL on going L2CAL upgrade

13 backups Some online plots.

14 > 50 Hz/10E30

15 >20Hz/10E30

16 20Hz/10E30





21 TriggerPath: MET_BJET_DPS [14]MET_BJET_DPS [14] Level 2: L2_TWO_TRK2_D100_&_BJET15_&_MET15_DPS [2] Level 3: L3_MET20_TWO_TRACK [1]L2_TWO_TRK2_D100_&_BJET15_&_MET15_DPS [2]L3_MET20_TWO_TRACK [1] TriggerPath: MET_L2PS4K_L1_MET15_&_JET5_&_TWO_TRK2 [1] Level 2: MET_L2PS4K_L1_MET15_&_JET5_&_TWO_TRK2 [1] L2_PS4K_L1_MET15_&_JET5_&_TWO_TRK2 [1] Level 3: L3_NULL [1]L3_NULL [1] Lumi_enable this one at L1

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