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2012 CoDR Nitric Oxide and Piezo Dust Detector Probe Conceptual Design Review Virginia Tech Presented by Stephen Noel November 18, 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 CoDR Nitric Oxide and Piezo Dust Detector Probe Conceptual Design Review Virginia Tech Presented by Stephen Noel November 18, 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 CoDR Nitric Oxide and Piezo Dust Detector Probe Conceptual Design Review Virginia Tech Presented by Stephen Noel November 18, 2011 1

2 2012 CoDR CoDR Presentation Content 2 Section 1: Mission Overview –Implementation of Piezo Dust Detector and Nitric Oxide Sensor in High Altitude –Theory and Concepts –Successful Data Collection, Storage, and Transmission Section 2: Design Overview –Design Overview –Functional Block Diagrams –Payload Layout –Shared Deck Space Plan

3 2012 CoDR CoDR Presentation Contents Section 3: Management –Team Organization –Schedule –Budget –Mentors (Faculty, industry) Section 4: Conclusions 3

4 2012 CoDR Mission Overview Utilize Nitric Oxide sensor for NO concentration data collection in high altitudes –IMU data to accompany NO data –Optimal senor orientation –Successful data transmission and storage –Mechanical and thermal securing for reentry Successful implementation of Piezo Dust Detector and collection of space dust impact energy readings for Baylor University –Optimal sensor orientation –Successful data transmission and storage –Mechanical and thermal securing for reentry 4

5 2012 CoDR Mission Overview: Theory and Concepts Nitric Oxide (NO) sensor –Measure concentration of NO as a function of altitude –Flight heritage in RockSat-C (NOIME) Piezo Dust Detector (PDD) –Collect measurements of velocity and energy from incoming dust particles –Existing flight heritage on UT satellite 5

6 2012 CoDR Mission Overview: Theory and Concepts (PDD) 6

7 2012 CoDR Mission Overview: Mission Requirements Project requirements –The system shall conform to the requirements set forth in the 2011 RockSat-X User Guide –System shall meet power transmission requirements to sensors –System shall transmit data via NASA Wallops telemetry –System should orient NO sensor for optimal data collection –System shall collect data from PDD sensor –System should mechanically and thermally secure sensors and integral components for reentry and recovery Minimum success criteria –NO data should be consistent with current global models –Shall gain flight heritage for PDD sensor 7

8 2012 CoDR Preliminary ConOps (for Terrier-Orion) t ≈ TBD Altitude: ~100 km PDD On t ≈ 15 min Splash Down t ≈ TBD Altitude: TBD Skirt Released -G switch triggered -NO and IME sensors on -Begin data collection t = 0 min t ≈ 4.0 min Altitude: 95 km Engage Reentry Shield Apogee t ≈ 2.8 min Altitude: ≈115 km End of Orion Burn t ≈ 0.6 min Altitude: 52 km t ≈ 4.5 min Altitude: 75 km Reentry Altitude t ≈ 5.5 min Chute Deploys

9 2012 CoDR Mission Overview: Expected Results 9 Nitric Oxide concentrations in high altitude Correlating to Dr. Bailey’s preliminary data Compare to NOIME results Will get clarification from Dr. Bailey on expected results Energy and velocity readings of dust particles in space Correlating to Baylor University’s preliminary data Will get clarification from Baylor University on expected results

10 2012 CoDR Design Overview 10 Utilizing NO sensor and IMU from NOIME (RockSat-C flight heritage) –NO sensor collects wavelength data around 220nm –IMU collects acceleration, angular rate, and magnetic field data Collecting space dust velocity and energy with PDD –Little flight heritage

11 2012 CoDR Data Collection Block Diagram 11 Nitric Oxide Sensor Dust Particle Sensor Inertial Measurement Unit ADC Onboard Computer Wallops Data BusFlash Storage Power

12 2012 CoDR FBD – Mechanical System (rough diagram) 12

13 2012 CoDR Design Overview: RockSat-X 2011 User’s Guide Compliance 13 Mass Estimate –Same instruments as NOIME plus PDD –Will work with UW to keep from exceeding mass constraint No expectation of exceeding allotted physical space requirements No deployables or booms expected All telemetry lines (asynchronous, parallel, and 10 bit 0-5V A/D) will have to be shared with UW Will likely use two power/timer lines –PDD should be powered on sometime after launch (NO probe has no known constraint) Since this payload will share a power and telemetry lines with UW, will work with UW’s constraints to divide utilities efficiently for both projects CG requirements –Will restrict the CG to within 1 inch of the center of the deck May need to use batteries for extra power –TBD

14 2012 CoDR Design Overview: Shared Can Logistics 14 Payload area will be shared with UW –The AstroX team strives to test an electrically active heat shield prototype Plan for collaboration –Team leads will stay in contact via email –Solidworks models, mass budgets, power budgets, etc. will be shared through a drop box account

15 2012 CoDR Management 15 Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin Shinpaugh Team Leader: Stephen Noel Power: Jake Aberman Brian McCarthy Matt Clark Juan Ojeda Command, Control, and Data Handling: Louis Cirillo Jay Lee Instrumentation: Jason Duane Peter McDonald Mark Godine Matt Clark Juan Ojeda Diwas Thapa Mechanical and CAD: Charlie Vasko AJ Jones Mike Mascaro Ryan Hatton Graduate Advisor: Robbie Robertson Faculty Advisor: Dr. Troy Henderson

16 2012 CoDR Management - Preliminary Schedule for the Semester 16

17 2012 CoDR Management 17 Monetary budget –Most components are being used from last year’s RockSat-C mission –Free in-house shop time at VT –Other components TBD Team mentors –Dr. Kevin Shinpaugh –Dr. Troy Henderson –Dr. Scott Bailey

18 2012 CoDR This mission will provide useful data of NO concentration in the upper atmosphere and velocity and energy of dust particles in space –Will also provide flight experience to these two sensors Must work closely with UW and work within their mission constraints since they are further along in the design process Way forward –Investigate power and data storage/transmission needs for all known components and sensors Conclusion 18

19 2012 CoDR Conclusion 19

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