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Project Manager: Stewart WadsworthFaculty Guide: Dr. SahinProject Number: P09207 Customer Need # ImportanceDescriptionComments/Status CN11Easy to assemble.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Manager: Stewart WadsworthFaculty Guide: Dr. SahinProject Number: P09207 Customer Need # ImportanceDescriptionComments/Status CN11Easy to assemble."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Manager: Stewart WadsworthFaculty Guide: Dr. SahinProject Number: P09207 Customer Need # ImportanceDescriptionComments/Status CN11Easy to assemble CN22Final product BOM under $500 CN31Interchangeable layers CN42Faster driving speed than Gen 2 CN51Sonar Proximity sensors – up to 3 metersCombine sonar and IR? CN61IR sensors - 1+ meter object detection CN71Position sensors CN81Video - Be able to capture frame to on-board CPU CN91Motion sensors CN101Close proximity sensors on base in direction of motion CN111Wireless communication between robotand computer CN121Wireless communication between robots CN131Drive on hard and soft surfaces easily CN143Locomotion unit is esthetically pleasing CN1512+ hours constant motor run-time CN163Possibility for communication over IR CN173IR distance sensorScratch built would supply ability to do #15 CN181GUI full status of the robot CN191Command robot to move from GUI CN202Write script in GUI CN212Write algorithm in GUI CN22120-30 FPSvideo CN231Onboard processing and send it out for processingvideo

2 Project Manager: Stewart WadsworthFaculty Guide: Dr. SahinProject Number: P09207 Engr. Spec. # ImportanceSource Specification (description) Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal Value Comments/Status ES1 CN4Robot Velocitym/s Test Gen II velocity ES2 CN5Sonar object detection rangem ES3 CN6IR object detection rangem ES4 CN16IR communication rangem ES5 CN17IR distance detection accuracym ES6 CN7GPS accuracym ES7 CN7Motor encoder precisionticks/m ES8 CN7Gyro accuracydeg/s ES9 CN 3Inter board communicationbits/s ES10 CN11,12Inter robot/computer communicationbits/s ES11 CN11,12Inter robot/computer communication range RFm ES12******CN 8Video??? ES13 CN 1Number of parts to assemble# parts Reduced # of parts ES14 CN1Number of screw connections# screwes Reduced # of screws ES15 CN 2BOM Final cost$500<500 ES16 CN 3Force to remove layersN ES17 CN 10Rangemm Distance to stop robot ES18 CN 10Detect object in direct forward path within range pass, fail ES19 CN 13Maintain opperating velocity on carpetm/s on carpet ES20 CN15Run time while movinghours 2 ES21 CN 16inter robot IR commbits/s

3 Project Manager: Stewart WadsworthFaculty Guide: Dr. SahinProject Number: P09207 Benchmarking Looked at all previous designs Platform Locomotion Power IR Sonar Communications User Interface Processing GPS 3 rd generation

4 Project Manager: Stewart WadsworthFaculty Guide: Dr. SahinProject Number: P09207 EXHIBIT 6-3 Ulrich Chap. 6 pg.100 System level components Sub categories Specific level components Sub categories Plan for Concept Generation

5 Project Manager: Stewart WadsworthFaculty Guide: Dr. SahinProject Number: P09207 Plan for the day Concepts ABCDE (reference) ClassicQuick ClickTwist EraseZézéBic Selection CriteriaWeightRating Weighte d ScoreRating Weighte d ScoreRating Weighte d ScoreRating Weighte d ScoreRating Weighte d Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Score0.00 Rank Continue? System level: Inter board communications Inter board connectors Physical Size and shape of boards Bottom board connection interface Individual board controllers

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