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Potted Plant Productions Chrysanthemums. Introduction Dendranthema grandiflora or Chrysanthemum morifolium Native to China and Japan #2 potted flowering.

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Presentation on theme: "Potted Plant Productions Chrysanthemums. Introduction Dendranthema grandiflora or Chrysanthemum morifolium Native to China and Japan #2 potted flowering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potted Plant Productions Chrysanthemums

2 Introduction Dendranthema grandiflora or Chrysanthemum morifolium Native to China and Japan #2 potted flowering plant Grown year round Bright, Colorful, large variety, live long, & EASY TO GROW

3 Cultivars Many types 1. Decorative 2. Daisy 3. Pompon 4. Fugi 5. Spider 6. Spoon tip 7. Anemone Colors 1. Yellow 2. White 3. Pink 4. Bronze Response periods 8, 9, & 10 weeks


5 Propagation Usually purchased from specialty grower 1 cutting/4.5” pot 2-3/5-5.5”pot 4-5/6”pot Azalea pots are used Planted at 45° angle to allow for more room to grow

6 Propagation Cuttings bought can be rooted and unrooted Unrooted cuttings are: –stuck directly in finishing pot –watered in –placed under mist –as time progresses mist intervals lessen –romoved from mist when well rooted

7 Growth Requirements Media- 1. Well drained 2. Well aerated 3. Sterile 4. High water holding capacity 5. pH of 6.0-6.5 Water - 1. Requires LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of H2O 2. Don’t allow to wilt 3. Subsurface irrigation prefered

8 Growth Requirements Fertilizer - 1. HEAVY FEEDERS 2. Begin when roots develop 3. Constant liquid feed of 300-400ppm N&P 4. Reduce during final stages of growth Temperature - 1. Starting mum temp –65-68°F at night – 70-75°F during the day 2. After a few weeks temps should be –Night - 62-65°F –Day -65-70°F

9 Growth Requirements Light High light intensity Short days for flowers Long days for vegetative growth Night interuption is used to create long days 10 fc of light from 10pm-2am Short days can be created by pulling a black cloth from 5pm-8am

10 Growth Requirements Pinching- –Will increase the number of flowers –can be done when a good root system has developed and 3/4”-1” of new growth –12-14 days after planting –Soft pinch leaving 6-8 leaves Bud Removal –There are Three types Disbudding Center bud removal Multiple bud removal

11 Disbudding Improves the size & quality of the flower Remove all lateral buds Leave only terminal bud Do as soon as buds can be handled

12 Center Bud Removal Improves flower placement Minimizes “clubby spray formation” Remove terminal bud only Do as soon as terminal bud separates from lateral

13 Multiple Bud Removal Creates a fuller plant Second soft pinch Done 2-3 weeks after first pinch remove 1/4”

14 Growth requirements Height control –most commonly controlled with B-nine –2 weeks after pinching –rate of 2500-5000ppm –depends on cultivar grown

15 Problems Insects - –Aphids –Fungas gnats –White fly –Thrip –Leaf miners –Spider mite –Can be controlled by IPM system Diseases - –Stem rot –Foliar pathogenms –Can be controlled by fungicide drench, keeping humidity down and maintainingn dry foliage

16 Problems Physiological - –Heat delay - delay of flowering due to heat. Minimized by using heat tolerant cultivars, decreasing temps, increase ventilation –Uneven flowering - cause by leaks in black cloth, high temps, low light, ethylene –Neckiness- elongated stem below flower. Controlled by B-nine, 1-3 days after disbuding

17 Post Harvest & Handleing Maximize light levels Stop fetilizer 3-4 weeks before marketing Lower temps 2-3 weeks before sales Ship plants cool Ship when 1/2 - 2/3 open

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