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ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ? Contacts: Jean-Christopher LAMBERT and Bojan BOJKOV,

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Presentation on theme: "ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ? Contacts: Jean-Christopher LAMBERT and Bojan BOJKOV,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ? Contacts: Jean-Christopher LAMBERT and Bojan BOJKOV j-c.lambert @, bojan.bojkov @ A possible contribution of the ISSI WG on Atmospheric H 2 0 to GEO-CEOS WGCV activities

2 ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ? H 2 0 contributes to several Societal Benefit Areas as defined by the GEO

3 ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ?  GEO Task DA-06-02 assigned to CEOS WGCV Committee on EO Satellites: http://www.ceos.org WG on Calibration and Validation: http://wgcv.ceos.org  Relevant topics: Characterisation and Classification of Cal/Val Sites Satellite and In Situ Cal/Val Data Access Methodology and Guidelines for Cal/Val Harmonisation of Quality Information

4 ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ?  No ISO-type standards for validation  Mostly "traditional practices"  "Best practices" depend on:  Atmospheric species  Atmospheric state, measurement conditions  Measurement technique  Target user of validation results  Target user of observation data  Resources for validation Establishing Best Practices in Atmospheric Composition Cal/Val Current Status

5 ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ?  Characterise data and sites => fact sheets  For every technique, identify (published or commonly agreed) best practices for data comparison and for satellite validation  Define own data quality strategy, data policy, data access, operational status  The ISSI book might be an excellent reference document for/endorsed by CEOS.  Relevant information to appear also on CEOS Cal/Val portal Establishing Best Practices in Atmospheric Composition Cal/Val Contribution of ISSI WG on H 2 O?

6 ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ? Annex 1: Tentative list of generic H 2 O data users Instrument and calibration scientists Geophysical validation of satellite observations Developers of retrieval algorithm (first guess and covariance, sensitivity studies…) Radiative transfer: atmospheric correction (IVOS), climate forcing (GHG)… Chemistry: heterogeneous chemistry, source of OH, reservoirs, diurnal cycles… Dynamics Microphysics Evaluation of CT modelling and data assimilation: R&D, operational verification GMES-like service (validation) scientists Independent audit of GMES-like services and of their validation International organisations: SPARC, WMO, EMEP…

7 ISSI WG on H 2 O Bern, Switzerland Feb. 11-14, 2008 Contribution to GEO-CEOS ?  Annex 2: Generic timeliness of data delivery and quality classes Class 1: <3-6 hours, NRT Q: NRT verification of forecasts Class 2: <one month, NRT Q: stability of uncertainties Class 3: < 3-6 months, NRT/best Q: mid-term assessment Class 4: best Q: accurate validation after every cycle of one year and after every processor upgrade

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