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Lectures in Macroeconomics- Charles W. Upton The Great Depression.

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1 Lectures in Macroeconomics- Charles W. Upton The Great Depression

2 1929-1933 The biggest economic disaster in the United States in the 20 th Century.

3 The Great Depression 1929-1933 The biggest economic disaster in the United States in the 20 th Century. Not the biggest ever.

4 The Great Depression Organization What happened? Why did it happen? Why did recovery take so long? Could it happen again?

5 The Great Depression Impacts People’s Lives –Everyone has stories to tell. –Dramatically touched lives.

6 The Great Depression Impacts People’s Thinking –Marxism –Huey Long –Townsend Plan

7 The Great Depression Impacts Solutions –New Deal –National Recovery Act –Get Women out of Labor Force

8 The Great Depression The Decline in GDP

9 The Great Depression Decline in Real GDP ($2000)

10 The Great Depression Decline in Real GDP ($2000)

11 The Great Depression Components of GDP

12 The Great Depression Consumption 1929-1932: Consumption down by 20%

13 The Great Depression Consumption 1929-1932: Consumption down by 20% The decline was gradual and recovery had taken place by 1936

14 The Great Depression Investment 1929-1932: Investment down by ~90%

15 The Great Depression Government

16 The Great Depression State and Federal Nominal Dollars

17 The Great Depression More

18 The Great Depression End ©2006 Charles W. Upton. All rights reserved

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