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Puyallup Strategic Plan to Resolve Homelessness.

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1 Puyallup Strategic Plan to Resolve Homelessness



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5 419165 Nationally, 40% of homeless children are under the age of 5

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11 Create Citizen Advisory Board to review community funding applications and make recommendations to Council. Fund a part-time contracted Grant Writer In addition to funds currently assigned for human social service programs, the City of Puyallup sets a goal to assign 1% of general fund for assistance to reducing homelessness within 4 years, and annually thereafter.

12 Implement affordable housing incentives into the Land Use Code within 4 year time frame. Partner with Puyallup School District and other local schools to enhance programs serving families with children.

13 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2011 Budget Salaries, Wages, Benefits Supplies Other Services / Charges Intergov’t Services Capital Undistributed Savings / One time adjustments Transfers – Debt / Other Street Maintenance City Hall Equipment Replaced Activity Ctr Equipment Replaced Library Replacement Equipment Rental Replacements IT &C Equipment Replacements $ 22,183,101 1,542,8265,540,802134,419140,959(404,018)5,058,9701,000,00050,00023,30040,000567,319334,847 1% of General Fund = $360,000

14 Service Providers Jaime Anderson-Development Director, Helping Hand House Carlista Barttels – Freezing Nights Volunteer Bill Bowers – Executive Director, One Another Foundation Greta Brackman-Freezing Nights Program Coordinator Bev Casio-Coordinator Open Hearth Ministry Mary DeForrest-Acting Coordinator Open Hearth Ministry David Curry-Executive Director Rescue Mission Carol Doolittle-Greater Lakes Mental Health PATH Team Bonnie Goddard-Freezing Nights Volunteer Charlene Hamblen-Executive Director, Share and Care House Denny Hunthausen, Agency Director, Catholic Community Services Marie Layton-Former Director of Social Services Puyallup Salvation Army Sherry Phinisey-Executive Director, Love INC Sister Pat Michalek-St. Francis House Chris Morton-Executive Director, Associated Ministries Joe O’Neil-Executive Director, Exodus Housing Tulin Ozdeger- National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty Eileen Paterno-Director, All Saints Community Services Kim Randall-Freezing Nights Coordinator Jerri Rennaker-Greater Lakes Mental Health PATH Team Nola Renz-Executive Director Helping Hand House Patricia Saunders- Greater Lakes Mental Health PATH Team Phyllis Smith- Freezing Nights Coordinator Eric Tars- National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty Casey Trupin-Attorney Columbia Legal Services Martin Warr-Freezing Nights Coordinator Janet Warr-Freezing Nights Volunteer Puyallup Homeless Coalition Churches Rev. Ann Berney-United Methodist Church Dr. Mark von Ehrenkrook- Baptist General Conference Rev. Chris & Lisa Hansler Celebration Center Rev. Art Hunt- Lighthouse Christian Center Rev. Ron Kempe- Evengelical Lutheran Church in America Sean Langdon- Puyallup Community of Christ Rev. Janet Leonard -United Methodist Church,Open Hearth Ministry Rev. Dr. James Lewis-Retired, United Methodist Church, Puyallup Rev. Gary Mathison-United Presbyterian Church USA Father Woody McCalister- Roman Catholic Church Rev. Ron Peretti-Hope Center Church Rev. David Rhodes- Nazarene Church Rev. Bill Robey-Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Amy Schweim-Missouri Synod Lutheran Rev. Larry M. Warren-United Methodist Church Rev. Susan L. Watkins-United Presbyterian Church USA Businesses Craig Beetham-Attorney Eisenhauer Law Firm, Tacoma Rick Brunaugh-Pacific Resource Development Inc. Janice Carter –Charlie’s Restaurant Bobbie Petrone Chipman-Co-managing Broker, Coldwell Banker, Puyallup Jerry Gintz-Gintz Accounting & Tax Inc. Tom Jacobs-Attorney, Jacobs and Jacobs Mary Johnson- Johnson Jewelers, Puyallup Vanjie LaGesse- Puyallup Custom Frame and Art Bill McMeekin-VP Student Svcs. Pierce College Dr. Ovideo Penalver-Pediatrician Teresa Suprek-Charlie’s Restaurant Concerned Citizens Peter Andrews Vicky Beetham Debra Brackman Ron and Becky McCorkle Paul Casio Shirley Cox Bob Kastama Diane Kastama James Kenney Rick Scott Steve Vermillion


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