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Team 2 AHEAD Team: Ahmad Al-Qudaihi Joe Grover Dennis Wey Jason Grimes Sponsored By:

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Presentation on theme: "Team 2 AHEAD Team: Ahmad Al-Qudaihi Joe Grover Dennis Wey Jason Grimes Sponsored By:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 2 AHEAD Team: Ahmad Al-Qudaihi Joe Grover Dennis Wey Jason Grimes Sponsored By:

2 AHEAD Accessible Home Energy Audio Dashboard Single/Central Unit Universally Accessible Home Automation

3 Background Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) New Products Neglecting Need Human-Machine Interface Standards

4 Smart Grid Replace Old System Two-Way Communication Appliance Control Informed Consumer Zigbee – Simulation

5 Design Specifications Managing Energy Consumption Communication Wi

6 Managing Energy Consumption Smart Meter Display Information – Power Consumption Rate – Estimated Bill Turn Off/On Devices – Automatic Control – Manual Override

7 Home Automation – X10 Power Line Carrier (PLC) signal Unique Codes User Interface – Remote Controller – Computer

8 Accessibility Visual Disabilities – Voice Output – Multi-touch Screen Hearing Disabilities – Emit Light Motoric Disabilities – Sip and Puff

9 Portability Small Size Light Weight Battery Powered

10 PC Platform Graphical User Interface Disability Assistive Software Ease of Integrating Software USB Connectivity

11 Software Visual Basic Open-Source Text-to-Speech Single-Switch Scanning

12 Dennis

13 Estimated Budget PartCost Netbook PC$200 Touch screen Overlay$85 X10 USB Module$10 X10 Receivers(5)$100 Microcontroller$30 Packaging$30 Total:$455

14 Success Receives/Responds to Simulated Smart Meter Ease of Use for People With Disabilities Control of Appliances

15 Communication X10 Modules RF Power Lines

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