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SR520 Urban Partnership Project 2008 ITS Washington Annual Meeting November 12th, 2008 – Seattle Jennifer Charlebois, P.E. Tolling and Systems Project.

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Presentation on theme: "SR520 Urban Partnership Project 2008 ITS Washington Annual Meeting November 12th, 2008 – Seattle Jennifer Charlebois, P.E. Tolling and Systems Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 SR520 Urban Partnership Project 2008 ITS Washington Annual Meeting November 12th, 2008 – Seattle Jennifer Charlebois, P.E. Tolling and Systems Project Engineer Urban Corridors Office

2 The Lake Washington Urban Partnership LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 The Lake Washington Urban Partnership This partnership is a unique opportunity— It is tied to the urgent need to replace the SR 520 Lake Washington floating bridge and approaches It is an ideal corridor to test congestion pricing, transit and technology working in concert. The legislature is ready to set the state’s tolling policy framework. The Lake Washington Urban Partnership will clearly demonstrate to Puget Sound residents how the 4 Ts can work together to finance new facilities, and make existing and new infrastructure as productive as possible for our communities. LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 The Lake Washington Urban Partnership Designed to reduce congestion through the “Four T’s”: · Transit · Technology · Telecommuting · Tolling Awarded $154.5 million to assist WSDOT, PSRC and King County in applying these innovative approaches to reduce congestion in the 520 corridor. Other regions that have been selected for Urban Partnership Agreements include: Miami San Francisco Minneapolis Los Angeles Chicago Funded by: LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP


6 Telecommuting and TDM in the 520 corridor The Urban Partnership will build on existing commute trip reduction programs and encourage: telecommuting and flexible schedules educational campaigns employer subsidies car/vanpooling Current commute trip reduction programs in the 520 corridor LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP

7 Adding transit to the 520 corridor The 520 corridor today: - 24 bus routes - 400 bus trips a day - 13,400 riders daily LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP The Urban Partnership Agreement allocates $41 million to be used to: purchase 45 additional buses for the 520 corridor; make improvements to the South Kirkland and downtown Redmond Park and Rides; enhance passenger facilities (new shelters and improved lighting); and install Real Time Information signs.

8 Electronic tolling in Washington Drivers would be encouraged to set up prepaid Good to Go! accounts, using the same system used on both the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and the SR 167 HOT Lanes Pilot Project. Those without Good To Go! accounts would be billed based on their license plate, with a surcharge added to the toll rate. Washington drivers have easily embraced electronic tolling and signed up in record numbers – more than 90,000 accounts and 200,000 transponders in the first six months – the most successful launch in the country. Electronic tolling at the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Simulation of electronic tolling on SR 167 HOT lanes. Tacoma Narrows Bridge SR 167 HOT lanes The 520 corridor Current and future tolling options in the Puget Sound region. LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP

9 Electronic tolling on SR 520 A single tolling point would be constructed on the existing SR 520 bridge All tolls on the 520 corridor would be collected electronically – no toll booths. Toll rates would vary by time of day – drivers would pay less during off-peak travel times. Simulation of electronic tolling on SR 520 Floating Bridge LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP

10 Will expand WSDOT’s intelligent transportation system, that now includes: 135 ramp meters, real-time traveler information, 475 traffic cameras, 179 electronic message boards, 7 traffic management centers, 55 incident response trucks, 884 timed traffic signals, 200 miles of HOV lanes and 20 miles of HOT lanes. Technology Improvements Overhead gantry envisioned by WSDOT M42 Birmingham, England LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP

11 Technology Improvements New travel times signs will be added to the corridor that will assist drivers in making trip decisions. LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 Technology Improvements Active Traffic Management techniques will be implemented on SR520 and I-90 Variable Speed limit signs over each lane with message signs alert drivers of backups ahead Lane Control signs alert drivers to steer away from trouble spots and clear the way for emergency vehicles. LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13 Implementation Schedule LAKE WASHINGTON URBAN PARTNERSHIP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14 Questions? The existing SR 520 Bridge.

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