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Armando Rech Filho, Dr. e-Citizen: Why Waiting for the Governments? TCGOV 2005 – Toward Electronic Democracy The Challenge Ahead.

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Presentation on theme: "Armando Rech Filho, Dr. e-Citizen: Why Waiting for the Governments? TCGOV 2005 – Toward Electronic Democracy The Challenge Ahead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Armando Rech Filho, Dr. e-Citizen: Why Waiting for the Governments? TCGOV 2005 – Toward Electronic Democracy The Challenge Ahead

2 Key issues for Electronic Democracy: Public services delivered according to citizen's needs Citizen influence in public policies construction Tranparency of government decisions and expenditures

3 What Citizens are looking for: Controlling the relationship with governments, as they do with private organizations: time, place and way; Not caring about the complexity of public structure: departments, levels, interactions Being unique dealing with an unique state Having services according to their needs

4 The State of Art in e-Gov: Integrated portals focused on services, not on state structure Navigation oriented to life events, according to the mental model of the individuals Integrated autenthication for the citizen Integration of the new portals with legacy systems

5 Citizen BUREAUCRATIC PROCESS 1 BUREAUCRATIC PROCESS 2 Citizen Web Portal Typical public services: Web Portal

6 A new vision for public services: Underlying Back-Office Application BUREAUCRATIC PROCESS 1 BUREAUCRATIC PROCESS 2 e-Government Portal Citizen

7 The findings of my research: e-Gov still privileges the state, not the citizen completion rates: Tax collecting 66% Drivers and Vehicles Control 78% Education 28% Healthcare 28% And: No integrated portals, No service oriented, No life events approach

8 Barriers are to be overcome, mainly: Cultural changes Political willingness The approach can be changed: e-Government is for Governments e-Citizen is for Citizens

9 Underlying Back-Office Application BUREAUCRATIC PROCESS 1 BUREAUCRATIC PROCESS 2 e-Citizen Portal Citizen Government Control PRIVATE SERVICE 1 PRIVATE SERVICE 2 A vision of e-Citizen portal:

10 Partnerships to improve the delivery of public services: Traditional approach: Government initiative Proposed approach:Society initiative breaking paradigms! not subverting the order!

11 Fostering issues for the new approach: a) Incorporation of non governmental services b) Society as the best partner to direct government investments c) Citizens's active voice in public policies without restrictions imposed by governments d) Government's effort focused on back-office systems

12 Fostering issues: e) Long term planning, accross governors mandates f) Funding by risk contracts with government g) Differentiated services with different prices h) Overcome difficulties imposed by organizational culture i) Overcome political unwillingness

13 The future work, a business model that addresses: Legal issues in each country Political negotiation with government levels Institutional involvement of all areas of government Funding the project and operation

14 Toward e-Citizen is the great challenge ahead... that will contribute for the effective democracy! Thanks

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